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#ташкент #rabbitmq #nginx #codeception #yii2 #laravel #postgres #php7 #restapi #js #es2018 #webpack #HTML5 #CSS3 #npm #reactjs #redux #ES2018 #reactnative #aws #azure #googlecloud

ZETSOFT LLC Inovatsion IT kompaniyasi qobiliyatli Backend va Frontend dasturchilarni doimiy ishga taklif qiladi.

Backend dasturchilariga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- PHP 7 ni OOP bilan effektiv ishlay olish
- Yii2 / Laravel bilan 2 yillik ish tajribasiga ega bo’lishi
- Ma'lumotlar bazasi bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Git va Linux Shell bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Ingliz tilini bilishi

Frontend dasturchilariga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3-4, JavaScript-ni yaxshi bilishi
- ReactJS, Redux, jQuery, ES2018 ni yaxshi bilishi
- Git, Npm, Webpack bilan ishlash tajribasi
- HTTP REST API bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Browser-Client o'zaro interaksiyasini tushunishi (REST, AJAX, WebSockets);
- Ingliz tilini bilishi

ZETSOFT kompaniyasida oylik ish haqi:
- Tajribaga qarab $800 dan $3200 gacha (qo’lga tegadigan summa)
- To'lov har oy yakunida yoki har 2 haftada amalga oshiriladi
- Qo’shimcha ish uchun qo’shimcha ish haqi hisoblanadi
- O'z vaqtida to'lovlar, stabil daromad olish imkoniyati yaratilgan
- O'zbekiston Respublikasi Mehnat Kodeksi asosida ishga qabul qilinadi
- Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun, ish haqi to’lanuvchi amaliyot tashkil qilingan
- Ish haqingizni sizning ish tezligingiz va effektivlik darajangizga qarab, avtomatik ravishda oshirib boriladi

ZETSOFT quyidagilarni ta'minlashga tayyor:
- Effektiv ishlash uchun barcha qulayliklarga ega, zamonaviy konditsionerlar bilan jihozlangan qulay va shinam ofis. Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti (IUT) yaqinida joylashgan.
- Zamonaviy tezkor kompyuterlar (2xSSD NVMe 240GB, Intel-Core i7 9900, Z390P, 2xHDD 1TB) va cheksiz trafikka ega yuqori tezlikdagi (42 Mb/s) internet.
- Xalqaro dasturiy loyihalar, murakkab va qiziqarli vazifalar
- Eng so'nggi va ilg'or dasturlash texnologiyalardan foydalanish
- Dasturlash jarayonini yaxshi anglab yetadigan raxbariyat
- Rivojlangan Yevropa, Osiyo davlatlari va AQShga xalqaro komandirovkalar
- Bilim va tajriba almashishga tayyor bo'lgan samimiy, do'stona va professional dasturchilar jamoasi.
- Kompaniya hududida bepul, sifatli va mazali tushliklar taqdim etiladi
- Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun murabbiylik dasturi, ya’ni bepul dasturlash kurslari, master-klasslar va treninglar o'tkaziladi, shuningdek ularga stipendiya ham to’lanadi.
- Doimiy rivojlanish va malaka oshirish imkoniyati (konferensiyalar, adabiyotlar, katta tajribaga ega kuchli professional komanda)

Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun ZETSOFTdan taklif
- ZETSOFT kompaniyasida foydalaniladigan eng so'nggi va ilg'or dasturlash texnologiyalardan bo’yicha bepul dasturlash kurslari, master-klasslar va treninglar o'tkaziladi.
- Barcha stajor/internlarga ularning bilim va ko'nikmalariga qarab 600 000 so'mdan 2 500 000 so'mgacha bo'lgan stipendiya (ish haqi) to'lanadi.
- Stajor/internlar real dasturiy proyektlarda ishtirok eta boshlashlari bilan, ish haqi miqdori, ularning proyektdagi o’rnidan kelib chiqqan holda, 3 baravardan 10 baravargacha oshiriladi.
- Amaliyotni muvaffaqiyatli tamomlagan nomzodlarga ZETSOFT kompaniyasida doimiy ish taklif etiladi.

Trening davomida barcha stajerlar ga bepul taqdim etiladi:
- Effektiv ishlash uchun barcha qulayliklarga ega, zamonaviy konditsionerlar bilan jihozlangan qulay va shinam ofis. Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti (IUT) yaqinida joylashgan.
- Zamonaviy tezkor kompyuterlar (1xSSD NVMe 240GB, Intel-Core i5 8400, Z390P, 2xHDD 1TB) va cheksiz trafikka ega yuqori tezlikdagi (20 Mb/s) internet.
- Kompaniya hududida bepul, sifatli va mazali tushliklar

Hurmat bilan,
ZETSOFT LLC asoschisi va bosh direktori
Asror Asqarovich Zakirov

Rezyume yoki CV yuborish:

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#remote #удаленно #javascript #react #reactjs #fintech
ReactJS developer needed for remote work $1000 - $2000

- Hands-on experience with React/Redux - 1 year minimum
- Minimum of 5 years of experience with JavaScript
- Expert in HTML5 and CSS3, including CSS methodologies & build tools
- Proficient in designing, building, consuming and documenting APIs
- Open-minded, open to receiving and providing constructive feedback, inclusive, collaborative, and always learning

We also like to see:
- Experience with a variety of frontend frameworks & libraries, devops, and programming languages - Redux Thunk/Saga, Immutable, Docker, AWS, Glamorous, VueJS, TypeScript, Ruby, Laravel, etc.
- Active members in the JavaScript community - organizing/attending Meetups, contributing to open-source projects, teaching, blogging and conference appearances
- Familiarity with design tools - Illustrator, Sketch, InVision, Principle, Framer or similar

What we offer:
- Work from home, your favorite coffee shop or from Bali. We also have a cozy office in Tashkent
- Employment with the official Uzbek branch of our company
- Pay between $1000 and $2000 depending on your experience
- Free English courses in our Tashkent office if you want to improve your communication skills
- We use Slack, JIRA, Harvest and other instruments
- Work on interesting international projects
- Work with a team of distributed professional team that follows industry’s best practices
- Gain international experience while staying in your hometown

Telegram @appliedlabs (please send your resume, link to GitHub or any other relevant information that will help us determine your fit for the vacancy)

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#Tashkent #rabbitmq #nginx #codeception #yii2 #laravel #postgres #php7 #restapi #js #es2018 #webpack #HTML5 #CSS3 #npm #reactjs #redux #ES2018 #reactnative #aws #azure #googlecloud

ZETSOFT LLC Inovatsion IT kompaniyasi qobiliyatli Backend va Frontend dasturchilarni doimiy ishga taklif qiladi.

Backend dasturchilariga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- PHP 7 ni OOP bilan effektiv ishlay olish
- Yii2 / Laravel bilan 2 yillik ish tajribasiga ega bo’lishi
- Ma'lumotlar bazasi bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Git va Linux Shell bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Ingliz tilini bilishi

Frontend dasturchilariga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3-4, JavaScript-ni yaxshi bilishi
- ReactJS, Redux, jQuery, ES2018 ni yaxshi bilishi
- Git, Npm, Webpack bilan ishlash tajribasi
- HTTP REST API bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Browser-Client o'zaro interaksiyasini tushunishi (REST, AJAX, WebSockets);
- Ingliz tilini bilishi

ZETSOFT kompaniyasida oylik ish haqi:
- Tajribaga qarab $800 dan $3200 gacha (qo’lga tegadigan summa)
- To'lov har oy yakunida yoki har 2 haftada amalga oshiriladi
- Qo’shimcha ish uchun qo’shimcha ish haqi hisoblanadi
- O'z vaqtida to'lovlar, stabil daromad olish imkoniyati yaratilgan
- O'zbekiston Respublikasi Mehnat Kodeksi asosida ishga qabul qilinadi
- Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun, ish haqi to’lanuvchi amaliyot tashkil qilingan
- Ish haqingizni sizning ish tezligingiz va effektivlik darajangizga qarab, avtomatik ravishda oshirib boriladi

ZETSOFT quyidagilarni ta'minlashga tayyor:
- Effektiv ishlash uchun barcha qulayliklarga ega, zamonaviy konditsionerlar bilan jihozlangan qulay va shinam ofis. Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti (IUT) yaqinida joylashgan.
- Zamonaviy tezkor kompyuterlar (2xSSD NVMe 240GB, Intel-Core i7 9900, Z390P, 2xHDD 1TB) va cheksiz trafikka ega yuqori tezlikdagi (42 Mb/s) internet.
- Xalqaro dasturiy loyihalar, murakkab va qiziqarli vazifalar
- Eng so'nggi va ilg'or dasturlash texnologiyalardan foydalanish
- Dasturlash jarayonini yaxshi anglab yetadigan raxbariyat
- Rivojlangan Yevropa, Osiyo davlatlari va AQShga xalqaro komandirovkalar
- Bilim va tajriba almashishga tayyor bo'lgan samimiy, do'stona va professional dasturchilar jamoasi.
- Kompaniya hududida bepul, sifatli va mazali tushliklar taqdim etiladi
- Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun murabbiylik dasturi, ya’ni bepul dasturlash kurslari, master-klasslar va treninglar o'tkaziladi, shuningdek ularga stipendiya ham to’lanadi.
- Doimiy rivojlanish va malaka oshirish imkoniyati (konferensiyalar, adabiyotlar, katta tajribaga ega kuchli professional komanda)

Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun ZETSOFTdan taklif
- ZETSOFT kompaniyasida foydalaniladigan eng so'nggi va ilg'or dasturlash texnologiyalardan bo’yicha bepul dasturlash kurslari, master-klasslar va treninglar o'tkaziladi.
- Barcha stajor/internlarga ularning bilim va ko'nikmalariga qarab 3 000 000 so'mgacha bo'lgan stipendiya (ish haqi) to'lanadi.
- Stajor/internlar real dasturiy proyektlarda ishtirok eta boshlashlari bilan, ish haqi miqdori, ularning proyektdagi o’rnidan kelib chiqqan holda, 3 baravardan 10 baravargacha oshiriladi.
- Amaliyotni muvaffaqiyatli tamomlagan nomzodlarga ZETSOFT kompaniyasida doimiy ish taklif etiladi.

Trening davomida barcha stajerlar ga bepul taqdim etiladi:
- Effektiv ishlash uchun barcha qulayliklarga ega, zamonaviy konditsionerlar bilan jihozlangan qulay va shinam ofis. Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti (IUT) yaqinida joylashgan.
- Zamonaviy tezkor kompyuterlar (1xSSD NVMe 240GB, Intel-Core i5 8400, Z390P, 2xHDD 1TB) va cheksiz trafikka ega yuqori tezlikdagi (20 Mb/s) internet.
- Kompaniya hududida bepul, sifatli va mazali tushliklar

O'tkazilgan masterclass va webinarlar barcha qiziquvchilar uchun bepul ravishda ZETSOFT kompaniyasi rasmiy Youtube kanalida joylashtirib boriladi:

Rezyume yoki CV yuborish:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
Forwarded from UzDev Jobs – IT Jobs
#Tashkent #rabbitmq #nginx #codeception #yii2 #laravel #postgres #php7 #restapi #js #es2018 #webpack #HTML5 #CSS3 #npm #reactjs #redux #ES2018 #reactnative #aws #azure #googlecloud

ZETSOFT LLC Inovatsion IT kompaniyasi qobiliyatli Backend va Frontend dasturchilarni doimiy ishga taklif qiladi.

Backend dasturchilariga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- PHP 7 ni OOP bilan effektiv ishlay olish
- Yii2 / Laravel bilan 2 yillik ish tajribasiga ega bo’lishi
- Ma'lumotlar bazasi bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Git va Linux Shell bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Ingliz tilini bilishi

Frontend dasturchilariga qo'yiladigan talablar:
- HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 3-4, JavaScript-ni yaxshi bilishi
- ReactJS, Redux, jQuery, ES2018 ni yaxshi bilishi
- Git, Npm, Webpack bilan ishlash tajribasi
- HTTP REST API bilan ishlash tajribasi
- Browser-Client o'zaro interaksiyasini tushunishi (REST, AJAX, WebSockets);
- Ingliz tilini bilishi

ZETSOFT kompaniyasida oylik ish haqi:
- Tajribaga qarab $800 dan $3200 gacha (qo’lga tegadigan summa)
- To'lov har oy yakunida yoki har 2 haftada amalga oshiriladi
- Qo’shimcha ish uchun qo’shimcha ish haqi hisoblanadi
- O'z vaqtida to'lovlar, stabil daromad olish imkoniyati yaratilgan
- O'zbekiston Respublikasi Mehnat Kodeksi asosida ishga qabul qilinadi
- Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun, ish haqi to’lanuvchi amaliyot tashkil qilingan
- Ish haqingizni sizning ish tezligingiz va effektivlik darajangizga qarab, avtomatik ravishda oshirib boriladi

ZETSOFT quyidagilarni ta'minlashga tayyor:
- Effektiv ishlash uchun barcha qulayliklarga ega, zamonaviy konditsionerlar bilan jihozlangan qulay va shinam ofis. Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti (IUT) yaqinida joylashgan.
- Zamonaviy tezkor kompyuterlar (2xSSD NVMe 240GB, Intel-Core i7 9900, Z390P, 2xHDD 1TB) va cheksiz trafikka ega yuqori tezlikdagi (42 Mb/s) internet.
- Xalqaro dasturiy loyihalar, murakkab va qiziqarli vazifalar
- Eng so'nggi va ilg'or dasturlash texnologiyalardan foydalanish
- Dasturlash jarayonini yaxshi anglab yetadigan raxbariyat
- Rivojlangan Yevropa, Osiyo davlatlari va AQShga xalqaro komandirovkalar
- Bilim va tajriba almashishga tayyor bo'lgan samimiy, do'stona va professional dasturchilar jamoasi.
- Kompaniya hududida bepul, sifatli va mazali tushliklar taqdim etiladi
- Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun murabbiylik dasturi, ya’ni bepul dasturlash kurslari, master-klasslar va treninglar o'tkaziladi, shuningdek ularga stipendiya ham to’lanadi.
- Doimiy rivojlanish va malaka oshirish imkoniyati (konferensiyalar, adabiyotlar, katta tajribaga ega kuchli professional komanda)

Ish tajribasiga ega bo’lmagan stajor/internlar uchun ZETSOFTdan taklif
- ZETSOFT kompaniyasida foydalaniladigan eng so'nggi va ilg'or dasturlash texnologiyalardan bo’yicha bepul dasturlash kurslari, master-klasslar va treninglar o'tkaziladi.
- Barcha stajor/internlarga ularning bilim va ko'nikmalariga qarab 3 000 000 so'mgacha bo'lgan stipendiya (ish haqi) to'lanadi.
- Stajor/internlar real dasturiy proyektlarda ishtirok eta boshlashlari bilan, ish haqi miqdori, ularning proyektdagi o’rnidan kelib chiqqan holda, 3 baravardan 10 baravargacha oshiriladi.
- Amaliyotni muvaffaqiyatli tamomlagan nomzodlarga ZETSOFT kompaniyasida doimiy ish taklif etiladi.

Trening davomida barcha stajerlar ga bepul taqdim etiladi:
- Effektiv ishlash uchun barcha qulayliklarga ega, zamonaviy konditsionerlar bilan jihozlangan qulay va shinam ofis. Toshkent shahridagi Inha Universiteti (IUT) yaqinida joylashgan.
- Zamonaviy tezkor kompyuterlar (1xSSD NVMe 240GB, Intel-Core i5 8400, Z390P, 2xHDD 1TB) va cheksiz trafikka ega yuqori tezlikdagi (20 Mb/s) internet.
- Kompaniya hududida bepul, sifatli va mazali tushliklar

O'tkazilgan masterclass va webinarlar barcha qiziquvchilar uchun bepul ravishda ZETSOFT kompaniyasi rasmiy Youtube kanalida joylashtirib boriladi:

Rezyume yoki CV yuborish:

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#ташкент #ReactJS
В IT компанию ООО «INTEGRA-SOLUTIONS» требуется
ReactJS разработчик

-Проектирование и разработка интерфейсов приложений/ключевых технологических и прикладных микросервисов платформы;
-Взаимодействие с разработчиками, дизайнерами и другими командами в формате Agile;

- Опыт в коммерческих проектах от 2 лет;
- Javascript (ES5/ES6);
- Опыт работы с ReactJS + Redux (не менее 2 лет);
- Опыт работы с системами сборки (Gulp JS, Webpack)
- Опыт работы с Node JS и пакетными менеджерами (NPM, Yarn)
- Общее понимание взаимодействия Server-Client;
- HTML/CSS (Responsive, Adaptive, Flexbox);
- Знание основных команд Git;
- Знание русского языка обязательно;

Будет плюсом:
- Высшее техническое образование или эквивалентный опыт в технической сфере;
- Опыт работы с Jira или с другими системами постановки задач;
- Опыт работы с другими фреймворками и библиотеками (React Native, Vue.js, Electron, jQuery, Express.js, KOA);
- Общее понимание Gitflow;
- Знание английского языка;

Мы предлагаем:
- Возможность карьерного и профессионального роста в компании;
- Опыт работы с интересными проектами;
- Конкурентный уровень заработной платы;
- Молодой профессиональный коллектив;
- Офис в центре города(ор-р: ст. метро Космонавты);
- График работы: с 10:00 до 19:00, ПН-ПТ;
- Возможность ротации в другие проекты;

Заработная плата обсуждается по результатам собеседования.
От: 10 000 000 сумов

Ждем резюме на:

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#reactJS #reactnative
В компанию OKS Technologies требуется разработчик мобильных приложений на полный рабочий день!

OKS Technologies хочет сотрудничать с тобой, если ты обладаешь:
- 3нание английского, русского языка будет большим плюсом;
- Уверенными знаниями React Native,
- Знание React JS будет плюсом.

Желательно наличие опубликованных мобильных приложений.

Мы обещаем:
- 6 дневную рабочую неделю, с 09:00-18:00, с часовым перерывом на обед;
- Бесплатные классные обеды, вкусный кофе и чай;
- Дружный и приветливый коллектив;
- Работу в команде увлеченных своим делом профессионалов;
- Заработная плата будет зависеть от 400$

- Специально оборудованную игровую с PlayStation4!

Контактный номер +99899 898 43 03 Мирсаид

резюме отправлять в ТГ @imMirsaid

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#front #reactjs #remote
Frontend-разработчик REACT js (Remote)

Создание динамического UI при помощи js
Разработка Front End части
Тестирование, Внедрение, Сопровождение написанных решений
Взаимодействие с бэк ендом с помощью api (rest)

Опыт: 3-6 лет
Работа в проекте (сумма: от 2500$ - 4500$)
Контакты: TG - @Githubit

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#front #reactjs #remote
Frontend-разработчик REACT js (Remote)

Создание динамического UI при помощи js
Разработка Front End части
Тестирование, Внедрение, Сопровождение написанных решений
Взаимодействие с бэк ендом с помощью api (rest)

Опыт: 4-6 лет
Работа в проекте (сумма: от 2500$ - 4500$)

Контакты: TG - @Githubit

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactjs #remote
Frontend-разработчик REACT js (Remote)

Создание динамического UI при помощи js
Разработка Front End части
Тестирование, Внедрение, Сопровождение написанных решений
Взаимодействие с бэк ендом с помощью api (rest)

Опыт: 2-6 лет
Работа в проекте (сумма: от 1000$ - 2500$)
Контакты: TG - @Githubit

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactjs
Information technology center of Ministry Finance of Uzbekistan is looking for a Mid/Senior Front-End Developer

City: Tashkent.

Salary: $1500-2000, depending on skills

What will you be doing?
- Develop websites using Headless CMS technologies that leverage JavaScript, ReactJS
- Integrate third-party services using RestAPI
- Work with dedicated team leader on a daily basis to track your tasks and progress
- Communicate periodically with the technical team to make sure we're using the right methods and technologies for given tasks

You will need to have:
- At least 3 years of active Front End Development experience
- Excellent experience with UI implementation on the web
- Solid understanding of CSS and ability to do complex styling
- Confident knowledge of plain vanilla JavaScript (ES2015 +)
- Solid experience with RestAPI and integrations in general
- Ability to work with Git
- Big bonus if you have experience with:
- React/Redux
- Next.js
- Vue.js

We offer:
- Flexible office policy - You can work from cozy office in Tashkent.
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day;
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities;
- Group exercises;

Contact with: @mr_mirabbos1997

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactjs
В Аутсорсинг фирмы Githubit, нужен frontend разработчик на долгосрочный проект

- Опыт работы не менее 2х лет (reactjs)
- Продолжение E-commerce проекта для зарубежного рынка.
Офис. Полная занятость (Стажировка не рассматривается)

График работы:
5 дней/неделю с 10:00 - 19:00
Заработная плата: от 500$ - 2000$
Местоположение : 2 минуты от метро Мирзо Улугбек

Контакты: @Azimbek_mahmud

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactjs
В Аутсорсинг фирмы Githubit, нужен frontend разработчик на долгосрочный проект

- Опыт работы не менее 2х лет (reactjs)
- Продолжение E-commerce проекта для зарубежного рынка.
Офис. Полная занятость (Стажировка не рассматривается)
График работы:
5 дней/неделю с 10:00 - 19:00
Заработная плата: от 500$ - 2000$

Контакты: @githubit
Местоположение : 2 минуты от метро Мирзо Улугбек

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#react #electron #reactjs
FinTech project is looking for a MIDDLE/SENIOR/LEAD React Developer

: 3000$ - no limit (depends on your skills)
Location: You need to stay in Tashkent to join the project, after that you can work remotely from your home.
All stages of recruitment are carried out in our office.

We are looking for a frontend developer who makes up quality and has experience in developing web applications.

What will you do?

- If you are LEAD or SENIOR then you will have to manage the team;
- Development and maintenance of web applications;
- Development of new functionality based on set requirements;
- Full cycle of layout and project development in a team with backend developers;
- Associated refactoring and optimization.

You will need to have:

- At least 3 years of experience with Web App development;
- At least 2 year of hands-on ReactJS experience;
- At least 1 years of solid experience with APIs (RestAPI, GraphQL);
- Ability to work with Gitlab and Redmine;

We offer:

- First time you need to work in office to join in project. After that you can even combine - few days in the office and a few days remote;
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time);
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Group exercises;

Contacts: +998909684913, +998971053303

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#react #electron #reactjs
FinTech project is looking for a MIDDLE/SENIOR/LEAD React Developer

: 2500$ - no limit (depends on your skills and level)
Location: You need to stay in Tashkent to join the project, after that you can work remotely from your home.
All stages of recruitment are carried out in our office.

We are looking for a frontend developer who makes up quality and has experience in developing web applications.

What will you do?

- If you are LEAD or SENIOR then you will have to manage the team;
- Development and maintenance of web applications;
- Development of new functionality based on set requirements;
- Full cycle of layout and project development in a team with backend developers;
- Associated refactoring and optimization.

You will need to have:

- At least 3 years of experience with Web App development;
- At least 2 year of hands-on ReactJS experience;
- At least 1 years of solid experience with APIs (RestAPI, GraphQL);
- Ability to work with Gitlab and Redmine;

We offer:

- First time you need to work in office to join in project. After that you can even combine - few days in the office and a few days remote;
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time);
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Group exercises;

Contacts: +998909684913, +998971053303

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#react #electron #reactjs
FinTech company Unical is looking for a MIDDLE/SENIOR/LEAD React Developer

Salary: 800$ + (depends on your skills and level, no limit)
Location: Tashkent

We are looking for a frontend developer who makes up quality and has experience in developing web applications.

What will you do?

- Development and maintenance of web applications;
- Development of new functionality based on set requirements;
- Full cycle of layout and project development in a team with backend developers;
- Associated refactoring and optimization.

You will need to have:

- At least 2 years of experience with Web App development;
- At least 1 year of hands-on ReactJS experience;
- Solid experience with APIs (RestAPI);
- Ability to work with Gitlab;
- Experience with Electron is appreciated

We offer:

- 6/1 work week, 8 hours a day;
- Official employment in accordance with Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Group exercises;
- Free lunch

Contact: @unical_hr

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#react #electron #reactjs
FinTech project is looking for a MIDDLE/SENIOR/LEAD React Developer

: 1500 - no limit (depends on your skills and level)
Location: You need to stay in Tashkent to join the project, after that you can work remotely from your home.
All stages of recruitment are carried out in our office.

We are looking for a frontend developer who makes up quality and has experience in developing web applications.

What will you do?

- If you are LEAD, SENIOR then you will have to manage the team;
- Development and maintenance of web applications;
- Development of new functionality based on set requirements;
- Full cycle of layout and project development in a team with backend developers;
- Associated refactoring and optimization.

You will need to have:

- At least 3 years of experience with Web App development;
- At least 2 year of hands-on ReactJS experience;
- At least 1 years of solid experience with APIs (RestAPI, GraphQL);
- Ability to work with Gitlab and Redmine;

We offer:

- First time you need to work in office to join in project. After that you can even combine - few days in the office and a few days remote;
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time);
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Group exercises;

Contacts: +998909684913, +998971053303

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#react #electron #reactjs
FinTech project is looking for a MIDDLE/SENIOR/LEAD React Developer

: 1500 - no limit (depends on your skills and level)
Location: You need to stay in Tashkent to join the project, after that you can work remotely from your home.
All stages of recruitment are carried out in our office.

We are looking for a frontend developer who makes up quality and has experience in developing web applications.

What will you do?

- If you are LEAD, SENIOR then you will have to manage the team;
- Development and maintenance of web applications;
- Development of new functionality based on set requirements;
- Full cycle of layout and project development in a team with backend developers;
- Associated refactoring and optimization.

You will need to have:

- Speak Russian well
- At least 3 years of experience with Web App development;
- At least 2 year of hands-on ReactJS experience;
- At least 1 years of solid experience with APIs (RestAPI, GraphQL);
- Ability to work with Gitlab and Redmine;

We offer:

- First time you need to work in office to join in project. After that you can even combine - few days in the office and a few days remote;
- 5/2 work week, 8 hours a day (you are expected to be available for communication between 18:00 to 23:00 Tashkent time);
- Official employment in accordance with Uzbekistan's Labor Laws;
- Frequent team-building activities and internal hackathons;
- Group exercises;

Contacts: +998909684913, +998971053303

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactJs
Frontend dasturchi
Ish turi: ofis
Kompaniya: IT kompaniya

Manzil: Manzil: Surxondaryo

HTML5, CSS3, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript(ES6),
ReactJs, Redux toolkit, Redux thunk
Git ni bilish;
Noldan RestApi orqali proyect ko’tarish;
SPA turdagi project qila olish;
Typescript, Composition API bilish.

5/2 kun, 9:00-18:00.
Maosh: 8-12 mln;
Aloqa: +998998247198
телеграм: @F_Komilovich

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactjs
В Аутсорсинг фирмы Githubit, нужен frontend разработчик на долгосрочный проект

- Опыт работы не менее одного года (reactjs)
- Продолжение E-commerce проекта для зарубежного рынка.
Офис. Полная занятость
График работы:
5 дней/неделю с 10:00 - 19:00
Заработная плата: от 500$ - 800$

Контакты: @githubit
Местоположение : 2 минуты от метро Мирзо Улугбек

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs
#frontend #reactjs
В Аутсорсинг фирмы Githubit, нужен Senior/middle frontend разработчик на долгосрочный проект

- Опыт работы не менее 2 лет (Reactjs)
- Продолжение проекта для зарубежного рынка.
Офис. Полная занятость
График работы:
5 дней/неделю с 10:00 - 19:00 (40 часов в неделю)
Заработная плата: от 1000$ +

Студентов не рассматриваем!
Стажировки НЕТ!

Контакты: @Githubit_manager
Местоположение : 2 минуты от метро Мирзо Улугбек
Резюме отправлять в ТГ @Githubit_manager вместе с портфолио! Без портфолио резюме не рассматриваем!

👉 Подписаться на канал @UzDev_Jobs