Venus Governance Watch
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Watching governance proposals (VIP) of Venus Protocol
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🟩 VIP-356 can be executed!
VIP-356 has been executed!

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🔵 Created VIP-357
Proposal type: Normal
Proposer: Dev Team

VIP-357 Extend accessibility to the risk funds
If passed, this VIP will upgrade the RiskFund contract, enabling funds to be extracted through Fast-track and Critical VIPs, in addition to the current method of using Normal VIPs.

Moreover, this VIP would authorize the Venus Governance to liquidate the BNB Exploiter account via any type of VIP’s, and to change the percentage of the liquidation fee for the protocol with Fast-track and Critical VIP’s. This would effectively allow Venus to be the liquidator of that account and to keep the seized BNB supplied to Venus.

#### Security and additional considerations

We applied the following security procedures for this upgrade:

* Audits: Certik has audited the changes in the RiskFund contract.
* VIP execution simulation: in a simulation environment, validating the new implementation works as expected
* Deployment on testnet: the same contract has been deployed to BNB testnet, and used in the Venus Protocol testnet deployment

#### Audit reports

* Certik audit report - 2024/08/26

#### Deployed contracts

* New RiskFund implementation on BNB Chain
* New RiskFund implementation on BNB testnet

#### References

* VIP simulation
* Execution on testnet

Active until: 29.08.2024 13:47 UTC
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📋 VIP actions:
0x6beb6d2695b67feb73ad4f172e8e2975497187e4.upgrade (RiskFund, 0x7ef5abbcc9a701e728beb7afd4fb5747fab15a28)
AccessControlManager.giveCallPermission (RiskFund, "sweepTokenFromPool(address,address,address,uint256)", Timelock_48h)
AccessControlManager.giveCallPermission (RiskFund, "sweepTokenFromPool(address,address,address,uint256)", Timelock_6h)
AccessControlManager.giveCallPermission (RiskFund, "sweepTokenFromPool(address,address,address,uint256)", Timelock_1h)
AccessControlManager.giveCallPermission (Liquidator, "setTreasuryPercent(uint256)", Timelock_6h)
AccessControlManager.giveCallPermission (Liquidator, "setTreasuryPercent(uint256)", Timelock_1h)
Liquidator.addToAllowlist (0x489a8756c18c0b8b24ec2a2b9ff3d4d447f79bec, Timelock_48h)
Liquidator.addToAllowlist (0x489a8756c18c0b8b24ec2a2b9ff3d4d447f79bec, Timelock_6h)
Liquidator.addToAllowlist (0x489a8756c18c0b8b24ec2a2b9ff3d4d447f79bec, Timelock_1h)
☑️ VIP-357 has quorum: FOR 656517 votes
🟩 VIP-357 succeded, should be queued
🟢 VIP-357 has been queued!
Established time 31.08.2024 13:53 UTC

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🔵 Created VIP-358
Proposal type: Normal
Proposer: Dev Team

VIP-358 XVS bridge between zkSync Era and BNB Chain, Ethereum, Arbitrum one and opBNB
#### Summary

Following the community proposal Deploy Venus Protocol on ZKsync Era, and the associated snapshot, if passed, this VIP configures the bridge contract between zkSync Era and the supported networks (BNB Chain, Ethereum, Arbitrum one, opBNB) using LayerZero (snapshot). After the execution, it will be possible to send XVS from zkSync Era to any supported network and vice versa.

#### Description

If passed, this VIP will perform the following actions, following the Chaos labs recommendations:

* Link the bridge contract on zkSync Era with the bridges on the different supported networks, setting the trustworthiness relationships
* Configuration of limits (they could be updated in the future with a new VIP):
* Maximum bridged XVS in a single transaction: 20,000 USD
* Maximum bridged XVS in 24 hours: 100,000 USD
* Mintable XVS on zkSync Era: 500,000 XVS
* Governance is whitelisted, so it could bridge any amount of XVS to/from zkSync Era

The bridge contracts use LayerZero, specifically the Omnichain Fungible Token V2 standard:

* BNB chain → zkSync Era: XVS tokens are locked in BNB Chain bridge contract, and minted on zkSync Era
* zkSync Era → BNB chain: XVS tokens are burnt on zkSync Era, and released on BNB Chain
* zkSync Era opBNB/Ethereum/Arbitrum one: XVS tokens are burnt on the source network, and minted on the destination network

The Venus UI includes a section to allow the bridge of XVS tokens from a web user interface. A detailed technical guide is provided in the Venus official documentation site, to bridge XVS tokens directly interacting with the contracts.

#### Security and additional considerations

We applied the following security procedures for this upgrade:

* Audits: Certik, Peckshield and Quantstamp have audited the deployed code. Moreover, the LayerZero team reviewed the design and the code directly related to the bridge.
* VIP execution simulation: in a simulation environment, validating the bridge is properly configured after the execution
* Deployment on testnet: the same bridge has been deployed to testnet, and used in the Venus Protocol testnet environment

#### Audit reports

* Certik audit report (2023/December/26)
* Quantstamp audit report (2023/December/19)
* Peckshield audit report (2023/October/20)

#### Deployed contracts on zkSync Era

* XVSBridgeAdmin: 0x2471043F05Cc41A6051dd6714DC967C7BfC8F902
* XVSProxyOFTDest: 0x16a62B534e09A7534CD5847CFE5Bf6a4b0c1B116
* XVS: 0xD78ABD81a3D57712a3af080dc4185b698Fe9ac5A
* Guardian: 0x751Aa759cfBB6CE71A43b48e40e1cCcFC66Ba4aa

#### Bridge contract on the rest of supported networks

* Ethereum
* BNB Chain
* opBNB
* Arbitrum one

#### References

* Repository
* VIP simulation
* Chaos labs recommendations about the deployment on zkSync Era
* Documentation

#### Disclaimer for Ethereum, opBNB, Arbitrum one and zkSync Era commands
Privilege commands on Ethereum, opBNB, Arbitrum one and zkSync Era will be executed by the Guardian wallets (Ethereum, opBNB, Arbitrum, zkSync Era), until the Multichain Governance contracts are fully enabled. If this VIP passes, this, this, this and this multisig transactions will be executed. Otherwise, they will be rejected.

Active until: 30.08.2024 15:08 UTC
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📋 VIP actions:
XVSBridgeAdmin.setTrustedRemoteAddress (165, 0x16a62b534e09a7534cd5847cfe5bf6a4b0c1b116)
XVSBridgeAdmin.setMinDstGas (165, 0, 300000)
XVSBridgeAdmin.setMaxDailyLimit (165, 50000000000000000000000)
XVSBridgeAdmin.setMaxSingleTransactionLimit (165, 10000000000000000000000)
XVSBridgeAdmin.setMaxDailyReceiveLimit (165, 51000000000000000000000)
XVSBridgeAdmin.setMaxSingleReceiveTransactionLimit (165, 10200000000000000000000)
☑️ VIP-358 has quorum: FOR 643689 votes
🟩 VIP-358 succeded, should be queued
🟢 VIP-358 has been queued!
Established time 01.09.2024 15:21 UTC

Tx details ℹ️
🔵 Created VIP-359
Proposal type: Normal
Proposer: Community Wallet

#### Summary

If passed this VIP will perform the following actions:

- Transfer 17,500 USDT to Certik for the retainer program
- Transfer 12,150 USDT to NodeReal for the Meganode Enterprise service (Web3 RPC endpoint)
- Transfer 24,000 USDC and 2 ETH to RedStone Oracles for Price feed Oracles payment and maintenance
- Refund 2,600 USDT to Community Wallet for zkSync Era deployment GAS Refund
- Refund 25,000 USDT to Community Wallet for zkSync Era bootstrap liquidity
- Refund 5,000 USDT to Community Wallet for the bootstrap liquidity of the WETH market on the Liquid Staked ETH pool, on Arbitrum one

#### Details

Certik - retainer program

- Auditor: Certik (
- Concept: Retainer program - monthly payment of September 2024. Audits performed by Certik in August: RiskFund upgrade and weETHAccountantOracle
- Cost: 17,500 USDT, to be sent to the BEP20 address 0x4cf605b238e9c3c72d0faed64d12426e4a54ee12

NodeReal - Meganode Enterprise

- Provider: NodeReal (
- Service: Meganode Enterprise ( for 5 months (April 2024 - July 2024). The Web3 RPC endpoints provided by NodeReal are used by the official Venus UI and several backend services to collect data from the different blockchains (BNB Chain, Ethereum, Arbitrum one, opBNB).
- Cost: 12,150 USDT (2,430 USDT per month), to be sent to the BEP20 address 0x3266be0289c57e09f18db689cfc34ed3efe995e8

RedStone Oracles

- Provider: RedStone (
- Service: XVS/USD price feeds on Arbitrum one and zkSync Era
- 1,000 USDC/month for the XVS/USD price feed on Arbitrum (12 months)
- 1,000 USDC/month for the XVS/USD price feed on zkSync Era (12 months)
- Cost: 24,000 USDC, to be sent to BEP20 address 0xe6B210F1299a3B0D74BfA24D678A9dC1e2a27e34
- Service: price feed updates of the XVS/USD feed on Ethereum
- Cost: 2 ETH, to be sent to the Community Wallet (0xc444949e0054a23c44fc45789738bdf64aed2391). These funds will be later sent to the RedStone ERC20 Wallet: 0xE76A94749f1Debb6a8823CDdf44f1e51CC95600e

Community Wallet Refund

- Refund 2,600 USDT converted to 1 ETH to the Community Wallet that was used for GAS to deploy Venus new contracts to zkSync Era
- Refund 25,000 USDT to the Community Wallet swapped to different assets for the provision of Venus zkSync bootstrap liquidity to the VTreasury on zkSync
- Refund 5,000 USDT to Community Wallet for the bootstrap liquidity of the WETH market on the Liquid Staked ETH pool, on Arbitrum one

#### References

- VIP simulation

Active until: 31.08.2024 15:23 UTC
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📋 VIP actions:
Treasury.withdrawTreasuryBEP20 (USDT, 17500000000000000000000, 0x4cf605b238e9c3c72d0faed64d12426e4a54ee12)
Treasury.withdrawTreasuryBEP20 (USDT, 12150000000000000000000, 0x3266be0289c57e09f18db689cfc34ed3efe995e8)
Treasury.withdrawTreasuryBEP20 (USDT, 32600000000000000000000, Community Wallet)
Treasury.withdrawTreasuryBEP20 (USDC, 24000000000000000000000, 0xe6b210f1299a3b0d74bfa24d678a9dc1e2a27e34)
Treasury.withdrawTreasuryBEP20 (ETH, 2000000000000000000, Community Wallet)
☑️ VIP-359 has quorum: FOR 743069 votes
🟩 VIP-357 can be executed!
VIP-357 has been executed!

Tx details ℹ️
🟩 VIP-359 succeded, should be queued
🟢 VIP-359 has been queued!
Established time 02.09.2024 15:35 UTC

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