Utah Citizens for the Constitution
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We go to the Salt Lake parade every year. It is a tradition. Seeing all the flags, military, and pioneers brings tears to my eyes.
This is Nick. He is my middle boy.
This is Will. He is 17. He is very adventurous. He worries me constantly.
This float with the huge flag was beautiful!
This is my sister Kim and her daughter. We have such a legacy of hard work and perseverance. We aren't going to give up either. We have our own battle in our time. Let's make these pioneers proud of us.
Our tradition is to go to Cheesecake Factory after the parade. It was so delicious!
On Monday I was on a Zoom call with the Empowered Families Coalition. The new republican platform was talked about. There are many very good things in it, but I was disheartened that the protection of life wording was removed. It only says we oppose late term abortion. That is a concern. I wonder who was behind that.

I sent out a text encouraging everyone to text their reps a happy Pioneer Day. It is important for us to utilize opportunities where we can communicate in a positive way.
This is what I texted my two reps:

Hi Senator Weiler,
Happy Pioneer Day. What a legacy we have in Utah. I can tell you I wouldn't have made it across the plains. I am so grateful for their sacrifice. We always go to the parade. This was such a cute float.
This is a very interesting article about Supreme Court decisions in 2023.
Affirmative Action
The court ruled that race-conscious admissions policies at Harvard, a private institution, and the University of North Carolina, a public one, were unlawful.
Student Loans


The court ruled that the Biden administration’s plan to wipe out more than $400 billion in student debt was not authorized by Congress.
Religion, Free Speech and Gay Rights


The court ruled that a web designer has a First Amendment right to refuse to create sites for same-sex weddings despite a state law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Environmental Protection
The court ruled that the Clean Water Act does not allow the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate discharges into wetlands near bodies of water unless they have “a continuous surface connection” to those waters. Four of the justices also voted against the E.P.A., but on narrower grounds
I am so grateful for the Supreme Court. They have done a lot to soften the Impact of the Biden Administration. It is nice to see the separation of powers in action. What would we have done without them?
I spoke with Jay Valentine a couple of days ago. He is an expert in fractal technology. It is being used to clean the voter rolls. He emphasized the importance of cross-checking with another data base like property tax rolls. He told me they just released this video for Tucker Carlson.

Mike and I drove down to Cedar Fort Publishers today. They are in Springville. They print our booklet, Why I Love America. They have been so generous. They print it for cost, which is 40 cents. We just ordered another 40,000 to be printed for the schools. My pray is that every youth that comes in contact with our booklet will feel in their heart the importance of the Constitution and a desire to defend it.
Jen 💕