Esmog Balancer
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A Swiss quality device to reduce the adverse effect of the electromagnetic smog in your life.
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Electromagnetic smog affects not only the well-being of you and your loved ones but also your pets and plants.
The Esmog Balancer can help reduce their discomfort and provide a thriving, healthier energy environment for your entire household.
According to scientific research conducted in Spanish in 2016, constant exposure to artificial electromagnetic fields caused aggression, cognitive, and behavioral issues in school children. There was also a correlation between social behavior problems such as bullying-mobbing and kids’ exposure to electronics, gadgets, and all other kinds of electrosmog. Awareness of the dangers to our children’s health makes it a priority to find the best solutions. Consider the Esmog Balancer as a possibility.
Do you know what Autophagy is?
Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells and replacing them with newer, healthier cells.
Constant exposure to electromagnetic smog in our everyday life inhibits this vital cleansing process. Have you noticed how tired and moody you get from time to time for no particular reason? Just limiting exposure to artificial electromagnetic radiation might be a solution. Consider the Esmog Balancer as an option as well.
Do you know what circadian rhythms are?
Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle. These natural processes respond to light and dark and affect most living things, including animals, plants, and microbes. The most vital organ regulating these rhythms is the Pineal gland. It is located in the center of the brain. The primary function of the Pineal gland is to receive information about the state of the light-dark cycle from the environment and convey this information to produce and secrete hormones such as Melatonin.
The artificial electromagnetic pollution interferes with the optimum functions of the Pineal gland, thus breaking the circadian rhythms. It makes as under-slept and overtired.
Did you know that ten minutes of daily breathing meditation in an environment free from electromagnetic smog can significantly improve your immune system?
We have received feedback from our customers letting us know that the Esmog Balancer helps normalize their children's sleep. We were delighted to hear it and we hope that many more children can be helped.
In the past, humanity made countless health-related mistakes. Look at the asbestos and lead paint fiascos, for example. So many lives lost! So much suffering! And for what? For some profits and greed? Ask yourself these questions. Is it worth it? Do industrial-technological advances make us happier? What is the long-term effect of constant exposure to non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation? Is this artificial electrosmog pandemic fair to our children and their future? Please act now so you won’t be sorry later.
After years of research, our unique proprietary technology manifested itself into the Esmog Balancer. This state-of-the-art device can help you cope better under the stresses of electromagnetic pollution.
Bellow is a remark from one of our customers:
“I’m thrilled with the Esmog Balancer. I can feel what it does, and after driving for many hours, I felt fresh without stress and pain in my head. Fantastic engineering!!!”
We are delighted to provide a measure of so much-needed relief.
We are very proud of the Esmog Balancers, and we are happy to learn how much our customers love theirs.
Geopathic stress results in the Earth giving off a certain energy vibration disrupted by subsurface features, including tunnels, sewers, Geological faults, pipes, mineral deposits, utility lines, and underground water.
Living above one of these areas of energy disturbance can result in geopathic stress. And that stress can cause a range of physical and psychological symptoms.
The Esmog Balancer can lessen the stress load from the Geopathic zones.
We just received another feedback from our customer. She reported that after getting the Esmog Balancer in her home, her frequent headaches diminished! She was thrilled and wanted to share this good news with us. We are delighted to provide this meaningful help to those who suffer from electrosmog exposure.

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Did you know that while on a train, you can be exposed to much greater EMF dangers? There are numerous health concerns for exposure to electromagnetic fields aboard high-speed electric multiple unit trains.
When commuting, you might like to bring along the portable Esmog Balancer. This will keep your immediate surroundings safer for you.

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Lately, we have received several very positive feedback messages from our customers. Since they acquired the device, they feel safer and happier with the Esmog Balancer in their homes. We are very fortunate to be able to help many people. We would like to thank our wonderful customers!
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Your pets feel the positive effect of the Esmog Balancer! The animals have an acute sense of their place of habitat. Show them your care and love by improving their electromagnetic environment with the Esmog Balancer.
Our customers experience a healthier office environment with the Esmog Balancer.
Kids and teachers experience a healthier classroom environment with the Esmog Balancer.
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“The Esmog Balancer was a Got sent to us. Our neighbors have a strong WiFI router signal penetrating our apartment. My husband and I had issues getting a good night's sleep. After some research, we discovered the adverse effects of EMFs on brain waves and sleep patterns. The balancer turns out to be the solution for us. We are thrilled with it and would recommend it to others.”
Melissa D.
Thank you, Melissa!