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With its research endeavours, the Institute of Neural Engineering at Graz University of Technology aims to develop brain-computer interfaces that enable people with various motor impairments to control prostheses or robotic arms using the power of thought. To this end, the researchers use non-invasive measurement methods such as the EEG.

Anna Galler has just moved to TU Graz with an Elise Richter Fellowship. Here, the researcher analyses 2D materials.
Her work is all about uncovering the inner workings of a wide variety of materials. At TU Graz, for example, she works with 1T tantalum diselenide. She wants to find out why this 2D material behaves in an insulating manner, among other things.
“It is suspected of being a spin liquid, which means that the quantum spins of its electrons are therefore still in motion even at the lowest temperatures,” she says, elucidating her complex field of research. “The aim now is to develop a theory of this behaviour and describe it.”

More about Anna Galler and her research: https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/tu-graz-news/singleview/article/das-spiel-mit-materialeigenschaften
"We are currently experiencing a hype around artificial intelligence. Generative AI such as Chat-GPT is indeed a milestone and is already working very well. But all of this is happening purely in the virtual world! In the virtual world, you always have access to all the information you need. However, things get really exciting only in the real world!" 🤖

A concrete answer to the question asked, the right facial expressions and a natural-looking gaze directed at the person asking the question – even if the head on the table is clearly recognisable as a robot, it behaves in a strikingly human way. This is precisely one of the features that Furhat the social robot is supposed to possess. 🤖

Highly toxic cyanide or two harmless enzymes? 🧐

ℹ️ Margit Winkler from the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology at Graz University of Technology prefers the non-toxic option. She has therefore developed a process that uses enzymes instead of cyanide to produce nitriles. What are nitriles used for? As a fragrance in household cleaners, in superglue or in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients.

“For Slovenian students seeking a blend of academic prowess and a feeling of independence, Graz in Austria is an ideal choice.“ - Sara Mohorko, from Maribor in Slovenia, is studying for a Bachelor's degree in Architecture at Graz University of Technology.

In her blog post, she explores why Graz is waiting to be explored as a doorway to unrivalled educational experiences: https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/blog/detail/article/warum-als-slowenin-oder-slowene-in-graz-studieren
🧱 What are the advantages of new energy-efficient technologies or thermal refurbishment measures and how can they be visualised?

Christina Hopfe, Head of the Institute of Building Physics, Services and Construction, has brought together TU Graz colleagues from the fields of virtual reality, machine learning, building performance simulation and the Internet of Things in the BEYOND project.

VR simulations are used to visualise the advantages and disadvantages of different construction measures in real time: https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/tu-graz-news/singleview/article/energieeffiziente-gebaeudeplanung-in-echtzeit-simulation
🚨‼️ New security loophole allows spying on internet users visiting websites and watching videos ‼️🚨

The security loophole known as "SnailLoad" allows bypassing firewalls, VPN connections and browser privacy modes.

No malicious code is required to exploit this vulnerability and the data traffic does not need to be intercepted. All types of end devices and internet connections are affected simply by monitoring fluctuations in the speed of the internet connection.

➡️ https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/tu-graz-news/singleview/article/neue-sicherheitsluecke-erlaubt-ueberwachung-besuchter-websites-und-angesehener-videos ⬅️
🤖👀 "Robots are not so bad at seeing. Sometimes they can even detect things that the human eye cannot see – for example, heat sources using thermal cameras or things in the dark using LiDAR. What is still very difficult for robots, however, is to understand the environment they see in the same way that we humans do." https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/tu-graz-news/singleview/article/sie-bringt-robotern-das-sehen-bei
🔋🫶 By obtaining approval for the K1 centre Battery4Life, TU Graz is further expanding its position as Austria's most successful university in the FFG's COMET programme.
It is a great success for TU Graz and proof of the outstanding expertise of its researchers in the rapidly developing field of battery technology: a team led by Jörg Moser and Christian Ellersdorfer from the Institute of Vehicle Safety will work with national and international partners to make batteries safer, more durable and more sustainable.
🏃‍♂️"Unlike adults, children up to a certain age cannot simply interrupt a movement they have started.“ Researchers from Graz University of Technology and "sicher unterwegs" are providing precise data on the movement patterns of children travelling on foot in road traffic.

The findings aim to improve the reconstruction and prevention of accidents: https://www.tugraz.at/en/tu-graz/services/news-stories/media-service/singleview/article/unfallforschung-rennende-volksschulkinder-benoetigen-18-meter-zum-stehenbleiben