郭子健Daniel Kwok Tsz Kin
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Speech content at the formal meeting of the UNs CCPR

“…Since the 1980s, the UK government has stripped Hongkongers, namely #BDTCs , of their rights of abode in the mainland UK and created a new class of nationals, called BN(O), with the exact aim of depriving Hongkongers of their freedom of movement and residence when the city was still part of the UK. BDTCs in Hong Kong who did not register as BN(O)s have lost their British Nationality after China took over the city. 

Our affiliate members are precisely affected by this. As a BDTC-HK / BN(O), they had no way to resettle in the UK but to claim asylum at the UK border when they fled from persecution by the Hong Kong authorities. It is beyond absurdity that a British National has to claim asylum in their own country.

It is also noted that the recent visa offer to BDTC-HK / BN(O) holders is not comparable to the resettlement pathway offered to other BDTCs, such as Gibraltarians…”

11th March 2024

⋯自20世紀80年代以來,英國政府剝奪了 #英屬港人 在英國本土的 #居留權 ,並建立了一個新的國籍類別:BN(O),目的是剝奪香港人在英屬香港時期港人前往英國居住的自由。此外,中國接管香港後,沒有申領BN(O)的香港BDTC及其後代失去了英國國籍。

我們的成員也受此影響。 作為BN(O)或BDTC的後代,當他們逃離香港當局的迫害時,他們無從安頓下來,只能在英國邊境 #聲請庇護 。 英國(海外)國民 只能選擇在自己的國家聲請庇護,實在是荒謬無理。

還值得注意的是,2021年起向BN(O)持有人提供的簽證計劃 與 向直布羅陀人等其他BDTC(BOTC)提供的居留申請途徑截然不同。(前者只是一個提供給BN(O)持有人的暫居安置計劃 政策;後者則把有關定居安排納入法例,成為BOTC護照持有人的特定權利。)

The full text of the Shadow Report has been published on the United Nations website

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