Tiger Reborn
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Irish initiative to raise awareness and protect the natural rights of the individual. Formerly on Facebook for over 10 years with 62k+ Followers until cancellation 29/1/21 for drawing attention to death surge of elderly after vaccination in nursing homes.
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👀 EXCLUSIVE - Bill Gates alt exposes what is next. Please share.
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😄 Callan Kicks Minister for Housing Darragh O'Brien
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Forwarded from Jeff Gallagher
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BREAKING: Today, Gardai arrest non-national with a firearm on O’Connell Street Dublin allegedly. Ireland is not safe! The people of Ireland demand controlled borders now. And deny entry to all illegal immigrants, especially those with no legal identity documents. #ControlBordersNow #IrishLivesMatter
Forwarded from Jeff Gallagher
They do not care for immigrants or refugees. They care about the billions spent housing them. They like cheap more compliant workers weakening Irish nationalism. They like forever renters. They like housing shortages pushing up rents/property prices. It’s BIG business. Elections are coming so they will pretend to be doing something about reckless open borders. But once the elections are over they go back to business as usual. Unless we vote in real people to control our borders. Get your vote ready. It matters.
Forwarded from Griptmedia
WATCH: “A full medical card is provided for Ukrainian refugees and for people who register as international protection applicants,” Health Minister Stephen Donnelly has told the Dáil.

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Callan Kicks Minister for Justice Helen McEntee
Forwarded from Jeff Gallagher
Northern Ireland water canon on way to Dublin. As ordered by former Royal Ulster Constabulary Commander turned Garda Commander Harris. Who used it to blast Northern Irish standing up to UK rule. Will now blast the people of the Irish Republic standing up to a corrupt government.
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Today RTE had to back track "far-right" propaganda on migration because political elites have now realised it is not working. Expect more temporary reversals until the elections are over.
Forwarded from The Irish Inquiry
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Protest this Sunday, 4th February, 12 noon, at Salesian Primary School Fernbank, N Circular Rd, Farranshone More, Limerick. #LimerickSaysNo
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☄️ Kennedy: Ukraine War Truth
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Why did the Government REALLY add Algeria to the list of safe countries?

What is the absolute truth about background checks?

What ridiculous argument did Social Democrats leader Holly Cairns make in the Dail this week?

Plus more discussed in this video...
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⚡️A MUST WATCH: Best 2024 interview so far – Tucker Carlson chats with Russell Brand about the power struggle with globalist elites, wars and what we must do to win. Please share.
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🟢 Ireland has undergone a rapid 39.5% increase in population since 1997, note EU average is 5%. All fuelled by the greedy billionaire elites controlling UN/WEF globalist mass immigration agendas, which are intent on destroying the culture and identity of nations to kill individual sovereignty and liberties, to make countries populations easier to control through centralised unelected bureaucrats. Debates about immigration are being suppressed, and racism is being confused with nationalism. Thankfully the majority of Irish people are having no more. The green wave of nationalism is building and it’s about to wipe the UN/WEF puppets out of power.
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🆒Tucker Carlson the truth on hydrocarbons exposing carbon scam. Part 1… for more visit https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGekUbNds/
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Forwarded from Ireland awake (Ireland Awake)
OPINION PIECE: When I discovered that Tinko Tinev and Fayiz Alsani were local election candidates for Aontu I presumed that it was some sort of a ‘false flag’ operation carried out by the hard left. When the evidence, on balance, indicated that they were indeed genuine Aontu candidates I decided to ask the simple question, who exactly are they. Tinko is easier to understand, he is not shy about talking about himself. From Bulgaria, he has represented Roma interests and is involved in various NGO activities in Cavan including integrating migrants. According to himself he is a member of the Unification Church, more commonly called the ‘Moonies’. He was married to his Czech wife in one of their mass ceremonies held in Korea where Mr Moon ‘marries’ thousands of ‘Moonies’ with a wave of his hand. I don’t know if that will catch on in Cavan but I somehow doubt it. Unfortunately he doesn’t say much in concrete terms about other policies such as the economy, Irish culture and a range of politically important but mundane issues. At this point I kind of know him and don’t know him. Maybe that’s the way he wants it. Compared to Tinko, Fayiz Alsani is much more discreet. Again perhaps that suits him. He is running in the local elections in Boyle. It has been impossible to get any information on him using normal resources, I presume that he is a real person and he is who he says he is. The name Alsani originated in Iran. I think at this point we all need a little more information. If Tinko and Fayiz shared the same political and social values as myself I would of course wish them well if they were seeking elected office in their own countries. Globalism is by definition global and all nations are under attack and therefor we need to support each other. But I know nothing useful about either except that they are running for Aontu. It is a reasonable question to ask, was there nobody Irish with the interest or ability to politically represent Beltutbet or Boyle for Aontu. Clearly a person imbued with the culture of a region has a better understanding of the issues. I would be entitled to stand as a candidate in the French equivalent of our local elections in a commune in the Ardennes. Obviously I would not out of respect for local people whose ancestors go back hundreds of years in that commune. I may well choose to help and support a particular political point of view but as a guest, as an outsider. Respect for people who have lived their lives in the commune would preclude me from parachuting into other peoples political affairs. Obviously Tinko and Fayiz think otherwise. Some parties have gone out of their way to recruit and run non Irish people, maybe this gives them a feel good factor to be seen to be truly modern, so modern that they feel a need to ditch nationalism. Sinn Fein might be a good example with their fetish for the hijab and all things Muslim or Fine Gael with there anti racist Yemi Adenuga in Navan and their Muslim Lord Mayor of Limerick who proposed shooting the Dublin rioters plus Fianna Fail’s denouncement of sovereignty as ‘backward’. This is a mad scramble to deny irishness and now I must ask has Aontu stepped on board. Could this be an example of what some psychologists describe as post colonial trauma where the values of the oppressor still reign supreme in the minds of the under confident and the weak, where absolutely anybody is better than the ‘native’. Don’t tell me that there is nobody capable of representing Aontu or indeed any political party in Boyle or Belturbet and if there is nobody willing to represent Aontu then that’s a problem for Aontu and their communication skills. I have said my bit and expressed my surprise. To the readers of this ‘opinion piece’ I would say, don’t you be surprised if Aontu doesn’t feature here again .
Forwarded from Jeff Gallagher
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Great turnout at today’s National Protest against the Government’s immigration policy, in Dublin City centre. Well done to organiser Malachy Steenson, candidate for East Wall. Watch entire protest video with all speakers at https://bit.ly/3OBrStp

#IrelandBelongsToTheIrish #IrelandIsRising #IrelandisFull
Forwarded from Ben Gilroy
SHOCKING — Is this how Gardai achieved arrest quota needed to spin “several arrests” for media to report and defame what really was a hugely successful and peaceful protest in Dublin yesterday against Varadkar’s reckless open borders? #IrelandisFull #IrelandBelongsToTheIrish