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TOBB ETÜ Tashkent students at the TALENTforBIZ event!
🔥 TALENTforBIZ is an international event featuring Turkey's largest global brands, where our talented students also participated. During the evening held at the Hyatt Regency Tashkent, our students had the opportunity to meet with industry leaders such as Aselsan, Chalık Holding, Halkbank, Kontrolmatik Technologies, Turkish Airlines, and Turkish Aerospace, and learn about new career opportunities.
✨ Additionally, during the event, they were informed about opportunities for professional growth through seminars, practical research, and job/internship interviews.
TOBB ETÜ Tashkent talabalari TALENTforBIZ tadbirida!
🔥 TALENTforBIZ — Turkiyaning eng yirik global brendlari jamlagan xalqaro tadbir bo’lib, unda bizning iqtidorli talabalarimiz ham ishtirok etishdi. Hyatt Regency Tashkent mehmonxonasida o’tgan kechada talabalarimiz Aselsan, Chalık Holding, Halkbank, Kontrolmatik Technologies, Turkish Airlines va Turkish Aerospace kabi soha yetakchilari bilan uchrashishdi va yangi karyera imkoniyatlari bilan tanishishdi.
✨ Shuningdek, tadbir davomida o'tkaziladigan seminarlar, amaliy tadqiqotlar va ish/stajirovka suhbatlari orqali professional darajada o’sish imkoniyatlaridan xabardor bo’lishdi.
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TOBB ETÜ Tashkent talabalari TALENTforBIZ tadbirida!
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🎉 TOBB ETÜ Tashkent 21-oktyabr – O'zbek tiliga davlat tili maqomi berilgan kun bilan tabriklaydi
✨ Barcha yurtdoshlarimizni vatanimiz tarixidagi muhim kun — O‘zbek tilining davlat tili sifatida tan olingan sana bilan qutlaymiz.
🎓 Bu kun xalqimizning milliy g‘ururi, tarixi va madaniyati uchun katta ahamiyatga ega bo‘lib, uning rivojlanishi va boyishiga barcha fuqarolar, jumladan talabalarimiz ham hissa qo‘shishlarini tilab qolamiz.
🎉 TOBB ETÜ Tashkent congratulates you on October 21 – the day Uzbek language was granted the status of the state language
✨ We extend our warmest congratulations to all our compatriots on this significant day in the history of our nation – the recognition of the Uzbek language as the state language.
🎓 This day holds great importance for the national pride, history, and culture of our people, and we hope that all citizens, including our students, will contribute to its development and enrichment.
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🎉 TOBB ETÜ Tashkent congratulates you on October 21 – the day Uzbek language was granted the status of the state language
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Хотите использовать LinkedIn как мощный инструмент для развития личного бренда и бизнеса?
🗣Тогда вебинар от Tumaris.Tech в сотрудничестве с IT Park и Проекта USAID по развитию предпринимательской среды — именно то, что вам нужно!
⭐️Спикер - Анна Амброзевич, Директор Women in Tech Uzbekistan и независимый консультант в области IT и Digital, расскажет как использовать LinkedIn для продвижения карьеры или бизнеса.
На вебинаре вы получите ответы на важные вопросы:
- Какое влияние имеет личный бренд в области IT?
- Как создать идеальный профиль в LinkedIn?
- Как развивать бизнес с помощью контента на LinkedIn?
- Какие аналитические метрики помогут вам в работе с LinkedIn?
🗓Дата: 23 октября
⏰Время: 18:00 (GMT+5)
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Присоединяйтесь и узнайте, как LinkedIn может стать вашим союзником в развитии личного бренда и бизнеса!
🗣Тогда вебинар от Tumaris.Tech в сотрудничестве с IT Park и Проекта USAID по развитию предпринимательской среды — именно то, что вам нужно!
⭐️Спикер - Анна Амброзевич, Директор Women in Tech Uzbekistan и независимый консультант в области IT и Digital, расскажет как использовать LinkedIn для продвижения карьеры или бизнеса.
На вебинаре вы получите ответы на важные вопросы:
- Какое влияние имеет личный бренд в области IT?
- Как создать идеальный профиль в LinkedIn?
- Как развивать бизнес с помощью контента на LinkedIn?
- Какие аналитические метрики помогут вам в работе с LinkedIn?
🗓Дата: 23 октября
⏰Время: 18:00 (GMT+5)
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Присоединяйтесь и узнайте, как LinkedIn может стать вашим союзником в развитии личного бренда и бизнеса!
TOBB ETÜ Tashkentda bitiruv marosimi!
🎓 Bugun TOBB ETÜ Tashkentda ilk bitiruvchilar diplomlarini qo‘lga olishdi! Tadbirda nufuzli shaxslar, jumladan, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sport vaziri, oliygohimiz rektori Adham Ikramov, Turkiyaning O‘zbekistondagi elchisi Olgan Bekar va bir qator ekspertlar ishtirok etishdi.
🎙 Tadbirda so'zga chiqqan bitiruvchilar O'zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyev tomonidan Yangi O'zbekiston yoshlarining jahon andozalari asosida sifatli va zamonaviy ta'lim olishlari borasida yaratilgan sharoitlar uchun o'z minnatdorchiliklarini bildirishdi.
📌 Negaki bundan 4 yil oldin Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyevning Turkiyaga qilgan rasmiy tashrifi natijasida Turkiya Palatalari va birjalari ittifoqi oʻrtasida “TOBB” qoshidagi Turkiya Iqtisodiyot va texnologiyalar universitetining Toshkentdagi filialini ochish yuzasidan memorandum imzolangan edi. Buning natijasi o’laroq TOBB ETÜ Tashkent tadbirkorlikka qiziqqan yoshlarni ilk marta o’zida jamlagandi.
🎉 Bitiruv marosimi davomida so‘zga chiqqan mehmonlar bitiruvchilarga kelajakdagi faoliyatlarida ulkan muvaffaqiyatlar tilashdi. Diplom egalarini xalqaro darajadagi sifatli ta’lim tufayli ulkan imkoniyatlar kutmoqda!
Graduation Ceremony at TOBB ETÜ Tashkent!
🎓 Today, the first graduates of TOBB ETÜ Tashkent received their diplomas! The ceremony was attended by notable figures, including the Minister of Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, our rector Adham Ikramov, Ambassador of Türkiye Olgan Bekar and several experts.
🎙 During the ceremony, graduates expressed their gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, for creating opportunities for the youth of New Uzbekistan to receive high-quality and modern education that meets international standards.
📌 Four years ago, as a result of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's official visit to Turkey, a memorandum was signed between the Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) to establish a branch of TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Tashkent. As a result, TOBB ETÜ Tashkent gathered young people who are passionate about entrepreneurship for the first time.
🎉 During the graduation ceremony, the distinguished guests wished the graduates great success in their future careers. Thanks to the international-level education they received, diploma holders are now facing vast opportunities ahead!
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📌 Negaki bundan 4 yil oldin Oʻzbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti Shavkat Mirziyoyevning Turkiyaga qilgan rasmiy tashrifi natijasida Turkiya Palatalari va birjalari ittifoqi oʻrtasida “TOBB” qoshidagi Turkiya Iqtisodiyot va texnologiyalar universitetining Toshkentdagi filialini ochish yuzasidan memorandum imzolangan edi. Buning natijasi o’laroq TOBB ETÜ Tashkent tadbirkorlikka qiziqqan yoshlarni ilk marta o’zida jamlagandi.
Graduation Ceremony at TOBB ETÜ Tashkent!
🎙 During the ceremony, graduates expressed their gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, for creating opportunities for the youth of New Uzbekistan to receive high-quality and modern education that meets international standards.
📌 Four years ago, as a result of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's official visit to Turkey, a memorandum was signed between the Uzbekistan Chamber of Commerce and the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) to establish a branch of TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Tashkent. As a result, TOBB ETÜ Tashkent gathered young people who are passionate about entrepreneurship for the first time.
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Rektorning 1-kurs talabalari bilan uchrashuvi
📚 Universitet rektori, professor Adham Ikramov bilan 1-kurs talabalari o‘rtasida uchrashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi.
🎓 Uchrashuv davomida talabalarga ilmga intilish, o‘z ustida tinmay ishlash va yangi imkoniyatlardan unumli foydalanish muhimligi ta’kidlandi.
Meeting of the Rector with 1st year students
📚 A meeting was held between first-year students and the university's rector, professor Adkham Ikramov.
🎓 During the meeting, the importance of striving for knowledge, continuous self-improvement, and effectively utilizing new opportunities was emphasized to the students.
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Meeting of the Rector with 1st year students
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TOBB ETÜ Tashkent Turkiya Respublika kuni bilan qutlaydi!
🇹🇷 29 oktyabr — Turkiyada nafaqat Mustaqillik kuni, balki erkinlik, ozodlik va demokratiya ramzidir.
TOBB ETÜ Tashkent celebrates the Republic Day of Turkey!
🇹🇷 October 29 — not only Independence Day in Turkey, but also a symbol of freedom, liberty, and democracy.
TOBB ETÜ Taşkent, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Bayramını kutluyor!
🇹🇷 29 Ekim — Türkiye’de yalnızca Bağımsızlık Günü değil, aynı zamanda özgürlük ve demokrasi simgesidir.
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TOBB ETÜ Tashkent celebrates the Republic Day of Turkey!
TOBB ETÜ Taşkent, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Bayramını kutluyor!
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🥅 Shu kabi sport tadbirlari TOBB ETÜ Tashkentda muntazam yo’lga qo’yilgan bo’lib, bu talabalar o‘rtasida bir-birini qo‘llab-quvvatlash va sog‘lom turmush tarzini rivojlantirishda muhim ahamiyat kasb etadi.
🥅 Such sporting events are regularly held at TOBB ETÜ Tashkent, playing a crucial role in fostering mutual support among students and promoting a healthy lifestyle.
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