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Test A - 122920 ISO has been sent to testers. We are so excited to finally send out an ISO outside of our internal tests. We hope that this early test will gather lots of feedback to prep Trenta OS for a public release. Happy New Year
Happy New Year!
Before you get excited, this disk image has its quirks. Yes, it is the first ISO that has left our internal team in years, and we couldn't be more excited. This isn't considered a daily driver in any way, shape or form so please keep your expectations low as we work toward a completed Trenta OS version together. Please read through everything below before beginning the download process.

Please consider the following:
• This may or may not run on real hardware. Technically, nothing is stopping that. However, our internal tests gave us trouble creating a bootable USB drive. If you are able to pull this off, please let us know how you did it by Submitting feedback using the link below. We did not experience any issues installing it in Virtual Box. 
• This is not intended to be a Live CD. When you boot the ISO, please select the 3rd option or the one that reads "Install". This is the only option that works without hiccups we found.
• This IS a confidential test. It does NOT reflect a final product. We ask you to not share this link or the ISO with anyone at this time. During a test in the near future, we'll offer the option to share the ISO with friends. This is not that release. 
• Expect bugs, overlap with Ubuntu, and other early issues. Please report anything that you see an issue, and keep 'bluesky' recommendations to a minimum at this time. We will create another form for feature requests down the road when we have a more stable system.
• There is no warranty in any way shape or form.
• This is a Ubuntu based system for x86_64 (64bit) systems.
• We encourage anyone to check out our GitHub page if you want to contribute. Trenta Icons has many issues for needs open.
• Please keep screenshots and Videos to a minimum. If you run a YouTube channel or a similar outlet, please email me before proceeding and we can discuss how to go about releasing content. We are protective over this early build because it does not reflect a final product.

By downloading the ISO, you agree to everything above.

Trenta OS 2020 December test build:

Trenta OS testing telegram community:
Also please note, this is the iso originally built for the private test. It is not stable and comes with issues. Please report bugs here:
For those of you who are part of Test Drive, please log your issues here:

This way we can better keep track of duplicates and allow contributions on issues. Thank you @DiamondOreMaster267 for the good call-out.
Tiny Update: The test drive iso will go up on the website later today. This is an attempt to gather more feedback.
Changes on the website: