1.51K subscribers
1 photo
19 links
~ A simple and fast file uploader that uses Telegram network as file storage.

Announcements channel.
Download Telegram
Uploadgram's progress has paused recently, because my PC (with which I work on Uploadgram) decided to die. I had to investigate the problem and I am currently working on a solution. In the hope that also school won't take all of my time (even though it already takes most), I'll continue development and add tons of new features (like the one you requested that aren't still there).

To show your appreciation or hype for Uploadgram, kindly click the "Join" button on the bottom of your screen.
Thank you all for subscribing to this channel, stay tuned.
Currently Uploadgram has been down for more than 5 hours, because of server problems. We're trying to fix the issues as soon as possible and I'll edit this message when all the issues are solved.
We're sorry for the incovenience.

Uploadgram is up and running, all your uploaded files have been restored!
The android app has been updated!
New features added including:
- Upload progress notification (it is a bit bugged still)
- The app checks whether Uploadgram is up and you are connected to the internet when started

Some implementations are still needed to make it work on the web (no notification though)

Download it from pato05/uploadgram-app/releases
Uploadgram is currently down. We are working to bring the server up again.

The issue has been fixed!
Uploadgram is currently slow.
Yes, despite promising for fast uploads and downloads to the Telegram network, this has a limit, that has been currently surpassed. A huge traffic is going in and out of Uploadgram, and sadly, the server where Uploadgram is hosted can't handle this well. We'll see how to solve this problem, and Uploadgram may stay shut for some days, if we are not able to solve this problem now.

As a result of this, limits will be introduced within Uploadgram — for example, you can upload a 2gb file every 10 minutes, timeouts for other sizes will be calculated accordingly (10 MB every 3 seconds). I did not want to make Uploadgram a service that has limit, but that is because of some people which seem not to like freedom.
Also, when the app will be updated again, it will have calculate the limit and wait this amount of time between file uploads to avoid fails (the bot won't have such limit, but the limit applies to file downloads as well).

A blacklist has been added to Uploadgram, in the hope to defeat bots. If any of you has been affected by this, don't hesitate to contact me. As a result, the problem seems to be temporarily solved.
Also, please avoid downloading files in the meantime, as you may get banned. If this happens though, contact me, I'll see if you are legit and eventually unban you.

Currently about 500 ip addresses have been banned from using Uploadgram, remember that if you are innocent, you can always contact me (@Pato05) for an unban!

Problems have been partially fixed, but you may get temporarily banned if you download files too many times a second
Uploadgram could be down in the next hour because we're moving servers.

Moved successfully.
Uploadgram uses Arc!
Yes, starting from today, every page served by Uploadgram will be accelerated by Arc's CDN, so that every user can receive the speed they deserve, contribute in this process, and also let me earn money without using any ads, that I will use to pay servers (since hosting it is getting harder over time). If you want to learn more, visit arc.io.

What is Arc?
Arc is a peer-to-peer content exchange and delivery network (CDN) that pays websites for contributing bandwidth.
Starting from today, Uploadgram also includes an intermediate page for your links (your direct download link is still accessible by adding either ?raw or ?dl to your url). This is made because it seems that sometimes Chrome on mobile doesn't download files correctly from direct links, so I decided to add this page. Videos, images and audio files can be also seen directly from here.
To avoid getting banned on Uploadgram, please don't use any download accelerators or parallel downloads in general. These will send a bunch of requests to Uploadgram, and the server will ban you, thinking that you are a bot.
Uploadgram tries already to get its users a fast download, and keeping these "download accelerators" away saves bandwidth that can be used to serve other users. So please, don't use any of these.

Your first ban lasts two hours, the second ban lasts four hours, and so on, until your 7th ban, which is permanent.

Summing up: don't use download accelerators, such as "internet download manager", as they will easily get you banned from Uploadgram, and repeating this can lead to a permanent ban (on 7th ban).
Uploadgram has been down for some hours.
We are currently moving servers and uploadgram will be up ASAP. Also, starting from tomorrow, the Uploadgram app will be present on F-Droid as well. I'll post an update here when it happens.
I finally forgot to mention that the app had been updated, and you can find it in pato05/uploadgram-app/releases. Regarding the web-app, it is still unsure when I'll update it, since the major brought features can't be ported there. When I'll have time, I'll find a way to reimplement such changes.

Everything is working again!
I gladly announce that the app has made its way to F-Droid, and you can find it here: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.pato05.uploadgram

Since F-Droid takes up to 3-4 days to update the app, I'll continue pushing it in the GitHub Releases as well, and I'll also make an auto-updater for the non-fdroid app, so that you may stay up-to-date. You will have to decide which way you want to install the app, since the F-Droid apk and the GitHub Releases apk are incompatible with each other.
Thank you all for the 100 subscribers!
Yes, we finally reached this point, also plenty of posts have also reached > 300 views, Uploadgram is growing day by day, this is all thanks to you. Many features are yet to come, and Uploadgram isn't at his final stage.

By the way, many users have been banned "by mistake", so I'll try within today to remove the ban system. Also, I'm cleaning the uploadgram-app's code, and I'll try to make it faster overall. Remember that if you want additional features/find a bug/have a question, I am here to listen to you. Contact me (@Pato05) or make a new issue on uploadgram-app/issues if it is regarding the app
As said the ban system was removed, but you aren't still able to download a same file more than once and you won't be able to download more than two files, or upload more than one at once. Now you can use whatever you like without risking getting banned but also download accelerators won't work. Remember, if you have any problems, I'm here to help you!
We never imagined having these many users, all downloading at the same time. Sadly the Uploadgram infrastructure isn't ready for this yet, so in the next days, we will do a big upgrade to Uploadgram, for managing multiple users downloading at the same time (thus improving speed), no ETA though, just know it is coming.

Also a bug that denied users' downloads has been fixed, sorry for the inconvenience. As always, if you have any questions or issues, don't hesitate contacting me!

Thank you all for reaching the 150 subscribers milestone.
A person told me not too long ago of creating an Uploadgram discussion group, what do you think of it?
Final Results
Yes, do it!
No, I don't think we really need a discussion group.
You decided, the discussion group has been created, join at @uploadgrammegroup!

or Русскоязычный чат: https://t.me/joinchat/KYwmw4LndLo1NWY0
Uploadgram has now got a sponsor!

We're happy to announce we are moving Uploadgram to spacecore.pro servers! We'd like to thank them for providing such an opportunity. Please note that while we're doing so, Uploadgram might be unstable.

Watch the channel, as this message will be edited when we're done and everything is up and running again!

Big kudos to @kerichuu for the picture

Migration completed!
I have noticed how many (mostly russian) websites have decided to talk about Uploadgram, and I wanted to clarify some points, that they all got wrong, and made some users angry at Uploadgram.

1. Uploadgram is NOT a cloud
It was never meant to be, Uploadgram is a file sharing service based on Telegram, as the website's description already says. Uploadgram does store your files indefinitely not because it is a cloud, but just because Telegram allows to. There are other services for this purpose (e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive, MEGA).

2. Uploadgram is NOT based on the application
The application does NOT communicate with Telegram's servers directly, but there is a backend, and this backend will act as a proxy and communicate with Telegram to allow you to easily upload/download files, and store their metadata, so that you only have to care about the link.
Extra: Flutter isn't an engine that allows you to connect to Telegram's servers, it is just a framework to create cross-platform apps.

I hope this kind of irregular post has cleared some of your questions and doubts.

Got any extra questions/doubts?
- Meet me or ask questions in the group (or in this post's comment section), or contact me in private messages.
- Вам комфортнее говорить по-русски? Еще у нас есть русскоязычная группа (возглавляемая не мной), где вы можете задавать вопросы!
Thank you all for 1.000 subscribers.

The Uploadgram app is getting redesigned, in some of its parts, bugs are getting fixed, and one feature you all have been asking for is finally coming. Stay tuned.