La Grande guerra patriottica dell'Unione Sovietica: la preparazione alla battaglia finale
L'evento globale più importante di quest'anno è la commemorazione dell'80° anniversario della vittoria sovietica nella Grande Guerra Patriottica e della sconfitta nazifascista a Berlino il 9 maggio 1945.
#Catatumbo: The #Colombian counterinsurgency and the militarization against Venezuela
Tensions are increasing on the #Colombia-#Venezuela border.
By #OscarRotundo
Tensions are increasing on the #Colombia-#Venezuela border.
By #OscarRotundo
United World International
Catatumbo: The Colombian counterinsurgency and the militarization against Venezuela
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #Erdoğan-#Fico meeting
📌 The fire tragedy in the city of #Bolu
📌 Arrests in connection with the 2013 Gezi Park Protests
📌 #Erdoğan-#Fico meeting
📌 The fire tragedy in the city of #Bolu
📌 Arrests in connection with the 2013 Gezi Park Protests
United World International
Erdoğan-Fico meeting; fire tragedy in the city of Bolu; Arrests in connection with the 2013 Gezi Park Protests
The collapse of the #US-centered liberal rules-based international order has accelerated!
Inside the US, a battle takes place between those who advocate retreat and those who demand restoration of global power. But #Washington will have to accept limits of its power.
By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist/Author
Inside the US, a battle takes place between those who advocate retreat and those who demand restoration of global power. But #Washington will have to accept limits of its power.
By #AdemKılıç, Political Scientist/Author
United World International
The collapse of the US-centered liberal rules-based international order has accelerated!
#Francia inestable: «La ira ha llegado», pero ¿y ahora qué?
PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a Jacques Cheminade por el medio United World International.
La financiarización y militarización de la economía, la crisis del sistema atlántico y la crisis política en Francia.
PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a Jacques Cheminade por el medio United World International.
La financiarización y militarización de la economía, la crisis del sistema atlántico y la crisis política en Francia.
Pia Global
Francia inestable: «La ira ha llegado», pero ¿y ahora qué? - Pia Global
PIA Global comparte la entrevista realizada a Jacques Cheminade por el medio United World International. La financiarización y militarización de la economía, la crisis del sistema atlántico y la crisis política en Francia.
#Mexico vs #Trump: Lukewarm or intelligent?
The #Mexican President has won a first battle, achieving a pause in the trade war. But within a month, a new episode will be written.
By #DanielRosas, Mexico City / Mexico
The #Mexican President has won a first battle, achieving a pause in the trade war. But within a month, a new episode will be written.
By #DanielRosas, Mexico City / Mexico
United World International
Mexico vs Trump: Lukewarm or intelligent?
2025 report from #Turkish pro-government think tank SETA: Rapprochement with the West, drifting away from neighbors #Türkiye #Türkiye
United World International
2025 report from Turkish pro-government think tank SETA: Rapprochement with the West, drifting away from neighbors
#Trump 2.0. and #Türkiye
#Ankara needs to create regional alliances to resist new offensives from #Washington.
UWI author historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek analyzed these questions for our website.
#Ankara needs to create regional alliances to resist new offensives from #Washington.
UWI author historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek analyzed these questions for our website.
United World International
Trump 2.0. and Türkiye
Imaginary #Russia-#USA 2025 hockey match could melt the ice
Sports activities can build very much needed bridges in today’s world.
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli
Sports activities can build very much needed bridges in today’s world.
By #ErkinFeyyazEşli
United World International
Imaginary Russia-USA 2025 hockey match could melt the ice
Militarization, Anglo-Americans and “fake opposition” of #LePen
In the second part of the interview, #JacquesCheminade, the leader of the Solidarity and Progress (Solidarité et Progrès) answered our questions about militarization in #France, the latest situation in #Syria and Jean-Marie Le Pen.
In the second part of the interview, #JacquesCheminade, the leader of the Solidarity and Progress (Solidarité et Progrès) answered our questions about militarization in #France, the latest situation in #Syria and Jean-Marie Le Pen.
United World International
Militarization, Anglo-Americans and “fake opposition” of Le Pen
Forwarded from Idee&Azione
L'aspetto più importante della politica estera di Trump per noi è la sua opposizione ai globalisti. Cosa dice ora Trump? Dice: “Invece di usare la nostra energia, le nostre risorse e il nostro denaro per imporre un ordine al mondo, concentriamoci sulla soluzione dei problemi a casa nostra e nella nostra regione”.
(di Mehmet Perincek)
L'aspetto più importante della politica estera di Trump per noi è la sua opposizione ai globalisti. Cosa dice ora Trump? Dice: “Invece di usare la nostra energia, le nostre risorse e il nostro denaro per imporre un ordine al mondo, concentriamoci sulla soluzione dei problemi a casa nostra e nella nostra regione”.
(di Mehmet Perincek)
Why #Trump decided to dismantle #USAID
UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluates the decision, providing insights into USAID’s activities and history. #US
UWI author, historian and political scientist Associate Professor #MehmetPerinçek evaluates the decision, providing insights into USAID’s activities and history. #US
United World International
Why Trump decided to dismantle USAID
Will the #African Commission Chairperson elections become an impulse for ending conflicts in #Africa by 2030?
By #MikhailGolovanov, #Russian Ambassador to #Djibouti
By #MikhailGolovanov, #Russian Ambassador to #Djibouti
United World International
Will the African Commission Chairperson elections become an impulse for ending conflicts in Africa by 2030?
La geopolitica strategica degli Stati Uniti
La politica estera degli Stati Uniti (USA) ha attraversato varie fasi nel corso della Storia, affermandosi come potenza imperiale dominante sia nel proprio continente che in altre regioni del mondo. L'evoluzione della politica estera statunitense, in particolare…
Batı, savaş suçlarına göz yumdu, şimdi de suçu #Zelenskiy’e yıkacak
Russkoe Poreçnoye köyündeki katliam ve Batı’nın sorumluluğu
Konuyu bölgeyi yakından takip eden Aydınlık gazetesi Dış Haberler Şefi #ÖzgürAltınbaş’a sorduk. Altınbaş, #Ukrayna çatışmasında yaşanan gelişmeleri yakından takip etmenin ötesinde savaş bölgesinde de çok kez bulunmuştu.
Russkoe Poreçnoye köyündeki katliam ve Batı’nın sorumluluğu
Konuyu bölgeyi yakından takip eden Aydınlık gazetesi Dış Haberler Şefi #ÖzgürAltınbaş’a sorduk. Altınbaş, #Ukrayna çatışmasında yaşanan gelişmeleri yakından takip etmenin ötesinde savaş bölgesinde de çok kez bulunmuştu.
Batı, savaş suçlarına göz yumdu, şimdi de suçu Zelenskiy’e yıkacak | Kitalararasi
Russkoe Poreçnoye köyündeki katliam ve Batı'nın sorumluluğu
A diary of my #Donetsk visit
There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception”
By Dr. #ShoaibKhan, Visiting Faculty, Centre for Central Eurasian Studies, University of #Mumbai #Russia #Ukraine
There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception”
By Dr. #ShoaibKhan, Visiting Faculty, Centre for Central Eurasian Studies, University of #Mumbai #Russia #Ukraine
United World International
A diary of my Donetsk visit
“The #UnitedKingdom returns to the Middle East”
#London and #Baghdad signed a comprehensive strategic agreement.
Interview with #FahriErenel, Ret. Brigadier General, Head of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İstinye University (İstanbul)
By #YunusSoner
#London and #Baghdad signed a comprehensive strategic agreement.
Interview with #FahriErenel, Ret. Brigadier General, Head of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration at İstinye University (İstanbul)
By #YunusSoner
United World International
“The United Kingdom returns to the Middle East”
Forwarded from Эдвард Чесноков
Завтра День дипломатического работника! И, что отрадно, многие сотрудники МИДа за рубежом не просто выполняют посольские функции — но и занимают проактивную позицию, выступая со статьями для международных СМИ с изложением нашей позиции по глобальным проблемам.
Например — свежая колонка посла РФ в Джибути Михаила Голованова для «замногополярного» портала UWI Data о предстоящих выборах главы Комиссии Африканского Союза (таковые, о чём не знал даже я, запланированы на 15 февраля — надеемся, крупнейшая панафриканистская организация получит новый импульс к развитию!)
Например — свежая колонка посла РФ в Джибути Михаила Голованова для «замногополярного» портала UWI Data о предстоящих выборах главы Комиссии Африканского Союза (таковые, о чём не знал даже я, запланированы на 15 февраля — надеемся, крупнейшая панафриканистская организация получит новый импульс к развитию!)
United World International
Will the African Commission Chairperson elections become an impulse for ending conflicts in Africa by 2030?
Russia's Ambassador to Djibouti wrote exclusively for UWI.
Last week in #Türkiye
📌 #Erdoğan-#Sharaa meeting
📌 Expulsion of lieutenants
📌 Erdoğan-#Steinmeier meeting
📌 #Erdoğan-#Sharaa meeting
📌 Expulsion of lieutenants
📌 Erdoğan-#Steinmeier meeting
United World International
Erdoğan-Sharaa meeting, expulsion of lieutenants, Erdoğan-Steinmeier meeting
Evacuation of the #Gaza Strip: A Regional Crisis or a Manifestation of Global Capitalist Interests?
Historic background and regional context of #Trump’s proposal.
By #IslamFarag, #Cairo / #Egypt
Historic background and regional context of #Trump’s proposal.
By #IslamFarag, #Cairo / #Egypt
United World International
Evacuation of the Gaza Strip: A Regional Crisis or a Manifestation of Global Capitalist Interests?