Write-in Votescotty 2024
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Weaponization of the banking system. Now Weaponization of the internet. Russia and China have had enough. Stay away from DARPA social media "Narrative Networks".
Video Call

FREE pro-bono Constitutional advice that will protect you from the Microscopic Tag.

Every Wednesday

Voter Meetups

Stop Network Based Wars. Please join our next Wednesday Afternoon Video Call to learn how you can easily find out if your elected official follows the 1787 Constitution.

Video Call
Every Wednesday
12:00 noon EST


Comment below if you need help.
Forwarded from Write-in Party
Restore the 4th
Alex Marthews

Free Training Video Call available.

Comment below if you are interested.
Track 31
Carpenter, Bob
Kent State
May 4, 1970

There are only two classes of people in the world. You are either making or creating orphans and widows.

The other category is that you are helping orphans and widows.

Which one are you?
Step 5

"No legitimate lawful Constitutional governance in this state by which the Citizens can obtain lawful remedy for the injuries they have sustained."

Is this true?
Learn the Constitution
on Rumble


Documentary: On These Grounds

A white school police officer in South Carolina pulls a black teenager from her school desk and drags her across the floor.

Learn the 1787 Constitution for FREE

The Genocide of Native Indians begins.

March 4, 1681, King Charles II signed a Charter giving over land ownership from the North Atlantic Ocean Coast to Sir William Penn. Graystones July 15, 1682. Pennsylvania.

The 1783 Treaty of Paris on September 3, 1783 officially ended the American Revolutionary War

Americans Warned of Jesuitism the Jesuits Unveiled
Chapter II
Aim of the Jesuits in the United States
Page 32

Civil War Reconstruction

United States Federal Corporation

PBS Open Mind

LBJ Federal Civil Rights Legislation

Bill Moyers

PBS Open Mind

Netflix Documentary
Amend: The Fight for America
6 Episodes

Imagining an America that is capable of change and growth. Important lessons about Freedom in America. Every American should know this material well.

"Dead people voting can be a problem, ignorant people voting is a problem."

America, where the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and any law contrary to it is null and void.

America, where standing up to a government which abuses the rights of the People is no less patriotic than standing up to the King of England in the American Revolution.


Everyone must avoid the U.S. D.C. Communist Party.
World Health Organization
Global Strategy on Digital Health

The first Great Reset in North America was the Genocide of the Native Indians beginning 1500s.

The second Great Reset in North America was the Genocide during the Civil War and the reconstruction afterwards.

The third Great Reset in North America was the Genocide which began in 2020 but this time it will be global and the 15 minute cities are the new Indian reservations.

The government Representatives in the Roman Republic were aristocratic and only cared about the rich, and the members of society were so politically inmature they could not even talk at public meetings. Is this America today? This is not what President Lincoln wanted for our nation. Lincoln wanted every American to be politically educated.

The UN, United Nations Secretary General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation is the 2020 version of President Lincoln's 1864 reconstruction plan where 10 percent of their male population took loyalty oaths to the Federal Congress.
Trump v. United States

U.S. Supreme Court

The President is protected by the U.S. Constitution and so are We the People.
Forwarded from No Agenda Ghetto
A DARPA Database of Americans

They are preparing for 1932 Bonus Army 2.0.

Whitney Webb with Redacted News.

Representative Steve Scalise sponsored House Resolution H.Res.5 The Reading of the Constitution into the Congressional Record.
U.S. Supreme Court
No.: 23-1073


"No President should fear public scrutiny of his program. For from that scrutiny comes understanding; and from that understanding comes support or opposition. And both are necessary. Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed -- and no republic can survive"
-- John F. Kennedy 1961
Benjamin Franklin

"The refusal of King George to allow the colonies to operate an honest Money system"

His face is on the $100 fiat note.

1862 $100 Dollar Bill

1914 $100 Federal Reserve Note
Forwarded from Kitco News
Media is too big
David Webb Presenting to the Tennessee House Legislature to the Civil Justice Subcommittee

UCC Codes. House Hearing Room III
Forwarded from No Agenda Ghetto
Media is too big
David Webb on the August 5 Markets Downturn and Immediate Recovery

Wallpapering over the real problem that the global banks officially failed in 2008 and have never recovered.


Europeon Parliament and Commission to Debate the War in Gaza

Saint Stephen was the first Martyr. Acts Chapter 6.
Forwarded from No Agenda Ghetto
War Crimes

What conflict does to us - Recollections from the Iraq War.

Every 10 minutes there is an American missile and death is inevitable.

Us & Them
DW Documentary