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Aproveitando alguns prazeres da eterna Cidade Luz e pensando na minha amiga @aline_maciel!
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#video #porai #around #paris #food #behappy
Forwarded from Você Maravilhosa (Maravilhosa)
🇬🇧 #trip #around #aroundtheworld #behappy

Train Around the World

Do you know that dream of taking a trip back to the world?

For the novel devised by Jules Verne in 1873 may become a reality. It's better, by train.

The 26-day trip passes 3 continents and 15 cities on 5 different trains. Can it be more epic? The program, developed by Train & Tours - Lufthansa City Center, will cross the tracks of European and Asian continents and North America over 16,000 kilometers, from Paris to Toronto.

The screenplay starts on August 29 in Paris, where participants will meet the accompanying guide and all the staff at a special dinner in the restaurant Le Ciel de Paris, located at the top of the Montparnasse Tower.

After a full day aboard the Paris-Moscow Express train, passengers will arrive in the Russian capital. After two days of sightseeing and activities, the next boarding will be on the train that will take you to the discovery of the legendary Trans-Siberian Railroad, with more than 100 years of history. In addition to the stunning scenery along the route as the Ural Mountains, which mark the geographical border between Europe and Asia, the immensity of Siberia and the breathtaking Lake Balkal.

After traversing the Russian territory, the journey continues through Mongolia.
The introduction to the authentic Chinese culture will begin on the boarding of the Trans Mongolian train, a 36-hour journey across the plains of the Gobi Desert, without stops, until arriving in Beijing.

In the second leg of the trip, participants will cross the ocean in flight to Vancouver, Canada, whose territory will be traveled from coast to coast on board two trains. In Jasper, passengers will board the Canadian train and travel to their final destination, Toronto.

A team will accompany the trip from start to finish. The group consists of a Brazilian guide, local guides for each city where there are stops for tours and constant management of the professionals of Trains & Tours - Lufthansa City Center .
Forwarded from Você Maravilhosa (Maravilhosa)
🇧🇷 Espelhos refletem a luz do sol

Não bastassem as belezas naturais e o fato de ser um patrimônio mundial da Unesco, Rijukan, uma pequena cidade localizada em Telemark, na Noruega, atrai muitos turistas por um outro motivo. Por estar localizada em um vale, cercado por montanhas, durante o inverno a cidade sofria com a sobra e por volta do meio-dia já estava no escuro. Para resolver esta situação, foram instalados enormes espelhos que refletem a luz do sol e proporcionam mais horas de claridade para a população local. Distante apenas 2h30 de carro da capital Oslo, tem cenários perfeitos para os mais diversos tipos de atividades, como ciclismo, escalada, trekking, bungee jump, tirolesa, canoagem, natação, esqui, pescaria, cavalgada e muito mais.
#porai #viagem #rijukan #noruega

🇬🇧 Mirrors reflect the sunlight

Natural beauties and the fact of being a Unesco world heritage were not enough, Rijukan, a small town located in Telemark, Norway, is not enough to attract many tourists for another reason. Being located in a valley, surrounded by mountains, during the winter the city suffered with the surplus and by noon was already in the dark. To solve this situation, huge mirrors have been installed that reflect the sunlight and provide more hours of clarity for the local population. Just 2 hours away from the capital Oslo, it has perfect scenery for all kinds of activities such as cycling, climbing, trekking, bungee jumping, zip line, canoeing, swimming, skiing, fishing, horseback riding and much more.
#around #trip #rijukan #norway @vocemaravilhosa
​​🇧🇷Encanto no Deserto. No Marrocos, a vida volta no tempo, emoldurada por palacetes e aroma de especiarias

Com seus oásis e cidades históricas, o reino do Marrocos no norte da África, é daqueles lugares que fazem você se sentir num livro de história.
Em Marrakesh, um dos principais destinos no país, é possível se hospedar em antigos palacetes árabes que foram transformados em hotéis
. Vista-se como os marroquinos, com uma túnica colorida, e vivencie o ‘mil e uma noites’ que a cidade oferece. No centro histórico, encantadores de serpentes, curandeiros, músicos e contadores de histórias dão um banho de cultura na praça Djemaa El Fna. Uma vez em Marrocos, vale também conhecer o Deserto do Saara, ao sul. Alguns passeios incluem um jantar sob a luz das estrelas em tendas armadas nas dunas. No menu, azeitonas, cuscuz, açafrão e especiarias típicas. A beleza, a cultura e os aromas do reino são inspiração para muitas fragrâncias na indústria de cosméticos
#dicas #viagem #porai #africa #marrocos #saara

✈️ ✈️ ✈️

🇬🇧 Charm in the Desert. In Morocco, life goes back in time, framed by mansions and aroma of spices

With its oases and historic towns, the kingdom of Morocco in North Africa, is one of those places that make you feel in a history book.
In Marrakesh, one of the main destinations in the country, it is possible to stay in old Arabian palaces that have been transformed into hotels
. Dress like the Moroccans, with a colorful tunic, and experience the 'thousand and one nights' that the city offers. In the historic center, snake charmers, healers, musicians and storytellers take a shower in Djemaa El Fna . Once in Morocco, it is also worth knowing the Sahara Desert to the south. Some tours include dinner under the starlight in tents armed in the dunes . On the menu, olives, couscous, saffron and typical spices. The beauty, culture and aromas of the kingdom are the inspiration for many fragrances in the cosmetics industry.
#tips #travel #around #africa #morocco #sahara
Forwarded from Você Maravilhosa (Maravilhosa)
​​🇧🇷Encanto no Deserto. No Marrocos, a vida volta no tempo, emoldurada por palacetes e aroma de especiarias

Com seus oásis e cidades históricas, o reino do Marrocos no norte da África, é daqueles lugares que fazem você se sentir num livro de história.
Em Marrakesh, um dos principais destinos no país, é possível se hospedar em antigos palacetes árabes que foram transformados em hotéis
. Vista-se como os marroquinos, com uma túnica colorida, e vivencie o ‘mil e uma noites’ que a cidade oferece. No centro histórico, encantadores de serpentes, curandeiros, músicos e contadores de histórias dão um banho de cultura na praça Djemaa El Fna. Uma vez em Marrocos, vale também conhecer o Deserto do Saara, ao sul. Alguns passeios incluem um jantar sob a luz das estrelas em tendas armadas nas dunas. No menu, azeitonas, cuscuz, açafrão e especiarias típicas. A beleza, a cultura e os aromas do reino são inspiração para muitas fragrâncias na indústria de cosméticos
#dicas #viagem #porai #africa #marrocos #saara

✈️ ✈️ ✈️

🇬🇧 Charm in the Desert. In Morocco, life goes back in time, framed by mansions and aroma of spices

With its oases and historic towns, the kingdom of Morocco in North Africa, is one of those places that make you feel in a history book.
In Marrakesh, one of the main destinations in the country, it is possible to stay in old Arabian palaces that have been transformed into hotels
. Dress like the Moroccans, with a colorful tunic, and experience the 'thousand and one nights' that the city offers. In the historic center, snake charmers, healers, musicians and storytellers take a shower in Djemaa El Fna . Once in Morocco, it is also worth knowing the Sahara Desert to the south. Some tours include dinner under the starlight in tents armed in the dunes . On the menu, olives, couscous, saffron and typical spices. The beauty, culture and aromas of the kingdom are the inspiration for many fragrances in the cosmetics industry.
#tips #travel #around #africa #morocco #sahara
Forwarded from Você Maravilhosa (Helena 🕎 הלנה)
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Impossível não compartilhar tanta beleza! ❤️
#gratidao #pic #collage #porai #around #paris #street #behappy