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Not acting on your low vibrations and negative thoughts, as you allow yourself to shift first, will save you from a great deal of struggle and a long time of pain.

The solution is not to act on the encouraging negative thought. It is to shift.

lightcodex.com ✨
I'd like to dedicate this message to everyone who's been following this channel for the past years.

Many people abandon this path because they cannot handle certain stages, such as when you observe that the world on planet Earth is actually upside down and you struggle with it, or that things just aren't working for you.

Know that by having such moments, you aren't messing up your path. You aren't making a mistake. You are heading towards your enlightenment. With enlightenment comes freedom, joy and complete trauma recovery.

Thank you for sticking around and know that helping you brings me a lot of joy, which is why I do it.

I do not offer any services at the moment for I am not comfortable charging for it, which is why I created the website to help you guide yourself: lightcodex.com ✨✨

I might in the future, especially for extremely traumatic cases who really need it.

Stay tuned ✨

You can contact me at: lightcodex.com/contact-us
Those who hurt you in the past are your biggest helpers.

To perpetuate the story of resentment is hurting you.

They help you learn not to need them for your personal alignment.

Focus on your alignment and forgiving them will come naturally.

lightcodex.com ✨
༻❁༺ Gentle reminders ༻❁༺

✧ You are allowed to feel worthy of infinite bliss, no matter what others are experiencing around you: even if they are experiencing extremely negative realities.

✧ Tapping into good-feeling states of being is always something you must bring yourself to, something you deserve and you can do.

✧ Your well-being only benefits humanity, no matter how it is perceived by others. Other people's opinions are not the truth.

✧ Your problems aren't as big as they seem, even if other people would consider them big: other people's opinions are not the truth.

lightcodex.com ✨✨
All traumas are healable.

All illnesses are curable.

All desires are, objectively speaking, highly achievable.

Any thought telling you otherwise, comes from a negative vibration, posing as a realistic one.

lightcodex.com ✨
Some REAL causes behind illnesses:

- Constant condemnation of someone/something
- Feeling like the victim of someone
- Taking things too seriously
- Low self-esteem & self-doubt
- Pessimism & fear
- Shame
& regret

By addressing this, your health can drastically change overnight. ✨

Getting rejected has nothing to do with your real value.

They can reject you all they want, you are and always will be perfect the way you are. There is nothing wrong with you. Focus your attention on the truth, and you will be less and less triggered by their rejection.

lightcodex.com ✨
If you have an unhealthy obsession with someone, meaning one that you know feels bad, then it is coming from a non self-empowering place. It's coming from a place where you don't know who you really are.

Negative obsessions can hold a strong grip on you, making it seem as though you cannot be happy without this person's attention, approval & love.

You have to catch yourself repeatedly, to "unpractice" this obsession, by reminding yourself of your real worth that they might not be aware of due to their vibrations. Change the momentum from negative obsession to self-appreciation until you realize that their approval is not necessary after all.

lightcodex.com ✨✨
The reason you are:

- worthy
- admired and celebrated
- loved
- a powerful creator

is because.. you exist.

lightcodex.com ✨
Biological women do not have to channel only feminine energy.

Biological men do not have to channel only masculine energy.

You do not need to be one or the other. There is no need to cage yourself to look a certain way to others.

Being yourself is the one thing that pushes you and society to evolve the fastest. ✨

Just because other people would struggle with a situation that you are in, it doesn't mean you must struggle.

You get to decide how to navigate it, and you do not need to copy other people's reactions.

Set yourself free and decide your preferred experience and how it goes for you by choosing the right perspectives.

lightcodex.com ✨✨
Your life does not need to look a specific way, to make sense to others, in order to be called successful. Your life is by default a successful spiritual quest.

Instead of making choices that make people call you successful, make choices that make you feel good, while validating yourself as successful because you are in all cases anyway.

lightcodex.com ✨✨✨
Sometimes healing comes in multiple waves.

You may end up revisiting the same story years later as you move forward in your journey. This doesn't mean that you are too weak, and simply cannot move on from the situation.

If it comes up, use it to transmute it. You can now address it with a brand new healed perspective.

lightcodex.com ✨✨
Shameful, embarrassing and regretful experiences are one of the biggest catalysts for spiritual evolution.

Wear them proudly. ✨
Your existence alone, with all your so called "mistakes", is extremely helpful to everyone. You don't need to bash yourself for not helping enough. You are under no obligation to prove how much of a good person you are by helping.

You can do it because it feels good or because it is your passion, as I do with these messages. However, it is NOT a requirement for you to actually do anything to prove your helpfulness. Relax. ✨
How to address negative news

You might be witnessing content about wars, famine, illnesses or problems on the planet. By focusing on feeling bad because of it, and pointing fingers at the culprits, or guilt-tripping people for being too positive while negative things are happening in the world, you make it worse by adding your negativity to the planet.

You cannot truly help until you help yourself. Are you coming from a peaceful place, or a place that feels good in general? Or is it one that pities the outside and condemns it? It is your vibration that counts, not how you present it with words and screams.

It's not about pointing out the bad guys. If you want to help, it's about raising the vibration.

lightcodex.com ✨✨✨
You gotta understand, that you are not here to prove that you are a good person. You are not here to prove your worthiness.

The programming goes deeper than it looks. You have to catch yourself every time you find yourself arguing for your worthiness.

lightcodex.com ✨
About shame

Paradoxically, embarrassing experiences are to be proud of. You have gone there, where others may have not, so you could embrace that aspect of yourself, now.

Others may point fingers at that version of you, make fun of it, look down on it, feel bad for it, but that's because they are projecting. They don't accept themselves fully.

So be proud of the fact that you have integrated it into your light, although you have no examples of others doing that for themselves.

lightcodex.com ✨✨