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“Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” (Acts 19:2)
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Catch up on last week’s CDBD devotionals! Some things to reflect on:

💪🏻 I know, I will, I do.
What God has spoken to us, what God has shown us, when we have heard, seen and understood, have we committed to do? 

🛫 Remember the Sabbath - keep it wholly, keep it holy.
Sabbath-keeping, temporary rest whilst in this world, points to God’s original plan, permanent peace and rest in Him when He takes us out of it.

⚔️ The sure and steady sword of God.
How tightly, how sincerely do we hold on to God’s word everyday? If in a moment, God returns for His people, are we completely certain of our salvation?

Join us as we read Ezekiel 22 – 24 this week.
Who is your God?

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.” - Romans 1: 18-19

Have we ever sat in silence, in our own stillness, pondering about the true reason behind our own and all of existence?

What or who actually is in control of everything? Do we know what or who to go to when all our heart’s plans fail, when our lives seem all but in control?
Sometimes when we don’t understand what God is doing, we worry. We think His silence means He’s not with us.

Instead of submitting to the Almighty One, we protest, thinking we know better.

Truth is, we don’t.

But from His word, we know who God is: Loving, kind, just. A Friend. Our Saviour.

Despite not know His why, we know WHO He is.

📌 Fill your life with obedience
📌 Fill your prayers with praise
Catch up on last week’s CDBD devotionals! Some things to reflect on:

👑 I Am that I Am.
Man’s failures, faithlessness and unfaithfulness are no indicators of God’s incomparable perfection, omnipotence and faithfulness.

⚖️ Justice and Mercy.
God does not sugar-coat the truth. In all He hopes we take heed and turn away from, no account He has recorded should go unaccounted for.

🍃 Reasons in Every Season.
Only God knows exactly when and how to turn our mourning into dancing, sorrow to joy. In the depths of our despair, let us reflect constantly on the truths God needs us to learn and grow from.

Join us as we read Ezekiel 25 – 27 this week.
Why do we live?

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

What is the purpose of each of our lives?

Do we care to ponder deeply about our life’s meaning? Or do we live each day bothered and consumed by fleeting cares and troubles?

Do we know that our desires and intentions come to pass only because God is grace, allows us to be amidst the ‘rights’ and ‘wrongs’ in them both?

Do we know that our lives henceforth are a testament of God? How do we, therefore, live as testaments of God? How much more will we test God’s grace and mercy?

Let’s reflect here.
Catch up on last week’s CDBD devotionals! Some things to reflect on:

🫀 Does your heart want what God wants?
When things do not go our way, when God appears to be missing in action, do we take matters into our own hands, act according to what seems right in our own eyes? Or do we leave it all in God's hands, the only One who has the right to act?

🔥 Vengeance belongs to God.
Whatever darts thrown our way; brutality, betrayal, blackmail - let this be our bold conviction - God will judge and deliver completely and in His time.

💔 Pain in Punishment.
Regardless of sin's depravity, God takes no pleasure in His judgements. Constantly at the receiving end of God's grace, in return, are our lives and our works pleasing to God?

Join us as we read Ezekiel 28 – 30 this week.
What is sin and why do we sin?

Some things to mull over and be mindful of as we move through another new day - No one is perfect, no one person is absolutely good. But why?

Because we chose, from the very beginning, to turn from the source of goodness and perfection.

“because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.” – Romans 1: 21

How do we now make good what we ourselves, made bad?

How can we return to the one and only original standard?
From the Red Sea's miraculous parting…

… to manna raining down from heaven 🙌

Our God makes a way in the sea, and a path through the mighty waters. (Isaiah 43:16)

Full post on our Instagram.
Catch up on last week’s CDBD devotionals! Some things to reflect on:

🙄🪤 Pride’s Pitfalls
Is our trust only in the things, the successes God has given us? Is our trust in God Himself? Let us not be tricked and trapped into prideful thinking and ignorance.

🎨🖌️ You are God’s handiwork.
There are no other gods apart from God Himself. Do we see ourselves as God sees us - His workmanship, or do we see ourselves as man does - seeking and esteeming being seen by the world?

🏃🏻♂️💨 Inescapable Justice
What is more fearful to us - things that can be seen and expected or things unseen and unpredictable? Most of us lean towards the latter. As we await God’s unknown inevitable judgment, should we not all the more fear Him and keep His word?

Join us as we read Ezekiel 31 – 33 this week.
1️⃣ You do not fulfill your ministry alone.

We each carry our ministry with our coworkers AND with God.

🤝🏼 How can you reconnect with your coworkers to gain strength?
🤝🏼 In his struggles, Elijah rested and waited for God. Reflect on your daily devotion.

Have you been connecting with God daily through prayer and His word? What worries have you not yet given entirely to God?

Stay tuned for Part 2
Catch up on last week’s CDBD devotionals! Some things to reflect on:

🌳🪵 God gives and takes away.
Whatever God has provided, just as easily, He can destroy. When we clearly see God’s hand in the story of our lives, do we ascribe all glory to ourselves? Do we know to remember, acknowledge and glorify God in all our ways?

Join us as we read Ezekiel 34 – 36 this week.
Your Strength Within

On the surface, we have no lack – shelter over our heads, food in our stomachs, clothes on our backs. In fact, many of us live in abundance – we have so much more than we need.

Beneath the surface, are we just the same? Is it possible to outwardly abound but remain inwardly abased?

Our God does not see as man sees – man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart. Is our inner man strengthened from submission to God, or weakened, stubborn and unmoved, swayed away from God by our own ego?

Click on ‘Your Strength Within’ above to learn more.
Continued from Part 1 last week

2️⃣ As we work for God, God also wants to work in us

Being our loving Saviour, God wants to give us opportunities to experience His power.

💪🏼 If we’re at our limits in serving God, this is a chance for us to experience a breakthrough.
💪🏼 Rather than quit, perhaps a better strategy is to double down on prayers for strength, ability, and wisdom.

When we humbly turn to God, He shows us that His work is securely in His hands. We are mere vessels for His use and glory.
Catch up on last week’s CDBD devotionals! Some things to reflect on:

🐑 His Sheep and Shepherd Am I
How important is shepherding your God-given flock to you? Do you really care? Conversely, how faithful are you to God, the perfect Shepherd?

🧏🏻‍♀️ Sin and Sensitivity
If we were to look at our lives from God’s perspective, I trust there is much to be saddened about, much to be ashamed of. As such, are we mindful of our conduct? Are we committed to God and His commands, that we might finally be redeemed?

Join us as we read Ezekiel 37 – 39 this week.
Sometimes, the answer to our prayers isn't a "yes" or "no," but rather "wait"

Full post on our Instagram.
Catch up on last week’s Bible Reading! Some things to reflect on:

💨 Spirit of Life (Ezekiel 37)
As God’s chosen people, we are to lead spiritually full and upright lives. In the face of life’s daily battles, through God’s Holy Spirit, how fearlessly do we fight for victory?

😶‍🌫️ Weather Every Storm (Ezekiel 38)
How well-equipped are we at defending and protecting ourselves against spiritual enemies’ fiery darts? Have we prepared enough to expect the unexpected?

⚔️ Secure in God’s Corner (Ezekiel 39)
Sin or salvation - who’s side are you on? When we take our unwavering stance on God’s side of spiritual battlefields, we will see that absolutely nothing stands in the way of God’s righteousness.

Join us as we read Ezekiel 40 – 42 this week.
We seek your kind patience as the Closer Day By Day website is being revamped and is therefore temporarily suspended.

In the meantime, you may stay updated on daily devotionals on YouTube using the following link:
One for All and All for One

What is our understanding of evangelism for Christ?

What does it mean to us to spread God’s truth, the truth of the one true church to all mankind?

As individuals from all walks of life are drawn to the truth, how accepting and empathetic are we of our differences?

Indeed, the True Jesus Church is being established in more and more nations, but how often are the establishments missionary or gospel-driven as opposed to products of circumstance?

Let us ponder on these points of reflection in our efforts in upholding the unity of the church as we press onward for Christ.
Click on the link above to get started.