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RT @ehasalud: 📢CallforPapers "Low-Cost Telemedicine Technology: Challenges and Solutions". #Telemedicine #health #eHealth #technology #development #SDG #ICT #research #ict4d 🔚15 October 2020 @urjc @ETSIT_URJC @Master_IB_URJC @URJCcientifica https://bit.ly/2OnAPHl
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RT @ehasalud: 📢CallforPapers "Low-Cost Telemedicine Technology: Challenges and Solutions". #Telemedicine #health #eHealth #technology #development #SDG #ICT #research #ict4d 🔚15 October 2020 @urjc @ETSIT_URJC @Master_IB_URJC @URJCcientifica https://bit.ly/2OnAPHl
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RT @HumQRinHS: Trilogía de #estudio #cualitativo sobre la primera #pandemia de #COVID-19 elaborado y publicado por @HumQRinHS #HumQRinHS #cualitativeresearch #health #research #cualitative #urjc @urjc @URJCFCS @URJCHorizonEU @URJCcientifica https://bit.ly/3O7V1tG
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RT @HumQRinHS: Trilogía de #estudio #cualitativo sobre la primera #pandemia de #COVID-19 elaborado y publicado por @HumQRinHS #HumQRinHS #cualitativeresearch #health #research #cualitative #urjc @urjc @URJCFCS @URJCHorizonEU @URJCcientifica https://bit.ly/3O7V1tG
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¡Publicación científica! 📝🔬 | The challenges of “learning on the go”: A qualitative study of final-year Spanish nursing students incorporated to work during the first Covid-19 pandemic | Descúbrelo 👉doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt…👈