UATA - Uzbek American Trucking Association
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Non Profit Organization Founded in 2023 to unite trucking specialists, shippers, carriers and drivers

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Trucking companies are trying to survive during current market crisis.

As the US economy experiences robust growth (partly driven by increased consumer spending), the trucking industry stands in stark contrast as it grapples with a challenging downturn.
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One of the primary reasons for this disparity is the excess capacity in the trucking industry. The period from 2020 to 2021 witnessed an unprecedented surge in the number of trucking authorities. This capacity expansion was fueled by the extraordinary demand for trucking services during the pandemic, such as delivering goods purchased with stimulus checks. However, sustaining such demand levels has proven to be unsustainable.
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Experts think that, significant restructuring of the trucking industry is likely required to address this paradox. For many trucking companies, this means making a decision to save their company as quickly as possible.
What do you think about this?

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AQSh iqtisodiyoti kuchli o'sishni boshdan kechirar ekan (qisman iste'mol xarajatlarining ortishi bilan bog'liq), yuk tashish sanoati bozorda narxlar pasayishi bilan kurashayapti.
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Ushbu nomutanosiblikning asosiy sababi bu sohadagi taklifni ortib ketganligi. 2020 yildan 2021 yilgacha yuk tashish kompaniyalari soni misli ko'rilmagan darajada ko'paydi. Imkoniyatlarning bunday kengayishi pandemiya davrida yuk tashish xizmatlariga, masalan, rag'batlantiruvchi ijtimoiy yordam pullari bilan sotib olingan tovarlarni yetkazib berishga bo'lgan favqulodda talab sabab bo'ldi. Biroq, bunday talab darajasini saqlab qolish barqaror emasligi isbotlangan.
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Mutaxassislarning fikricha, ushbu paradoksni bartaraf etish uchun yuk tashish sanoatini sezilarli darajada qayta qurish talab etiladi. Ko'pgina yuk tashish kompaniyalari uchun bu o'z kompaniyasini imkon qadar tezroq qutqarish to'g'risida qaror qabul qilishni anglatadi

Bu haqda qanday fikrdasiz?

πŸ‘‰More: @uataorg
🀝Marketing partner: @mangoeffect
βœ…Logistics Platform: @huntmegroup

Becoming a truck driver can be a rewarding, but challenging. 🌍
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The road to becoming a truck driver includes maintaining a clean driving record, obtaining a CDL, and understanding the life of an over the road driver. Once the driver has completed these steps, it is time to open the road.
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To help you experience all the benefits of becoming a truck driver, we’ve consulted with drivers who have decades of experience and assembled this collection of tips to aid new and experienced drivers alike.
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Yuk mashinasi haydovchisi bo'lish foydali, ammo qiyin sarguzashtdir. 🌍
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Yuk mashinasi haydovchisi bo'lish yo'li haydash tajribasi, CDL olish va yuk mashinasining hayotini tushunishdan boshlanadi. Haydovchi ushbu amallarni bajargandan so'ng, haydash vaqti kelΠ°di.
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Yangi haydovchilarga yuk mashinasi haydovchisi boβ€˜lishning toβ€˜liq afzalliklarini his qilishlariga yordam berish uchun biz koβ€˜p yillik tajribaga ega haydovchilar bilan maslahatlashib, yangi va tajribali haydovchilarga yordam berish uchun maslahatlar yigβ€˜dik.
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#truck #truckingbusiness #americanbusiness #uata #uzbekistan #usa #truckingindustryexperts #truckdriver
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πŸ‘‰More: @uataorg
🀝Marketing partner: @mangoeffect
βœ…Logistics Platform: @huntmegroup
At a meeting held at IRU in Geneva in the end of april, US and global trucking industry stakeholders compared and addressed solutions to key challenges undermining road goods transport operations. 🀝
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The challenges facing the US trucking sector are similar to those found in other regions: chronic driver shortages, overly ambitious decarbonisation targets, inefficient driver training, lack of secure parking, among others.
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IRU Secretary General Umberto de Pretto, who gave the opening remarks, said,
β€œIt only makes sense that we explore solutions to these challenges together. Often, the solutions are not too different, despite regional specificities,” he added. πŸ’¬
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The objective of the meeting was to foster international collaboration and knowledge sharing among key trucking actors.
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What do you think is the biggest problem in the trucking industry? Write in the comments.

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Aprel oyi oxirida Jenevada IRUda bo'lib o'tgan yig'ilishda AQSH va jahon avtomobilsozlik sanoati ishtirokchilari yuk tashishda duch keladigan asosiy muammolar yechimlarini solishtirdilar va ko'rib chiqdilar. 🀝
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AQSh yuk tashish sektori oldida turgan muammolar boshqa mintaqalardagi muammolarga o'xshaydi: surunkali haydovchi etishmovchiligi, o'ta ambitsiyali dekarbonizatsiya maqsadlari, haydovchilarni samarasiz o'qitish, xavfsiz mashinalar turargoxlarni yo'qligi va boshqalar.
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IRU Bosh kotibi Umberto de Pretto shunday dedi:
β€œBiz bu muammolarga yechim topish uchun birgalikda harakat qilishimiz mantiqan. Ko'pincha ular mintaqaviy farqlarga qaramay, unchalik farq qilmaydiΒ». πŸ’¬
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Uchrashuvning maqsadi xalqaro hamkorlikni rivojlantirish va avtomobil transportining asosiy ishtirokchilari o'rtasida bilim almashish edi.
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Sizningcha, yuk tashish sohasidagi eng katta muammo nimada? Izohlarda yozing.

#truck #truckingbusiness #americanbusiness #uata #uzbekistan #usa #truckingindustryexperts #truckdriver
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πŸ‘‰More: @uataorg
🀝Marketing partner: @mangoeffect
βœ…Logistics Platform: @huntmegroup
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How to write a CV correctly?
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* Header: Include your name, contact information, and a professional headshot.
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* Summary: A brief overview of your career goals and key qualifications.
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* Experience: List your jobs in reverse chronological order, detailing your responsibilities, achievements, and the skills you used.
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* Education: Include your degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework.
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* Skills: Highlight your technical, soft, and industry-specific skills.
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* Projects: Showcase personal or academic projects that demonstrate your abilities.
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* Check for Errors: Ensure there are no grammatical, spelling, or formatting errors.
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* Regularly Review: Update your CV as your career progresses to reflect your latest achievements and skills.
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