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Check out the latest updates on TMM! πŸ“ˆπŸ”₯ From a new Average Return of Portfolio widget to improvements on the trade list, TMM continues to enhance its platform to provide traders with more tools and features for informed trading decisions.
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Start using the "Expected value" and "Profit Factor" widgets, for a more effective analysis. They allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of a trading strategy quickly.

The Expected value Widget calculates each trade's average win or loss and displays the total Expectation for all trades.

For example, one’s trading system allows him to make $1,000 in 60% of cases and lose $500 in the remaining 40%. Then the Expected value of his winnings is:

(0.6 * $1000) + (0.4 * -$500) = $400

This means that, on average, each trade will bring the trader a profit of $400. Of course, the results may differ in practice, but in the long run, it can be used to evaluate the trading system and make decisions about its further use. It is also worth considering that the Expected value can change depending on the summ and the level of risk, so you should consider all these factors.

The Profit Factor widget, in turn, calculates the total win to total loss ratio and displays it on a chart. This allows to determine how profitable a trader's strategy is in the long run.

Profit Factor = Wins / Losses

For example, if a trader earned $10,000 in the last month and lost $5,000, then the profit factor would be:

$10,000 / $5,000 = 2

This means that each win is twice the loss. The higher the profit factor, the more profitable the trading system is considered.


Both of these widgets are available in our trading journal and will automatically analyze your past trades. The video shows how to add them to your journalπŸ‘†

Using these widgets will allow you to quickly evaluate your results and make informed decisions about further trading. However, it is worth remembering that these widgets are not the only tool for analyzing trading results, and it is essential to take into account other indicators as well, such as the percentage of winning trades, the average win and loss, and others - you can easily track these indicators in our trading journal TMMπŸ’Έ
​Special TMM widgets for identifying the most promising coins based on your tradesπŸ”₯

Using these widgets can significantly simplify the analysis of your trading results and help identify promising coins for future trading:

1️⃣ Distribution by coin. The widget itself may not seem very useful, but by using settings, such as filtering profitable or losing trades, interesting patterns can be identified, and the advantages of certain coins over others can be determined.

2️⃣ Distribution of profits/losses by coin. With these widgets, you can identify the most profitable or losing coins, allowing you to understand which coins to focus on and which may require a change of strategy or exclusion from trading.

3️⃣ Volume per symbol. This widget displays the approximate volume of money in a trade. It is counted as the sum of contracts multiplied by the average entry point.

4️⃣ Average volume by symbol. Average volume per trade. The calculation multiplies the peak volume value by the average entry price.
πŸ“Œ Tracking Average volume by symbol allows the trader to manage the risks associated with their trades. By knowing the volume of their trades, the trader can better allocate their funds between different cryptocurrencies and control their portfolio.

5️⃣ Distribution of profits by coin. A widget that demonstrates the most profitable and losing coins in your portfolio.

6️⃣ Profit factor per symbol. This is the result of the ratio of the total number of all trades that brought profit to the sum of unprofitable trades over a specific time interval. (total profit divided by total loss). Values above one (1.6 for more confidence) indicate the profitability of the trading strategy.

7️⃣ Average duration per symbol. The widget displays how long it takes, on average, for a specific coin to close a trade in minutes. This can help determine which coins have higher liquidity and are closed faster in trades.


Using special widgets to analyze your trades is a powerful tool that allows you to delve into market understanding and identify the most promising coins. They optimize your trading strategy, improve your results, and reduce the level of risk.

❗️ It’s essential to constantly analyze your operations and adapt strategies based on the data provided in the journal to achieve success in the dynamic crypto market. Don't miss the opportunity to increase your trading efficiency by using the data and statistics provided by Trader Make Money!
Hi traders! The TMM team is in touch! We are doing a small research to analyze how you use the TMM trading journal and if there are any difficulties. This allows us to improve the functionality of the journal.

Therefore, we invite you to take part in a small anonymous survey.


You can also suggest adding new features or vote for other users’ suggestions to let us know the most critical tasks to implement and the most needed functionality.


Thank you!

Confirmation bias is a cognitive bias that affects people's ability to make rational decisions. It refers to the tendency of individuals to look for information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs while ignoring evidence that contradicts them. This bias can have a significant impact on the decision-making process, especially for traders who rely on information to make investment decisions.

Confirmation bias can also lead to:

- Traders rely heavily on information to make informed decisions about when to buy or sell. However, confirmation bias can lead them to seek out information that confirms their existing beliefs while ignoring contradictory evidence. For example, if a trader is convinced that a particular cryptocurrency is going to increase in value, they may only look for information that supports this view, while ignoring any information that suggests the opposite.

This approach to decision-making can be detrimental to the trader's success. By only seeking out information that confirms their existing beliefs, they may miss critical information that could affect their investment decisions. For example, they may ignore news about regulatory changes or security breaches that could impact the value of a cryptocurrency.

- Confirmation bias can also lead to a lack of diversification. If a trader is convinced that a particular coin is a sure thing, they may become overly stuck on that asset. This approach can lead to substantial losses if the asset fails to perform as expected.

πŸ“Œ  To overcome confirmation bias, traders should be aware of their own biases and actively seek out contradictory evidence. They should also be open to changing their beliefs based on new information. This approach can help them make more informed decisions and improve their overall success as traders.

❗️In conclusion, confirmation bias can significantly impact the decision-making process of traders. By actively seeking out contradictory evidence and being open to changing their beliefs based on new information, traders can overcome this bias and make more informed investment decisions.
As a trader, it's important to develop the habit of analyzing your trades to continually improve your strategy and increase profits. However, many traders struggle to make analyzing their trades a habit. Here are some simple steps to make analyzing your trades a regular practice.

1. Set your goals
Before you start analyzing your trades, it's important to set your goals. What do you want to achieve through analyzing your trades? Do you want to identify your strengths and weaknesses? Do you want to improve your profitability? Whatever your goals may be, make sure they are clear and specific.

2. Create a reporting system
To make analyzing your trades easier, create a reporting system. This can be as simple as a spreadsheet or a more advanced trading journal software. The important thing is to track your trades consistently so you can identify patterns and make informed decisions.

3. Set a regular analysis schedule
Make analyzing your trades a habit by setting a regular analysis schedule. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your trading frequency. Stick to your schedule and make analyzing your trades a priority.

4. Evaluate your trades not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively
When analyzing your trades, it's important to evaluate them not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. This means looking beyond the numbers and examining your thought process, emotions, and decision-making. Ask yourself questions like: What was my rationale for entering this trade? Did I follow my trading plan? How did I feel during the trade?

5. Apply insights to your trading
Once you have analyzed your trades, apply the insights you have gained to your trading. This may mean adjusting your trading strategy, identifying new opportunities, or avoiding common mistakes.

6. Track your progress
To see how you are progressing as a trader, track your progress. Customize your Summary page with widgets that will visually demonstrate all your trading, including distribution by coins, your best and worst time to trade, profits, and much more.

7. Learn from the experience of others
Learn from the experience of others by chatting in trading communities or following successful traders on social media. This can provide valuable insights and help you avoid common mistakes.

8. Don't be afraid of mistakes
Finally, don't be afraid of mistakes. They are a natural part of trading and can provide valuable learning opportunities. Embrace them, learn from them, and use them to improve your trading.

In conclusion, analyzing your trades can be the key to success as a trader. By setting goals, creating a reporting system, setting a regular analysis schedule, evaluating your trades qualitatively and quantitatively, applying insights to your trading, tracking your progress, learning from the experience of others, and embracing mistakes, you can make analyzing your trades a habit and achieve your trading goals.

Understanding the Herding Behavior of Crypto Traders

Herding behavior refers to the tendency of individuals to follow the actions of a larger group, rather than making independent decisions. In the context of crypto trading, this means that many traders will buy or sell a particular coin simply because they see others doing the same, without necessarily understanding the underlying fundamentals of the asset.

❓There are a few reasons why herding behavior is so prevalent in the world of cryptocurrency.

1. One of the main reasons is the highly volatile and unpredictable nature of the market. The value of cryptocurrencies can rise or fall rapidly in response to news events, government regulations, or simply market sentiment. This volatility can create a sense of panic or FOMO (fear of missing out) among traders, leading them to follow the actions of others.

2. Additionally, social media platforms like Twitter and Reddit have become popular forums for discussing and sharing trading strategies, which can further amplify herd mentality.

3. Finally, the relative lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency market can also contribute to herding behavior. Without clear guidelines or oversight, traders may feel uncertain about the legitimacy of a particular coin or exchange. This uncertainty can lead them to follow the actions of others, rather than making independent decisions based on their own research and analysis.

However, while herding behavior may be understandable from a psychological standpoint, it can also be dangerous for individual investors. Following the crowd can lead to buying or selling at the wrong time, and can cause prices to become even more volatile. In some cases, it can even lead to market bubbles and crashes.


This type of behavior is not unique to the world of cryptocurrencies. In fact, there are many historical examples of herding behavior in other financial markets. One well-known example is the dot-com bubble of the late 1990s. During this time, many investors poured money into internet companies, driving up their stock prices to unsustainable levels. When the bubble burst in 2000, many of these companies went bankrupt, and investors suffered significant losses.

Another example of herding behavior can be seen in the housing market leading up to the 2008 financial crisis. In the years before the crisis, many people bought homes they couldn't afford, often using risky subprime mortgages. As more and more people did this, housing prices soared, creating a sense of FOMO among those who hadn't yet bought a home. When the housing market collapsed, many people were left with homes they couldn't sell and mortgages they couldn't afford.

In the context of cryptocurrencies, herding behavior can be seen in the rapid rise and fall of Bitcoin prices in 2017. During this time, many investors bought Bitcoin simply because they saw others doing so, leading to a dramatic increase in its value. However, when the market corrected, many of these investors panicked and sold their coins, causing the price to plummet.

πŸ”— Explore also: History of Trading and Why You Should Know It

πŸ‘† To avoid falling victim to herding behavior

1. It’s important for crypto traders to stay informed about the fundamentals of the assets they are trading. This means doing research on the technology behind the coin, as well as keeping up with news and market trends.
2. Additionally, it's important to maintain a level head and avoid making emotional decisions based on the actions of others.

In conclusion, herding behavior is a natural tendency among crypto traders, but it's important to be aware of its potential pitfalls. By staying informed and making independent decisions, traders can avoid getting swept up in the herd mentality and make smarter investments in the long run.
Tonight, Binance Futures crashed and connections to the exchange were broken for part of the API keys.

If your trades are not loading, please go to my api keys section and click "reconnect".
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Discover new opportunities with the "Category" feature:

πŸ” Test your trading strategies by categorizing them. For example: "Scalping", "Long-term trading" or "Swing trading".

🌐 Categorize trades by exchanges to better understand your work on different platforms.

⭐ Create a "Favorites" category to track and analyze specific trades.

πŸ—„οΈ The "Archive" category allows you to hide a trade from the list and exclude it from statistics (except for the public profile)

How to create a category:

1. Click "Edit" on the left in the "My Trades".
2. Then click "Add" and give a short name for the category.
3. Save your changes and the category will appear as a new column on the My Trades page.
4. Select the checkbox in the "My tradesΒ» to move a trade to a category. You will see a window to change the category on the left.

Use the categories in the analytics widgets in the Β«SummaryΒ»:

You can customize any widget to show analytics for a specific category using filters. For example, you can track profitable and unprofitable coins for each category with the "Profit / loss distribution by coins" widgets.

Specialized Widgets:
β€” "Profit by category" displays the profit from trades grouped by category
β€” "Percentage of winning by category" displays the percentage of winning trades grouped by category

The "Category" feature will help you get the most out of your trading journal by providing flexibility, control and convenience in analyzing trading strategies. Use the categories to gain a deeper understanding of your trading activity, identify the strengths and weaknesses of your strategies, and optimize your portfolioπŸ’ͺπŸ“ˆ

Hey fellow traders, let's dive into the topic of the fear of missing out (FOMO) and how it can impact our trading decisions. We have all been there, looking at the market and seeing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin soaring above $30,000 or Ethereum crossing $2,000, and feeling the pressure to join in on the hype and not miss out on a potentially profitable trade. However, it's important to remember that FOMO can be one of the most dangerous enemies of successful trading and can lead to irrational and costly decisions.

Let's take a look at some examples of FOMO in action.
- In 2017, during the ICO boom, many investors succumbed to FOMO and invested in projects with dubious prospects and no clear strategy. As a result, most of these projects failed, and investors were left empty-handed.
- Another example is the GameStop (GME) surge in January 2021, where many investors bought shares at inflated prices due to FOMO, only to suffer losses when the market stabilized and the share price fell.

So, how can we avoid falling into the FOMO trap and make rational trading decisions?

1. First and foremost, it's crucial to recognize our emotions and understand when they are taking over our decisions. By identifying the moments when FOMO puts pressure on us, we can separate emotions from market analysis and avoid making hasty decisions.

πŸ“Œ One great way to track our emotions is to use "Entry Reasons" in our trading journal.

2. Secondly, we need to follow our strategy based on goals and entry/exit criteria. This helps us maintain clarity of thought and make decisions based on analysis rather than emotions. It's important not to deviate from our strategy, even if other investors or the news are talking about a booming asset. Remember, FOMO can come from a huge amount of information and opinions.

3. Thirdly, it's crucial not to compare ourselves to others. Everyone has their own strategy, financial situation, and risk tolerance. We should focus on our own goals and successes rather than what others are doing.

4. Fourthly, we need to take breaks and rest. Crypto trading can be stressful, and it's important to take some time away from the market and news. This helps us conserve energy and maintain emotional balance.

5. Lastly, keeping a trading journal is vital. It allows us to write down our thoughts, decisions, and plans, serving as a great reminder of our strategy and helping us stay sane during volatile periods in the market.

πŸ“Œ In the Notes section of our trading journal, we can write down our thoughts, decisions, and plans, making it easier to keep a cool head and minimize risks.

In summary, by following these guidelines, we can minimize the impact of FOMO on our trading decisions and achieve success in crypto trading. Remember, trading is a long-term game, and it's important to remain rational and make informed decisions. Happy trading!
​How to Improve Your Trading Skills by Managing Your Emotions

You already know that knowledge and strategy are essential for successful trading, but that's not all! To become a pro, ask yourself the following questions:

1️⃣ How do you react to failure?
It's important to understand that setbacks are an inevitable part of the process. To cope with them, you need to be able to analyze your mistakes, accept them, and learn from them. What sets apart a pro from a novice is their attitude toward mistakes. The former skillfully draws lessons from them, while the latter becomes fearful of making a loss again.

2️⃣ How disciplined are you?
You must be able to set boundaries and stick to them. Don't let trading take over your life, and take care of your health, as your endurance and mental agility directly affect your decision-making.

3️⃣ Who and what do you surround yourself with?
Your environment can significantly impact your trading performance. Connect with experienced traders, listen to their advice, but always remain critical of the information you receive. Also, make sure to create an ideal working environment where you can fully focus on the task at hand without any distractions.

4️⃣ How flexible are you in making decisions?
The market is constantly changing, and you must be adaptable to new conditions. Be open to experimenting with new tools and approaches, and don't be afraid to change your tactics when necessary.

5️⃣ What is your inner voice saying?
Learn to manage your emotions and thoughts. Develop a system of affirmations and beliefs to help you stay calm and confident during difficult situations.

πŸ“Œ The samurai used to take seven breaths before making any decisions during challenging situations. Consider adopting this practice as it can save you from making impulsive decisions.

Good luck to everyone trading!
Why is patience such a crucial quality for a trader?

Crypto trading isn't just about analyzing charts and finding signals. Being able to control your emotions and handle yourself is incredibly important. Patience is one of the key traits that a successful crypto trader must develop.

Imagine that you've invested in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and are waiting for its price to rise. But instead, it begins to fall. Your heart starts racing, and you wonder, "Should I sell now or wait?" This is where patience comes in!

Think back to the history of Bitcoin's rise in price. In 2017, it soared to nearly $20,000 before beginning an extended correction. Some investors lost their patience and sold their coins at a loss, but those who waited were rewarded with new record highs by 2021.

Remember the story of Dogecoin? At the beginning of 2021, its price skyrocketed, and many sold their coins to cash in. However, those who were patient and held on saw even greater profits as the price rose.

πŸ“Œ Here are a few key things to keep in mind:

1. Don't panic when the price of a cryptocurrency goes down. This is normal in the market.
2. Stick to your strategy - no matter what your emotions tell you, your strategy is everything!
3. Only invest an amount that you're comfortable losing. This will help you remain calm and patient.
4. Take your time chasing quick and easy profits, which can lead to costly mistakes and losses.

Patience is also crucial when finding reasons to enter a trade. For example, sometimes traders jump in to buy a cryptocurrency when they see the price starting to rise. But if you wait patiently for the right moment, you can buy at a better price and minimize your risks.

At times, cryptocurrencies snowball, and many people fear missing out on a chance to earn money. But even if you see that the price has risen, patience can help you avoid buying at the peak and suffering losses later on.

❓ So, how can you cultivate patience?

1. Rest. Constantly staring at charts can tire you out and make you more emotional. Take breaks and do other things.
2. Learn. The more knowledge you have about crypto trading, the more confident and patient you will become.
3. Talk to other traders. They can share their experiences, provide support during difficult times, and help keep you calm.

The market is dynamic and filled with opportunities, but patience will help you make the most of them. Best of luck on your journey! πŸ˜‰
How can you use trade analysis to identify your strengths and weaknesses in crypto trading?

Nobody is perfect; we all have strengths and weaknesses when trading cryptocurrencies. Not to give up after the first failure; it's essential to understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Keeping a trade journal isn't just a list of your trades; it's a tool to help you analyze the history of your successes and failures. Here are some examples of how trade analysis can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses:

1. Evaluating the reasons for entering trades:
If you notice that you often enter trades based on news or signals that end in losses, analyzing your reasons for entry can help you understand that you should rely more on your own analysis and market research rather than external factors.

2. Controlling emotions when closing positions:
You may close positions too early by analyzing your trades, fearing losing profits. In this case, you can determine that it's worth learning to control your emotions and be more patient while waiting for target levels to be reached.

3. Choosing successful cryptocurrencies:
Suppose you notice that you're more successful in trading specific cryptocurrencies than others, such as profiting on Bitcoin trades but losing on Altcoin trades. In that case, trade analysis will help you focus on successful coins and reduce the share of trades with less profitable cryptocurrencies.

4. Searching for the strategy:
Analyzing your trades can help you understand that long-term investments bring more profit than short-term trading. This suggests focusing on long-term strategies and choosing cryptocurrencies with good growth potential.

Analyze your trades, study your strengths and weaknesses, and build your strategy. This way, you'll improve, adapt to the market, and increase profits. Ultimately, the goal is to make money in crypto trading and become a professional! πŸ’°πŸš€

πŸ“Œ TMM has everything you need to easily and quickly analyze your trades, including convenient widgets, a journal with all trades on the chart, and note-taking. Therefore:

- Don't neglect filling out your diary; write down the reasons for entry and conclusions.
- Regularly analyze your trades, identifying strengths and weaknesses. Assess what aspects of your trading need improvement and work on them.
- Apply the knowledge you acquire to adjust your trading strategy and behavior in the market. This may include changing your approach to choosing cryptocurrencies, managing risk, choosing timeframes, or determining optimal stop loss and take profit levels.

Profit awaits!
πŸ“£ Exciting News! πŸ“£

We are thrilled to announce that our team has been working hard to bring you some amazing updates for April that will enhance your trading analysis experience and make it more efficient. πŸ”πŸ’°

Our automated trading journal just got better with enhanced filters in the "Summary" section, updated widgets, and a more functional Telegram bot. We have also successfully implemented the new TMM design and public profile, giving you more options to customize and share information with other users.

With these updates, you can fine-tune your analysis, make informed decisions, and develop trading strategies effortlessly. πŸ’»πŸ’ͺ

So, what are you waiting for? Come and check out these latest updates today! If you have any queries, don't hesitate to contact our support team. πŸ‘
Understanding the Challenges of Cryptocurrency Trading and How to Overcome Them

Trading cryptocurrency can be challenging for novice and experienced crypto traders, as it involves comprehending the market intricacies, strategies, and psychological factors. Nevertheless, with practice and expertise, trading becomes more straightforward.

So, what makes trading crypto so demanding, and how can you deal with it?

1️⃣ Cryptocurrency trading is like any other profession but does not guarantee a fixed salary for your investment hours. You could trade for five hours without any assurance of profit, and even months of persistent trading might not lead to success. In trading, losing is often necessary to win; sometimes, the best option is to do nothing.

2️⃣ We form beliefs, thoughts, and actions in different situations over time. To thrive in trading crypto, you must modify some of these beliefs to make them productive. For instance, the idea that "more is better" in crypto trading often has the opposite effect.
If you spend much time in front of the screen monitoring trades, you may experience decision fatigue.
If you lose more money than intended in a trade, your brain is wired to risk even more on the next one to recover losses.

3️⃣ Failures provide an opportunity to learn something new and improve your strategy.
If you attempted to catch up with a third massive green candle in a row, and a significant pullback kicked you out of the trade, that's a failure. But now, you know you must wait for a more favorable entry.
If you exited a trade too early because you were afraid to hold the position, that's a failure. But now you know that you need to stick to your profit target.

πŸ“Œ Embrace your failures and take them seriously. Please do not ignore them, but continually analyze them. Ask yourself, why was this trade unprofitable? Where did I make a mistake?

In contrast to other professions with specific learning timelines, crypto trading has no clear schedule for when you will begin earning a stable income. You need to accept this reality and enjoy the process.

Initially, trading may seem challenging, but with the correct approach, education, and experience, you can succeed and start earning consistently!
The emotional intelligence of crypto traders refers to their capacity to understand and manage their own emotions and those of others, which is an essential skill for successful trading in the volatile and unpredictable cryptocurrency market.

πŸ“ˆ Why is emotional intelligence crucial for crypto traders?

1. Cryptocurrencies are known for their extreme volatility, and emotional intelligence allows traders to remain level-headed and make informed decisions based on facts rather than emotions.

2. Constant market fluctuations and potential losses can cause stress, making emotional intelligence vital for traders to manage their emotions and develop stress resistance, ultimately leading to improved trading quality and better overall health.

3. By suppressing the urge to make impulsive decisions and focusing on long-term goals, emotional intelligence helps traders develop and stick to a sound investment strategy.

For example, during a market crash, a trader with developed emotional intelligence can avoid panic selling and wait for the market to stabilize. Similarly, when faced with the temptation to invest in a new cryptocurrency, an emotionally intelligent trader will take the time to analyze the situation before making a sound investment decision, avoiding potential losses.

🧘How can traders develop emotional intelligence?

1. Regularly assessing and managing their emotions helps traders understand how emotions impact their decisions and prevent negative consequences in trading.

2. Developing empathy towards other traders allows for a better understanding of how their decisions can affect the overall market.

By developing emotional intelligence, traders can improve their social and analytical skills, ultimately leading to more secure and booming trading in the cryptocurrency market. Remember, self-awareness and empathy are crucial for success in cryptocurrencies.
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Risk management is crucial for any crypto trader!
Since markets can be unpredictable, creating and following a risk management strategy that will help your profits grow steadily is essential.

- Risk management enables day traders to adapt to market conditions and reduce losses from unsuccessful trades.
- By adhering to a risk management strategy, traders can remain calm and confident in their decisions, even in highly volatile market conditions.
- Traders often use leverage to increase their position, but limiting the maximum leverage and implementing other risk management measures can help avoid excessive losses and use leverage more efficiently.
- It is also helpful to set a maximum loss per trade and a maximum loss per day to limit losses and save capital for future trades.
- Learning from mistakes and adjusting the risk management strategy is essential for long-term success. Analyzing risk management violations and changing the strategy based on the analysis can lead to more experience and success.

To implement risk management in your trade journal
1. Head to the "Risk Management" section
2. Configure the following settings: maximum loss per trade, maximum loss per day, maximum leverage, and select an API key.

If there is a violation of the risk management rules you set, a notification will be sent to your Telegram via our bot. πŸ€–

🚨 In addition, the violation log will display all trades where you violated the risk management rules, so you can analyze your mistakes and improve your strategy.

Remember, effective risk management is the key to successful trading. With our trade journal, you can improve your skills and achieve new heights!
Why is it so crucial for us traders to train our fault tolerance?

Listen up because your crypto trading success relies heavily on your self-control and mental toughness. But why is this stuff crucial? Let's dive into some examples:

- Picture this: You spot a juicy trading opportunity, but the market is crazy. Your gut screams, "Jump in!" but your mental resilience helps you stay calm, analyze the risks, and make an informed call.

- Now imagine the price of your crypto shoots up like a rocket. It's tempting to cash out and lock in those gains, but your resilience helps you resist the urge. Instead, you take a step back, analyze the trends, and make more brilliant moves.

- You've got a solid strategy you're determined to stick to. But guess what? The market starts testing your patience. Here's where your resilience kicks in, keeping you on track and preventing you from straying off your plan.

- For instance, let's say you come across a chance to make some fat profits, but it comes with sky-high risks. Your resilience guides you to assess those risks and make decisions that align with your risk management strategy.

So, training that mental resilience of yours helps you tame your emotions, make informed choices, and strike that perfect balance between risk and reward. These skills are the real deal for a triumphant trader.

πŸ“Œ Now, here are some exercises to beef up your fault tolerance:

1⃣ The 5-Minute Technique: If you're putting off a task, make a deal with yourself to tackle it for just 5 minutes. Often, the hardest part is starting; once you get going, you might find yourself willing to keep going.
2⃣ Change of Scenery Trick: Switch up your surroundings when you feel scattered or overwhelmed. Take a quick 5-minute break, go for a stroll, or move to a different spot. It can work wonders.
3⃣ Mindfulness Training: This could involve meditation, breathing exercises, or simply focusing on the present moment. It helps you become more aware of your actions and decisions, making you less prone to impulsive behavior.

Now, remember these exercises require practice; you might only see results after a while. But over time, your ability to manage your actions and decisions improves. Good luck out there in the market!
πŸ“£ Attention Traders! We've got some exciting news to share. πŸš€

We've made a series of enhancements to our journal that we believe will significantly upgrade your trading experience. From extended filters in the 'My Trades' section to the addition of new languages, these updates are all about making your trading journey easier and more efficient. πŸ’ΉπŸ’°

But that's not all. PRO users can now access an expanded selection of coins for spot trading on Binance, and we've even introduced a new system for improved data analysis from the exchange! πŸ“ŠπŸ”Ž

Want to learn more about these updates? Head over to our blog post πŸ‘‰ and get all the details.

As always, your feedback matters. Share your thoughts, and let's make the trading experience even better together. 🀝

#trading #cryptocurrency #TraderMakeMoneyUpdates #Binance #protrading
​πŸ”₯ Boost your trading process with free consultations and trading analysis in TraderMake.Money journal

The TMM journal offers more than just trade tracking. You'll have access to our unique mentoring service if you're a Β«TraderΒ» Member or above. This feature is a fantastic resource to hone your skills and turbocharge your trading performance!

πŸ“ŒHere's why you should give this feature your attention:

1. Personalized guidance. With our mentoring service, you get more than just generic advice. Instead, our mentors will dissect your trading strategy in-depth, providing you with customized recommendations that align with your objectives and trading style.
2. Strategy enhancement. Our mentors will help you pinpoint your current trading strategy's strong and weak spots. This way, you can avoid past mistakes and refine your system for improved outcomes.
3. Education. Through our mentorship, you'll be able to deepen your understanding of the complex aspects of trading, including technical analysis, money management, risk management, and navigating psychological challenges.
4. Answers to your queries. Got any burning questions? Need to be more particular about how a new tool functions? Need help with how to accurately calculate a stop loss? The mentors are on standby to assist!

πŸ”“Accessing mentorship is a breeze:

1. Navigate to your journal.
2. In the left-hand menu, select the 'Mentorship' option.
3. You'll then see a list of available mentors or schools. Next, click the 'Join' button.

Make the most of this exclusive opportunity. Leverage the wisdom and experience of professionals to boost your skills and scale new heights in trading. Your success in the crypto market is our primary objectiveπŸ’š
Boost Your Performance and Success in Cryptocurrency Trading with Self-Control Exercises

Self-control is crucial for maintaining discipline in your trading strategy, managing stress, and preventing hasty decision-making. So we've curated a set of exercises to help enhance your self-control:

1. Meditation: This powerful method assists with stress management and boosts focus. Allocate 10-15 minutes daily for meditation to augment your decision-making skills.

πŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ Consider this meditation app: Insight Timer

2. Resilience Training: Engage in activities that challenge you to delay instant satisfaction for long-term benefit. For instance, when craving a snack, wait about 15 minutes before indulging. This practice can strengthen your ability to prioritize larger objectives over immediate gratification.

3. Trading Diary: Maintain a journal of your trading decisions, including your thought processes. Review your entries to identify instances where you demonstrated self-control and areas where discipline faltered. This introspection will highlight potential areas of improvement.

4. Cognitive Training: Utilize brain-training apps and games to enhance memory, attention, and cognitive abilities. These tools can help bolster your mindfulness and focus during trading.

🧠 Consider apps like Lumosity, Elevate, Peak, CogniFit, NeuroNation

5. Relaxation Techniques: Incorporate relaxation methods such as breathing exercises, yoga, or nature walks into your routine. These practices can aid in maintaining composure in stressful circumstances, facilitating wiser decisions.

6. Goal Setting and Progress Tracking: Clearly outline your trading objectives and monitor your advancement. Document your wins and losses in your trading diary and your reactions to diverse market conditions. This will offer insight into your emotional management and behavioral patterns while trading.

7. Planning and Organization: Dedicate time to prepare for your trading day and arrange your workspace. Being organized can reduce stress and impulsive behavior.

Remember, developing self-control is a gradual process. Don't anticipate immediate success, but persistently practice these exercises to see positive changes. Good luck with your trading journey, and remember that self-management is the cornerstone of success in cryptocurrency trading!