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Love without boundaries, games or calculations. It is quite confusing that one must think their way to decide if they love someone, when it is the essence and nature of everything and everyone.

Loving and agreeing on everything are not equal. Loving and tolerating disrespect are not equal. Loving and conforming are not equal. Loving and sacrificing your own happiness by settling for mediocrity are not equal. Loving and pleasing others to make them happy while you suffer are not equal. ✨

So go ahead and love. Because that’s who you are and it is not β€œWEAK”. β€œLightwarriors” who don’t love are just warriors without love. Humanity has had enough of them already.

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
Self-righteousness is a trap. Many are disappointed in people for not being exactly the way they wish them to be. This is the frequency of control, unrest, anxiety, and lack of faith. It has nothing to do with being a good person. It is being reflected through the β€œelites” as well, for they seek to control instead of guide.

Love has no conditions. It exists now. For everything. For everyone. No condition. Instead of wishing punishment, wish healing. Instead of thinking your way to decide who is right and wrong, love everyone and celebrate them regardless of their choices. Instead of thinking everyone else is stupid, see how they serve the collective through their choices showing what doesn’t work for example. ✨✨

No one from β€œ5D” or even 3D cares about anyone’s self-righteousness. Is your energy aligned with source ?

This message has a touch of Ophelia the fairy from 5D. I might have phrased it in a cold way. A bit tired of seeing everyone fight. Apologies. Love to all. 🀍🌸

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
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Dolphins volunteered to elevate the frequency of planet Earth. Many of them are starseeds. Their job has nothing to do with narratives and worrying about the future.

Aren’t they so inspirational ? ✨☺️

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
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It doesn’t matter which side you are on, or which narrative you support. When certain beings encourage us to detach from narratives, it’s due to it being the optimal way to stop tying your energy to it. You can pick a side or no side, while embracing the all and raising your frequency, and making sure it is not constantly affected by outside events. ✨ There is nothing wrong with having a preference. ✨

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
The elites will not respect the collective’s desires, if most people don’t respect their own desires. They are simply reproducing that same frequency channeled on a massive scale.

There is no β€œfalse” code in the universe, no matter how much we crave it. Everything is frequency. The universe is never wrong, and that is a truth that many can't get over.

Do you listen to your deepest desires? Do you follow your heart and what makes you happy? Do you care about yourself ? ✨

By helping yourself, you help the collective.

Everything is a reflection. Ask dolphins. 🐬✨
When you feel immersed in social situations you would rather not experience, ask yourself: Am I just a story character player or am I tapping into my personal resonance of preference? Am I just carrying myself the way this story expects me to, or am I really being myself? What is my frequency right now?

You don’t need to play roles that are not yours. Whatever your case is, you deserve to feel respected, not controlled, loved by the entire universe and beyond, assisted and cherished. ✨

As an aspect of source, shift your focus to the love and encouragement the universe has for you, no matter how much other people make you feel otherwise. ✨

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
Forwarded from Awakened_144

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The ball is in whose court ?

The ball is in your court. What reality are you helping the collective co-create? In other words, what is your dominant frequency? What type of thoughts do you entertain most? Are they slaves to the outside world?

Do you honor your free will? ✨

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
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The difference between highly conscious creators from other densities and (mostly) unconscious creators in the human collective, is the sensitivity to one’s own frequency.

Pay attention to your frequency more often so you can know when to shift it, consequently creating more positive outcomes.✨

The reasons for low frequencies are diverse. It could be that you have been fed plenty of negative visuals as you walked around town and it affected you strongly that day, even the way you think. The reality on the surface of Earth is very dense and reasons for lower frequencies in the collective can be many.

Surround yourself with positive visuals, colors and sacred geometry, to train your mind to lean more towards what gives your spirit a boost.

Take care of what you feed yourself on all levels, all senses. ✨

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
The human being is one of the most powerful magical beings that ever lived. The mess created by the human collective was designed to show yourselves the path to self-discovery, and blow your minds away by what you can do.

The combination of emotions experienced by the human is not experienced by certain more loving species. What you can achieve is limitless if you live consciously and pay attention to your frequency more.

Everything you need, is within you. The human collective is not bad or stupid for creating chaos. It is source experiencing denser reality and pretending to be helpless.

You are magical and self-appreciation and acceptance starts now. I love you and I believe in your infinite potential.✨

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
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ᴏq.q α΄œΚ€Ι’α΄‡Ι΄α΄› ᴍᴇssᴀɒᴇ q.qᴏ

β€œIf you wish to reach peace as a collective, change your focus from your desire to destroy your β€œoppressor” to your desire to bring peace to your personal life and to the collective.

In the eyes of source, whether you are a regular human, a butterfly, or part of the cabal, it does not matter. If you invest destruction vibrations more than peaceful ones, it will be reflected back on the outside. You are giving the dark forces exactly what they wanted by focusing on hating them. The collectives pretending to beat them by locking them up and harming them as solutions are orchestrated by the same dark forces. They have been playing this game for thousands of years.” - The Founders collective

The feelings of anger and rage after humanity awakens to the existence of dark collectives are normal. Remember to consciously shift your attention to more peaceful and loving β€œwishes”. Destruction is not the solution. Healing is the only way.

@universalguidance πŸ’Ž
Pick up your sword and fight harder. Fight and destroy until you win.

This is the mindset that "dark forces" are successfully implementing. A very intelligent species who knows how to easily drive people left and right.

Your sharpest sword, is your awareness. Your awareness that there is nothing outside of you. So who are you fighting ?

I had to 🀣😁✨
If every time you hear undesirable plans coming from the "dark forces" you make it this huge unavoidable problem, then you co-create it as well.

They are not God. You have infinite manifestation choices to pick from. So why would you focus on that which harms you EVERY time ?

If you would rather go through ascension smoothly, why make it worse by giving the "elites" all the power over your thoughts, your speculations, your spiritual journey, and even helping them manifest what occurs on Earth.

Take your power back, by no longer assuming negative outcomes as final ones, just because they are someone else's plan.

Give yourselves a break from your own pessimism. ✨✨ The universe doesn't hate you.
