Tiger Reborn
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Irish initiative to raise awareness and protect the natural rights of the individual. Formerly on Facebook for over 10 years with 62k+ Followers until cancellation 29/1/21 for drawing attention to death surge of elderly after vaccination in nursing homes.
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Forwarded from Tracey O'Mahony
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This video is a summarised version of a longer video (link below), which explains: The Pandemic Treaty and Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations.

I strongly recommend that you watch the full video, which can be found here: https://youtu.be/R-ZTc5bdx8Y?si=Ngye7sgXo1b1l8YV

The longer version discusses the following (note time stamps to allow you to skip to sections that interest you):

1: Brief History of the WHO and WHA

2: Sequence of Events Surrounding Drafting/Negotiation of Pandemic Treaty and Proposed Amendments to International Health Regulations

3: Review of the Draft of Pandemic Treaty issued on 30 Oct 2023

4: Review of Report of Review Committee regarding Proposed Amendments to International Health Regulations issued on 6 Feb 2023

5: Next Steps regarding Adoption of Pandemic Treaty

6: Next Steps regarding Adoption of Proposed Amendments to International Health Regulations

7: Process of Adoption at WHO/WHA level & in an Irish context

8: Avenues of Challenge
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🌐BREAKING - German farmers rebelling against the UN/WEF/EU globalist agenda to destroy food quality and lower capacity to intentionally make food more expensive for everyone. Source https://www.instagram.com/reel/C115q9wIAl2/
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Latest from German farmers uprising https://www.instagram.com/reel/C14RyOgIRG2/
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⚠️The Irish people and farmers must protect our food. Vote in upcoming elections for new people opposed to the carbon scam pushed by UN/WEF globalist 2030 agenda of greed and totalitarianism.
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Forwarded from Tracey O'Mahony
EVERYONE should take note that at the end of December 2023, the European Parliament/Council agreed a new EU Reg on Migration and Asylum - which effectively abolishes the protections Ireland has under the Dublin III Regs IF IRELAND OPTS INTO THIS NEW LAW

In effect, this Reg will oblige Ireland to accept relocation of whatever number of third country nationals, the European Commission considers to be our fair share

See below extract from Gov.ie dated 20 December 2023, where McEntee confirms:

"While Ireland has not yet opted-into the Pact measures, with the exception of the European Union Asylum Agency Regulation, the rest of the EU will be bound by them two years after they are adopted, which will likely happen in the first few months of next year. Minister McEntee will seek a decision from Government on Ireland opting-into the Pact measures in the first quarter of next year."

Link to video where I explain the new migration pact here (see from min 17.25): https://youtu.be/6r8ri_Tns1w?si=Dn4APwJFCoV_oZjt
Forwarded from Jeff Gallagher
I’m attending the national protest against reckless open borders this Feb 5th 2 pm outside the Garden of Remembrance. Both illegal migration and especially legal migration are the leading contributors to the housing crisis. We simply haven’t enough beds for everyone. Political elites are intentionally doing this to prop up property prices and increase rents to make whopper profits off hard working people. #ControlIrishBorders #IrishLivesMatter
Forwarded from The Irish Inquiry
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Don’t be Fooled by Mayo County Council’s Motion on Mass Immigration

On Monday the 15th of January, due to increasing pressure mounting on Mayo councillors, a ‘non-binding’ motion was passed at the council’s monthly meeting. It was reported widely in local and national media and viewed by many as a significant victory and a defining moment in Ireland’s fight against dangerous mass immigration policies.

Please email Mayo TD’s and Senators and ask them if they support the motion that was passed at Monday’s County Council meeting…

Forwarded from Jeff Gallagher
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I demand now credible and verifiable public statements from an official authority on the little 5-year-old girl's condition. #ParnellSquare #TerrorAttack
🔴SELL-OUT Varadkar is at Davos 2024 for the billionaire globalist owned World Economic Forum (WEF) where they proclaim “you will own nothing and be happy.” There should be a law that our elected representatives and government can not attend or meet with private agenda lobby groups, especially behind closed doors or in secret. PLEASE NOTE Varadkar has not tweeted any pictures/videos, he normally does.

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SELL-OUT Varadkar in Davos posing with billionaire globalist elite Alex Soros the son of George Soros. These are the people forcing reckless open borders, carbon scam nonsense and anti cars for the “peasants” agendas.
Forwarded from Griptmedia
The Government has proposed the “Access To Cash” bill, which would mandate easy access to ATMs across Ireland, and require suppliers of essential goods and services like food and medicine to accept cash payments. This is a great idea, says Ben Scallan:

Forwarded from Griptmedia
Over €750,000,000 in social welfare has been paid to Ukrainian refugees from March 2022 to the end of last month, figures from the Department of Social Protection reveal


What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture, preoccupied with some equivalent of the feelies, the orgy porgy, and the centrifugal bumblepuppy.
As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny "failed to take into account man's almost infinite appetite for distractions."
"In 1984", Huxley added, "people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, they are controlled by inflicting pleasure."
In short, Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us. Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us. ~Neil Postman

(Book: Amusing Ourselves to Death [ad] https://amzn.to/3vESlzI)

(Art: Collage by Joe Webb)
Media is too big
A report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed that a staggering 120,000 American children “DIED SUDDENLY” following the rollout of the mRNA Covid jabs.


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RTE reported on January 16th that "Wind farms supplied 35% of electricity in Ireland in 2023". Not mentioning the EU directive dictating all renewable energy is charged at the same cost of oil and gas. Wind farms are financed by the public. This means wind farm owners get the public to pay for the construction of their turbines and keep the profits for themselves. Who exactly do wind farms really benefit?

Loopy Greens proclaim removing "carbon" benefits us all but those awake know carbon pseudoscience is a scam for morons (see previous videos for why). Also ignored is the fact wind turbines take enormous amounts of energy to produce, construct and transport, and the ginormous blades made from fibreglass can not be recycled, so they just bury them in the ground forever. The reality is wind farms are very far from being green. It is another money making racket for the super rich, and another way for the UN/WEF to make energy more expensive for "working peasants" or as the elites call the general public "useless eaters".

New technology will provide better ways of producing energy, but the odds are it is already being suppressed by powerful interests to justify the 2030 agendas designed to knock the general public back to the dark ages.
🤡Remember: When something goes wrong in the circus, they send in the clowns to distract the audience. Well, something has gone very wrong with our society, and the clowns are everywhere.
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Forwarded from Tracey O'Mahony

When the Government draft a proposed piece of law, I fully believe they make it as complicated as possible so that the average person cannot fully understand the change they wish to make

If the Government wanted you to understand the upcoming changes that they are proposing to the Constitution, they would set the changes out as simply and clearly as I have done below

If you are in ANY doubt about the real motives behind this referendum, VOTE NO