Write-in Votescotty 2024
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Forwarded from No Agenda Ghetto
Shabandar Cafe

The Legacy of War
Episode 1
The Lingering Poison

War is A Feast of Death

Big Story

Note: In March 1917, British forces captured the Vilayet province of Baghdad. On March 5, 2007, the Shabandar Cafe was blown up by a car bomb during the U.S. military occupation of Iraq.

The centralized control of Fiat currency and Login.gov will be the tools used by the Title 28 United States Federal Corporation to attempt to enslave all Americans and place them into the World Health Organization's U.S. Death Camps.

The Social Security Administration, VA and the IRS are well on track according to the House Oversight Subcommittee Hearing.

Where is the app? Which mobile device will be certified? Apple?

The Answer

Only through education can you and your local Sheriff put a stop to this long Train of abuses and to provide new guards.
April Update

The North American Union was their first attempt in the early 2000s. That failed.

And now, in 2023, the Title 28 United States Federal Corporation wants every American to be using a Central Bank Digital Currency CBDC under the codes, ordinances, statutes, policies and regulations of the World Health Organization WHO, with an account at Login.gov and a "microscopic tag" implanted into our body.

It's time to remember 1955, Rosa Parks was charged with violating "Chapter 6, Section 11 of the Montgomery City Code" which concerned segregation on city buses. A city ordinance.

They are not laws.
How do you compare Net Asset Value, Net Liability Value and Net Numismatic Value?

What kind of Alice in Wonderland are Americans living in when they are not aware that gold and silver are legal tender now?

The Texas legislature SB 1558 March 3, 2023 would make gold and silver legal tender in the state of Texas?

Gold and silver is written into the Constitution of the United States of America as "gold and silver coin legal".

Article 1. Section 10.

The President Ronald Reagan Grace Commission Report is a 656 page two-volume summary report. There is also a Congressional hearing.

"100 percent of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal debt."
In Order to Secure these Rights

Coming soon...
"End the Corrupt Merger of State and Corporate Power"

RFK: Read about the United States Federal Corporation in Title 28 of the U.S. Code. There is no state power, there is only corporate power now.

Donald Trump was the President of the United States Federal Corporation. Did he know about this?

Joe Biden is the President of the United States Federal Corporation now. Does he know about this? The only thing on his mind is getting a "microscopic tag" implanted into every human on earth. This is a fact.
Do you print money? What is the "price of money"? What does it mean to be $31.7 trillion dollars in debt? Trillion?
Forwarded from No Agenda Ghetto
The Coming Money Trust
The Octopus "Aldrich Plan"

"Let's Please Stop Calling Dollars Fiat Money"

Brendan Greeley
July 2, 2021

Book Review: U.S. Money vs. Corporation Money (1912)
by Alfred Owen Crozier

May 13, 2021
by John Titus


The Clear App by Alclear at clearme.com website is one step closer to Login.gov

Your telephone is not a Free Speech platform you could go to prison for something you say on your phone.

Ask the Proud Boys. They are in jail for talking in the phone and using SMS text messages.
Forwarded from No Agenda Reset
Treason at the U.S. Special Activities Center

Political Action Group. The FBI covers up their activity.

on Rumble
1940-1944 Paris During the Occupation The Untold Story of the German Soldiers

Four years of German occupation of Paris.


At the beginning of this geopolitical world game, the Great Game,  it was Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchhill, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Emperor Hirohito that were the pieces on the global chessboard at the beginning of World War II.

At the end of World War II, Roosevelt, Churchhill and Stalin were the only pieces left on the board.

After 1991 when the USSR ceased to exist, NATO (Roosevelt and Churchhill) began an operation to completely remove Stalin from the board.

The years 2014 to 2022 is a time of a major effort that was escalated to complete this process.

Welcome to 2023. The Great Game continues.

House Vol. 169
State of Our Union

The chair recognizes the Gentleman from Wisconsin. Mr. Grothman.

"Making an effort to end this war"

"One world government types"

"Don't seem to be bothered by this war"

Search the Congressional Record:

"World government"
Search within: treason
How do you like being a subject of the Crown?

Americans declared independence from the king in 1776. At least this is what we were meant to believe. That is until the truth was revealed in the 21st century through mass communication of the internet.

We Americans have been a subject of the queen until her death and a new king is now on the British throne.

How is that going to go?
Forwarded from No Agenda Ghetto
Media is too big
Press Conference
World Health Organization

Anna Luna

Note: Did anyone notice that this is a homemade video? A homemade video made by the U.S. House of Representatives Oversight Committee because the mainstream media was not interested in what they had to say. What does that tell you?

Next Monday and every Monday.

Meet the Jitsi Meet App developers in  Thecall

One Monday the brains behind the code are on the call and the next Monday it is a community open forum.

Every Monday
11:30 AM
New York time


Download the Jitsi Meet App on your mobile device. The room:  Thecall

Jitsi Meet is an open source alternative to zoom.
At Bitcoin 2023 GA Day 1, Q Ghaemi says: "Read The Sovereign Individual"

The Sovereign Individual: How to Survive and Thrive During the Collapse of the Welfare State
by James Dale Davidson

The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age
by James Dale Davidson

The Great Reckoning

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Revising the Definition of Money

Senate Bill No. 7054

"Revising the definition of the term money for the purposes of the Uniform Commercial Code"

UCC Section 671.201 is changed effective July 1 for 2023 year. Here is the text of the new Florida Statute.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:

(25) "Money" means a medium of exchange that is currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government. The term includes a monetary unit of account established by an intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more countries. The term does not include a central Bank Digital currency.

Approved by the Governor of the State of Florida May 12, 2023
