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Important Daily Articles from the Hindu, Indian Express, Economic Times, LiveLaw, Down To Earth, PIB and ORF of 24th Oct 2024

1 GS2
a Polity and Constitution
i Centre-State: Taxing Industrial Alcohol [IE-12]

b Governance and Social Justice
i Children: Children must come first [IE-11]
ii Refugee Rights: With Refugees at the centre [IE-11]

c International Relations
i India-China: Modi Xi welcomes border talks, seeks to rebuild ties [TH-01]
ii India-China: LAC Pact [ORF]
iii BRICS: BRICS nation should strengthen financial integration [TH-01]
iv India-Indian Ocean: India must guard its strategic interest after UK's handover of chagos to Mauritius [IE-10]
v UN: The UN force in Leabonan, its mandate and role, and Israel's aggression [IE-12]
vi Towards a new global security paradigm [ORF]

2 GS3
a Science and Technology
i Health: Kala Azar: Celebration and vigil [TH-06]

b Environment
i Air Pollution: With farm fires declining, Delhi's pollution woes need other solutions [TH-07]
ii Air Pollution: Stubble burning goes against the right to live in pollution free space [TH-12]
iii Air Pollution: perpetual emergency [IE-10]
iv Air Pollution: Delhi [DTE]
v Climate Change; Geo-engineering idea [IE-12]
vi Biodiversity: COP-16 [DTE]

c Internal Security
i Manipur Crisis: The Manipur crisis, the issue of managing diversity [TH-06]

3 Prelims Facts
a Geography: Cyclone Dana [DTE]
b Education: PMSHRI: Two years after launch, Delhi government, signs MoU with education ministry to implement PM SHRI scheme [TH-01]
c International Bodies: IMF Report: World Economic Outlook - Growth Prescription [TH-06]
d Health: Mc Donalds linked outbreak in US: What is E-Coli [IE-12]
e Biodiversity: World Snow leopard day [DTE]
f Biodiversity: Snakes [DTE]
g Defence: MQ-9B Deal [ORF]
h Defence: Malabar Exercise [ORF]
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