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🏦 #Decentralized #Finance: The New Democratic #Financial #System?

📈 Are we dependent on centralized financial systems? At the latest since the financial crisis of 2008, this question has been on the agenda. After all, our existing #banking system is based on a few people making decisions that influence billions of people. But a #revolution is taking place in the financial world that could turn our entire existing system upside down: Decentralized Finance (#DeFi). The promise: #Decentralization and #democratization, #censorship #resistance and #transparency.
🌆 Relationship Between #Bitcoin and #Inflation

🎆 Encrypted with #cryptography and detailing solutions to the problems faced by previous #digital #currencies, such as transfer, storage and double-spending, Bitcoin proposed a program quite different from the traditional #financial #system
🎮 What is #Play to #Earn?

🕹 The #Play_to_Earn #system is used in many #NFT and #metaverse #games today. User’s farm or collect #tokens and #NFTs that they can convert into real #money as they play the #game.
🟠 What is #DEX that Challenges the Traditional #Financial #System?

🔴 What is a DEX compared to the centralized system we are used to? Decentralized #crypto #exchanges (#DEXs) are #blockchain-based applications that coordinate large-scale crypto #asset #trading among many users. These applications use fully automated #algorithms.
🏦 #Decentralized #Financial #System: No borders anymore

🖲 The idea behind it goes much further than just #Bitcoin. If implemented, #decentralized #finance would completely turn our entire financial and monetary system upside down, completely reshuffle the cards of power and influence, and thus operate beyond all previous barriers. A pure utopia? Possibly. Technically possible? Absolutely!