The Line Canada
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Freedom Fighters - Resist Tyranny and Oppression
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Hello fellow Patriots.

Have you been protesting with us all and supporting us since the start of all this madness.

Do you want to do more and become more involved ?

We need volunteers to join our teams that are behind the scenes tirelessly organizing and promoting events.

What we need now are people that can help get the truth out and our message out properly and professionally.

We are looking for writers an freelance journalists that would like to write articles for us and get published on our new media website.

We are looking for freelance journalist, boots on the ground at protests and other events, taking videos and conducting interviews.

We are looking to build a team of media professionals that will report on what’s going on. We need voices for truth to support the movement.

If you want to do more, then we need your support.

If you believe you have what it takes, go to the website link and send us a message.

Is there is anything else you feel you can offer to help, we want to hear from you.
Convoy To Kingston - Fight For Freedom, Sunday November 14, 2021. JOIN THE CONVOY!
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