United World International
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🌍 Geopolitical analysis and forecasting of global trends

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The collapse of the #US-centered liberal rules-based international order has accelerated!

Inside the US, a battle takes place between those who advocate retreat and those who demand restoration of global power. But #Washington will have to accept limits of its power.

By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist/Author

#Francia inestable: «La ira ha llegado», pero ¿y ahora qué?

PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a Jacques Cheminade por el medio United World International.

La financiarización y militarización de la economía, la crisis del sistema atlántico y la crisis política en Francia.

#Mexico vs #Trump: Lukewarm or intelligent?

The #Mexican President has won a first battle, achieving a pause in the trade war. But within a month, a new episode will be written.

By #DanielRosas, Mexico City / Mexico

#Trump 2.0. and #Türkiye

#Ankara needs to create regional alliances to resist new offensives from #Washington.

UWI author historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek analyzed these questions for our website.

Militarization, Anglo-Americans and “fake opposition” of #LePen

In the second part of the interview, #JacquesCheminade, the leader of the Solidarity and Progress (Solidarité et Progrès) answered our questions about militarization in #France, the latest situation in #Syria and Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Forwarded from Idee&Azione

L'aspetto più importante della politica estera di Trump per noi è la sua opposizione ai globalisti. Cosa dice ora Trump? Dice: “Invece di usare la nostra energia, le nostre risorse e il nostro denaro per imporre un ordine al mondo, concentriamoci sulla soluzione dei problemi a casa nostra e nella nostra regione”.
(di Mehmet Perincek)

Why #Trump decided to dismantle #USAID

UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluates the decision, providing insights into USAID’s activities and history.

https://unitedworldint.com/36305-why-trump-decided-to-dismantle-usaid/ #US
Batı, savaş suçlarına göz yumdu, şimdi de suçu #Zelenskiy’e yıkacak

Russkoe Poreçnoye köyündeki katliam ve Batı’nın sorumluluğu

Konuyu bölgeyi yakından takip eden Aydınlık gazetesi Dış Haberler Şefi #ÖzgürAltınbaş’a sorduk. Altınbaş, #Ukrayna çatışmasında yaşanan gelişmeleri yakından takip etmenin ötesinde savaş bölgesinde de çok kez bulunmuştu.

A diary of my #Donetsk visit

There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception”

By Dr. #ShoaibKhan, Visiting Faculty, Centre for Central Eurasian Studies, University of #Mumbai

https://unitedworldint.com/36309-a-diary-of-my-donetsk-visit/ #Russia #Ukraine
“The #UnitedKingdom returns to the Middle East”

#London and #Baghdad signed a comprehensive strategic agreement.

Interview with #FahriErenel, Ret. Brigadier General, Head of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İstinye University (İstanbul)

By #YunusSoner

Завтра День дипломатического работника! И, что отрадно, многие сотрудники МИДа за рубежом не просто выполняют посольские функции — но и занимают проактивную позицию, выступая со статьями для международных СМИ с изложением нашей позиции по глобальным проблемам.

Например — свежая колонка посла РФ в Джибути Михаила Голованова для «замногополярного» портала UWI Data о предстоящих выборах главы Комиссии Африканского Союза (таковые, о чём не знал даже я, запланированы на 15 февраля — надеемся, крупнейшая панафриканистская организация получит новый импульс к развитию!)
