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// 壹傳媒創辦人黎智英與《蘋果日報》三間相關公司被控串謀勾結外國勢力及串謀刊印煽動刊物等罪,周三(17日)在西九龍裁判法院續審。控方傳召前《蘋果》社長張劍虹作供。張劍虹表示,黎智英是壹傳媒最高決策人,在2019年反送中運動期間指示《蘋果》要呼籲市民上街抗爭,向政府施壓,並希望引起西方關注及制裁中港官員。 //

【黎智英案.第十一日審訊|張劍虹作供稱黎是壹傳媒最高決策人 指示《蘋果》呼籲市民抗爭】


#佔中運動 #反送中運動 #壹傳媒 #張劍虹 #李平 #林文宗 #楊清奇 #民主自由 #港區國安法 #盧峯 #羅偉光 #蘋果日報 #逃犯條例 #陳沛敏 #馮偉光 #黎智英 #黎智英案 #追新聞 #thechaser



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// 台灣民進黨賴清德、蕭美琴周一(20日)宣誓就職成為台灣正副總統,引爆香港反送中運動的台灣殺人案疑犯陳同佳,出獄逾4年仍然「神隱」,沒有任何行動到台灣自首。一直協助陳同佳的立法會議員管浩鳴被記者問到是否與台灣新政府繼續溝通及安排時,他在WhatsApp群組以短訊回覆,當然會與有關當局再提出請求和安排,但相信要等新班子上任一段時間,才有機會去處理,陳同佳的情況和意願並沒有改變。//

【陳同佳案|管浩鳴一拖再拖: 要等台灣新班子上任一段時間 才有機會處理】


#反送中運動 #台灣 #潘曉穎 #管浩鳴 #蕭美琴 #賴清德 #逃犯條例 #陳同佳 #追新聞 #thechaser



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【5 years ago today - 9 JUN 2019】
The Civil Human Rights Front initiated the third protest against the amendment of the Extradition Law, with 1.03 million Hongkongers taking to the streets, marking the beginning of the anti-extradition movement. That evening, the Hong Kong government announced that the second reading debate on June 12 would proceed as scheduled. Later that night, some protesters attempted to occupy the Legislative Council building, prompting riot police to disperse them.


#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
// 2019年6月9日,逾百萬港人因反對修訂《逃犯條例》走上街頭,遊行至夜深。5年轉眼過去,香港再容不下反對聲音;港抗爭5年,集會移師海外遍地開花。英國倫敦、曼徹斯特、諾定咸等港人聚居地,不約而同在周日(9日)舉行集會,數以百計的集會者未有忘記。「光復香港 時代革命」旗幟在倫敦、諾定咸緩緩升起,香港禁歌《願榮光歸香港》也響徹雲霄。


【反送中5年.追直擊|倫敦、諾定咸升「光時」旗播《榮光》 港媽堅持攜女集會:好驚大家唔記得】


#反送中5年 #禁歌 #逃犯條例 #集會 #願榮光歸香港 #追新聞 #thechaser



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【5 years ago today - 12 JUN 2019】
- On the day of the second reading of the Extradition Law, citizens gathered in the Admiralty area, occupying Tamar Park, Harcourt Road, and Lung Wo Road. At around 3 PM, the police suddenly fired tear gas, bean bag rounds, and rubber bullets at the crowd. Protesters at CITIC Tower were trapped, nearly causing a stampede.

- Then-Chief Executive Carrie Lam, in an interview with TVB News, denied betraying Hong Kong. She choked up and cried, using the mother-child relationship as a metaphor for the relationship between the government and young people.

- 《逃犯條例》二讀之日,市民在金鐘一帶聚集,佔領添馬公園、夏慤道、龍和道一帶。警方下午3時許突向人群施放催淚彈,發射布袋彈、橡膠子彈等。中信大廈示威者被圍困,險釀人踩人慘劇

- 時任特首林鄭月娥接受《無綫新聞》專訪,稱沒有賣港,說到哽咽流淚,並以母子關係比喻政府與年輕人關係

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
// 反送中運動踏入5周年,香港民主委員會(HKDC)與多個海外港人組織發表聯合聲明,促國際社會聯手要求特區政府釋放所有政治犯,又呼籲擁護共同價值觀的各國政府,透過制裁追究所有有份鎮壓香港的肇事者。聲明提到,2019年6月9日有逾百萬香港人上街抗議修訂《逃犯條例》,但之後遭到特區政府武力鎮壓,包括以催淚彈、水炮、橡膠子彈以至國家級的暴力鎮壓,而抗爭運動的「五大訴求」主張至今也未能實現。


【反送中5年|67海外組織聯署促制裁港官 籲國際社會聯手要求釋放香港政治犯】


#23條立法 #五大訴求 #反送中5年 #海外港人 #港區國安法 #澳港聯 #跨境鎮壓 #逃犯條例 #香港監察 #追新聞 #thechaser



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【5 years ago today - 15 JUN 2019】
- Carrie Lam announced the "suspension" of the amendment, but did not withdraw it.

- Marco Leung Ling-kit, 35, wearing a yellow raincoat, hung a banner on the outer wall of Pacific Place in Admiralty with the messages "Anti-Extradition to China," "Fully withdraw the Extradition Law, we are not rioters, release the students and injured, Carrie Lam step down, Help Hong Kong." Around 9 PM, Leung climbed out of the scaffolding and eventually fell to his death, becoming the first fatality of the anti-extradition movement.

- 林鄭月娥宣佈暫緩修例,但不撤回

- 梁凌杰身穿黃色雨衣,在金鐘太古廣場外牆掛上「反送中 No Extradition To China」、「全面撤回送中,我們不是暴動,釋放學生傷者,林鄭下台,Help Hong Kong」橫額。晚上約9時,梁爬出棚架外,最終墮樓身亡,屬反送中運動首名死者。

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 16 JUN 2019】
- The Civil Human Rights Front initiated the fourth protest against the amendment, proposing the "Five Demands," with "2 million + 1" people participating, making it the largest protest in Hong Kong's history.

- Citizens gathered outside Pacific Place to mourn Leung Ling-kit, who had recently fallen to his death.

- Carrie Lam issued a statement apologizing for the amendment but did not respond to the demands.

- 民陣發起反修例第四次遊行,提出「五大訴求」,有「200萬+1人」參與,屬香港史上最多人參加的遊行

- 市民到太古廣場外悼念早前墮樓身亡的梁凌杰

- 林鄭月娥發聲明就修例致歉,但未有回應訴求

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
- 民陣發起年度7.1遊行,屬第五次以反修例為主題的遊行,參與人數為55萬人

- 示威者凌晨已在立法會外聚集,把示威區的中國國旗換作 #黑紫荊旗,及後市民陸續抵達,佔領金鐘一帶

- 示威者下午開始 #衝擊立法會,用鐵籠車等撞向大樓玻璃。警方在立法會內戒備及高舉紅旗,與示威者對峙

- 警方晚上陸續撤退,示威者成功進入大樓,四處噴上示威字句,塗黑會議廳主席位上的特區區徽、豎起「#沒有暴徒祗有暴政」橫額、展示主權移交前的香港旗

- 示威者凌晨前全部離開大樓

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 9 JUL 2019】
Carrie Lam addressed the press, stating that the Extradition Law amendment is "dead," but she still refused to use the term "withdraw."

林鄭月娥見記者,指《逃犯條例》修訂已「壽終正寢」(the bill is dead),但仍拒用撤回字眼

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 14 JUL 2019】

- During the anti-extradition march in Sha Tin, protesters later confronted the police at various locations in the area.

- The police entered New Town Plaza to make arrests, leading to bloody clashes.


- 沙田反修例遊行,示威者及後在該區多處與警方對峙

- 警方進入新城市廣場作出拘捕,爆發流血衝突

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 27 JUL 2019】
Citizens participated in the "Reclaim Yuen Long" march, opposing the Yuen Long attacks and alleged police-triad collusion. Clashes erupted around Yuen Long MTR Station and nearby major roads.


#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #反送中 #逃犯條例 #721元朗 #光復元朗 #追新聞 #TheChaser
【5 years ago today - 31 AUG 2019】
- The Civil Human Rights Front's application for a march was opposed by the police, leading citizens to gather spontaneously in various districts across Hong Kong Island and Kowloon.

- Protesters and police clashed around Nathan Road in Mong Kok, with some protesters entering an MTR station.

- Police entered the Prince Edward Station platform and trains to enforce the law, using batons, pepper spray, and other means to indiscriminately attack citizens.

- The train then moved to Yau Ma Tei Station, where first aid responders were prevented by the police from entering to treat the injured.

- 民陣申請遊行被警方反對,市民自發在港九多區集結
- 示威者與警方在旺角彌敦道一帶爆發衝突,示威者進入港鐵站
- 警方進入太子站月台和列車執法,以警棍、胡椒噴霧等無差別襲擊市民
- 列車隨後駛往油麻地站,有急救員被警方阻止進站治理傷者

#AntiExtradition #HongKong2019 #HongKongProtest #反送中 #逃犯條例 #追新聞 #TheChaser