Hyperborean Housewife
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Lugh Lamhfada
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The Morrigan
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It is over if we do not stop sharing and using AI generated images.

I just wish people understood that the whole thing is a terrible mass theft from living artists, and there is no way such a thing can honor the Gods when images of them are supposedly made with AI.

please, you should find artists and share their work, not randomly google stuff. Its already to the point where any google search for art will result in mostly AI generated images. Dystopia.
Skeleton of a Scythian queen and her jewelry, found in the Chertomlyk barrow, near Nikopol, Katerynoslavsk Governorate (today Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine)

Headdress and ornaments of the clothes of the priestess Dimitra / Demeter, found in the tomb.

Vasily A. Prokhorov, 1881
A matching pair of seaxs I was recently gifted by a friend.
"For all that, marriage in Germany is austere, and there is no feature in their morality that deserves higher praise. They are almost unique among barbarians in being satisfied with one wife each. The exceptions, which are exceedingly rare, are of men who receive offers of many wives because of their rank; there is no question of sexual passion. The dowry is brought by husband to wife, not by wife to husband. Parents and kinsmen attend and approve of the gifts, gifts not chosen to please a woman's whim or gaily deck a young bride, but oxen, horse with reins, shield, spear and sword. For such gifts a man gets his wife, and she in her turn brings some present of arms to her husband. In this interchange of gifts they recognize the supreme bond, the holy mysteries, the presiding deities of marriage.

A woman must not imagine herself free to neglect the manly virtues or immune from the hazards of war. That is why she is reminded, in the very ceremonies which bless her marriage at its outset, that she is coming to share a man's toils and dangers, that she is to be his partner in all his sufferings and adventures, whether in peace or war. That is the meaning of the team of oxen, of the horse ready for its rider, of the gift of arms. On these terms she must live her life and bear her children. She is receiving something that she must hand over unspoilt and treasured to her children, for her son's wives to receive in their turn and pass on to the grandchildren."

— Tacitus, Germania
Stonehenge Under Snow, photographed by Bill Brandt, 1944.
Mother at the cradle in the field
1921, Ukraine
A Viking Mother by Frank Stick (American painter, 1884-1966)