TLS Tunnel Updates
207K subscribers
72 files
138 links
Official TLS Tunnel updates channel.

TLS Tunnel:
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TLS Tunnel 3.2.1 [257].apk
15.5 MB
Improved file import and export on Android 11
Update and minor improvement in the ad system

Download TLS Tunnel 3.2.1 [257]
🚨⚠️ Security Alert! ⚠️🚨

Apparently an hacker managed to crack the encryption key from the TLS Tunnel configuration file (.tls), it is now possible to extract all information from a .tls file from all TLS Tunnel versions including the current 3.2.1 (257).
We strongly recommend that you change passwords or even delete SSH users if you have shared some file containing login information to your server whose user has access to the system shell to prevent intrusions.
This issue will be fixed with the next update to TLS Tunnel (3.3.0)

Aparentemente um hacker conseguiu quebrar a chave da criptografia do arquivo de configuração do TLS Tunnel (.tls), agora é possível extrair todas as informações de um arquivo .tls de todas as versões do TLS Tunnel incluido a atual 3.2.1 (257).
Recomendamos fortemente que altere as senhas ou até exclua os usuários SSH se você compartilhou algum arquivo contendo informação de login ao seu servidor cujo o usuário tem acesso ao shell do sistema para evitar invasões.
Esse problema será corrigido com a próxima atualização do TLS Tunnel (3.3.0)

Al parecer, un pirata informático logró descifrar la clave de cifrado del archivo de configuración de TLS Tunnel (.tls), ahora es posible extraer toda la información de un archivo .tls de todas las versiones de TLS Tunnel, incluida la actual 3.2.1 (257).
Recomendamos encarecidamente que cambie las contraseñas o incluso elimine usuarios de SSH si ha compartido algún archivo que contenga información de inicio de sesión en su servidor cuyo usuario tiene acceso al shell del sistema para evitar intrusiones.
Este problema se solucionará con la próxima actualización de TLS Tunnel (3.3.0)

Rupanya seorang peretas berhasil memecahkan kunci enkripsi dari file konfigurasi TLS Tunnel (.tls), sekarang dimungkinkan untuk mengekstrak semua informasi dari file .tls dari semua versi TLS Tunnel termasuk versi 3.2.1 (257) saat ini.
Kami sangat menyarankan agar Anda mengubah kata sandi atau bahkan menghapus pengguna SSH jika Anda telah membagikan beberapa file yang berisi informasi login ke server Anda yang penggunanya memiliki akses ke shell sistem untuk mencegah gangguan.
Masalah ini akan diperbaiki dengan pembaruan berikutnya ke TLS Tunnel (3.3.0)

Apparemment, un pirate a réussi à déchiffrer la clé de cryptage du fichier de configuration du tunnel TLS (.tls), il est désormais possible d'extraire toutes les informations d'un fichier .tls de toutes les versions du tunnel TLS, y compris l'actuelle 3.2.1 (257).
Nous vous recommandons fortement de changer les mots de passe ou même de supprimer les utilisateurs SSH si vous avez partagé un fichier contenant des informations de connexion sur votre serveur dont l'utilisateur a accès au shell du système pour éviter les intrusions.
Ce problème sera résolu avec la prochaine mise à jour de TLS Tunnel (3.3.0)

По-видимому, хакеру удалось взломать ключ шифрования из файла конфигурации TLS Tunnel (.tls), теперь можно извлечь всю информацию из файла .tls из всех версий TLS Tunnel, включая текущую 3.2.1 (257).
Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам изменить пароли или даже удалить пользователей SSH, если вы поделились каким-либо файлом, содержащим информацию для входа, на свой сервер, пользователь которого имеет доступ к системной оболочке для предотвращения вторжений.
Эта проблема будет исправлена в следующем обновлении TLS Tunnel (3.3.0).

يبدو أن أحد المتسللين تمكن من كسر مفتاح التشفير من ملف تكوين TLS Tunnel (.tls) ، فمن الممكن الآن استخراج جميع المعلومات من ملف .tls من جميع إصدارات TLS Tunnel بما في ذلك الإصدار الحالي 3.2.1 (257).
نوصي بشدة بتغيير كلمات المرور أو حتى حذف مستخدمي SSH إذا قمت بمشاركة بعض الملفات التي تحتوي على معلومات تسجيل الدخول إلى الخادم الذي يمتلك مستخدمه حق الوصول إلى shell system لمنع عمليات التطفل.
سيتم إصلاح هذه المشكلة مع التحديث التالي لنفق TLS (3.3.0)
TLS Tunnel Updates pinned «🚨⚠️ Security Alert! ⚠️🚨 Apparently an hacker managed to crack the encryption key from the TLS Tunnel configuration file (.tls), it is now possible to extract all information from a .tls file from all TLS Tunnel versions including the current 3.2.1 (257).…»
This problem exposes only the information present in the .tls file
Your connection will remain secure on official and private SSH servers.
TLS Tunnel 3.3.1 [259].apk
16.6 MB
Improved security of exported settings files.

Download TLS Tunnel 3.3.1 [259]
TLS Tunnel 3.5.1 [266].apk
14.1 MB
New access renewal method
New .tls file encryption enhancement
Improved access time query, server status and automatic selection.
Small bug fixes.
Servers HK1 and HK2 removeds, but SG1 and SG2 improved.
Small improvement in DNS Tunnel config screen.

Download TLS Tunnel 3.5.1 [266]
TLS Tunnel 3.6.0 [269].apk
14.1 MB
The connection process is now unique and is reused for reconnections without restarting the service.
Now during reconnections the network will be blocked until the VPN is re-established or stopped by the user, this prevents IP leakage in case of sudden connection drop
Automatic reconnections will also be delayed by +1 second per attempt until the connection is re-established or the user stops the service.
Plus some minor improvements and bug fixes.

Download TLS Tunnel 3.6.0 [269]
⚠️ Info ⚠️
Due to an OS update on official servers, every DNS request will be redirected to a cache system within each server. So it won't make a difference to change the DNS servers in the application's settings.
This will be forced temporarily, because for some reason the ISPs or the system itself is dropping DNS requests on port 53 (UDP) when it reaches a certain PPS, so it made the user unable to browse normally without having to change the DNS manually on application.

The next TLS Tunnel update will bring the option of whether or not to use the server's own DNS cache (Enabled by default), after the update reaches certain percentage of users the forced DNS redirection to the server's cache will be disabled.
TLS Tunnel 3.6.1 [270].apk
14.2 MB
Option to use the server's own DNS enabled by default (Official servers only)
Bug Fixes:
In the VPN service (Connect and reconnect)
When importing files
On automatic server and port selection.
When exporting files with the same name (rewrite file) on Android 11

Download TLS Tunnel 3.6.1 [270]
Survey Which location do you prefer?
anonymous poll

Singapore 🇸🇬 – 2K
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 66%

Hong Kong 🇭🇰 – 975
👍👍👍👍 34%

👥 2885 people voted so far. Poll closed.
TLS Tunnel 3.6.3 [273].apk
14.1 MB
Access renewal by answering survey has been improved and you now receive more access time.
Now you can update the status of the servers by pulling the screen down, and on the home screen this will be a shortcut to restore the connection method's default settings.
When you open the app for the first time, you will be presented with our news channel on Telegram, we recommend that you subscribe to always be notified of news and updates.

Download TLS Tunnel 3.6.3 [273]
Survey Which location do you prefer?
anonymous poll

Germany 🇩🇪 – 3K
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 69%

France 🇫🇷 – 1K
👍👍👍 31%

👥 4559 people voted so far. Poll closed.
TLS Tunnel 3.7.1 [277].apk
14.2 MB
Big interface changes
Improved battery consumption
4 New Germany Servers 🇩🇪
2 New United States Servers 🇺🇸
Change in server load calculation and bug fixes

Download TLS Tunnel 3.7.1 [277]
⚠️ Instability on DE servers ⚠️
The DE2 server is unstable, and the new DE3, DE4, DE5 and DE6 servers have reduced bandwidth.
We suggest that you select other servers until we can stabilize this.
⚠️ DE servers ⚠️
DE1, DE2, DE3 and DE4 servers are stable again.
DE5 and DE6 servers remain limited and will be removed soon.
TLS Tunnel 3.7.2 [278].apk
17.7 MB
Fixed bugs and updated the ads and surveys system.

Download TLS Tunnel 3.7.2 [278]