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An open source collection of useful React custom hooks with a concise API.

Gatsby Plugin SEO makes managing SEO easier in your Gatsby JS project. It fully supports server-side rendering (SSR) with site wide configuration available via the gatsby-config.js plugin options. SEO options can also be tweaked at any moment by importing the main GatsbySeo component and passing in the desired props.
Astuto: A free, open source, self-hosted customer feedback tool 🦊

Astuto helps you collect, manage and prioritize feedback from your users. It was heavily inspired by Canny.io ("astuto" is the Italian translation of the word "canny"), but is self-hosted and open source. Riccardo Graziosi built Astuto for his Master's Thesis in Computer Engineering.
Timeline Component in React

In this 30-minute video, Florin walks through how to build a basic timeline component in React.
Firebase as a React Hook πŸ”₯🎣

In this article, Doug Safreno explains how to use (and how he implemented) useDbDatum / useDbData, two hooks for generically loading data from Firebase RTDB.
10 JavaScript concepts you need to master react

In this article, Reed Barger put together a list of his 10 most essential JavaScript concepts to master in order to become more effective with React, and he provides solid explanations of each concept.
Babel 7.8.0 Released πŸ“£

β€’ ECMAScript 2020 default support (#10811, #10817, #10819, #10843)
β€’ Support every configuration file extension (#10783 and #10903)
β€’ New CLI options (#9144 and #10887)
β€’ Preparing for Babel 8

React Email Editor is a drag-n-drop email editor component that makes it super easy to add a solid email editor to your React apps. Designs are saved in JSON and can be exported as HTML.
The React Cheatsheet for 2020 πŸ“„

This Cheatsheet is broken down into 3 sections - Core Concepts, React Hooks, & Advanced Hooks. It's a helpful resource for React beginners looking to solidify these concepts for the first time, and a valuable reference guide for more experienced React devs.
What React Does (and Doesn't Do)

Back to the basics. In this article Dave goes over exactly what React does (and more importantly, what it doesn't do).
How to (unit) test in React

This comprehensive article explains what unit testing is, why it’s needed, and the best practices for small to large React applications.
5 React Projects You Need In Your Portfolio

In this post, Reed Barger walks through 5 different types of apps that you should be looking to build after the basic to-do app if your still fairly new to React. Each type of app includes popular examples for inspiration, recommended tools to build each app feature, and a short demo of similar apps built by Reed
Best React open-source projects

This article by Eugene Stepnov is a great resource for any developer interested in contributing to high-quality open-source React projects. He briefly discusses how to identify good open-source projects and then provides a fairly exhaustive list of open-source React projects he recommends.
Building a Piano with React Hooks 🎹

This tutorial specifically covers how to map the laptop keys to piano notes, how to map the audio with key press, and how to render the piano keyboard in react
React keyboard shortcut library πŸ†

This package provides two React components that enable keyboard shortcuts in React.
CRA Redux template v 1.0.0

You can use this template to set up a brand new create-react-app project that will be automatically set up with:
β€’ Redux Toolkit and React-Redux dependencies included
β€’ A Redux store configured and created
β€’ The React-Redux <Provider> passing the store to your React components
β€’ A small "counter" example showing how to add Redux logic using Redux Toolkit and a "ducks" / feature-based structure, and using the React-Redux hooks API to interact with the store from inside your components
Thinking in React isn’t enough

A quick read on how Ohans cleaned up some complicated React code at work using the Compound Components pattern

Custom implementation of react hook useReducer that allows to dispatch thunk actions and will cancel all dispatched actions if the component is unmounted
React Tiger Transition

Easy page transitions for react-router. Built with react-transition-group. Use the provided transitions or create your own
Hacker UI | a design system for developers

Hacker UI is an open source React design system, currently in early alpha stages. If you want to be involved in building a brandless, simple, responsive design system, the team is looking for contributors