I see relatively popular crash report (compared to total amount of crashes & other reports) when trying to play music files on some devices, but was unable to find any detailed report in the testing group.

Just in case you are one of those 13 affected users, please submit report to the testing group with a screen recording how this crash happens. RC

- Fixed crash when inline results have contact without avatar
- Fixed edge case that could lead dismissed notification from private chats to re-appear after application restart
- Fixed crash while audio playback error occurs
- Fixed rare crash while updating polls state
- Fixed rare crash while releasing resources related to replies
- Fixed potential issue that could prevent some notifications from showing after using "Erase all data"
- Internal debugging for catching frozen accounts issue RC

- Fixed: messages may not get read unless chat is scrolled
- System Font: sans-serif font familiy installed on the device will now always be picked

Updated TDLib

- Fixed crashes
- Added more crashes RC

Updated library for calls, bugfixes.

- Updated libtgvoip to 2.5: Improved calls voice quality, fixed crashes and freezes during call
- Updated libopus to 1.3.1 used by libtgvoip
- Fixed: broken music & voice playback (starting version).

+ internal work on some fun feature, which will appear in one of the next updates. beta

- Option to change Emoji Set
- Fixed crash when trying to view broken GIF
- Removed untranslatable string from translation utilities
- Updated ffmpeg to 4.1.3
- Option to clear installed Emoji Sets
- Reincarnation of Blob 🤔
Just updated Blob emoji set. As recommended, missing blobs are now used from this GitHub project: blobmoji.

To update, simply switch to Default emoji set, then back to Blob (Settings – Themes and Chats – Emoji Set).

Also added temporary hint for those who look for EmojiOne, which are now JoyPixels (which nobody recognizes yet).

These all changes do not require app update.

I guess the only thing I need now is blob version of channel logo. 🤔 beta

Reworked text & emoji rendering, and how their bounds get calculated.

- Reworked text rendering. For default text size nothing should have changed visually. For others:
1. Proper bubble height calculation
2. Proper touch detection
3. Proper link press highlighting
4. More comfortable line spacing while using larger text size
5. Any system font should work properly inside message texts & media captions

- Reworked emoji rendering:
1. Emojis are now slightly bigger
2. Better positioning, especially in chats list and message input
3. While using larger text sizes, emojis will now position properly
4. Faster emoji rendering
5. Smoothier scrolling in the emoji keyboard
6. Added little spacing between twitter emojis

- Changed the way text & emoji bounds get calculated
- Text size now affects link previews as well
- Updated ExoPlayer to 2.10.0
- Optimized options menu animation


- Fixed rare crash when switching between emoji sets
- Fixed rare crash while processing messages
- Fixed incorrect bubble sizes when changing text size in settings
- Fixed transparent line glitches between items when opening options menu (e.g. when tapping on a message)

In case something looks broken after updating to this version, send screenshot as a document with all other essential information in the caption. (it's expected that something could have broken on customizable Android builds)

FYI new text rendering affects only messages, shared media, inline results and few other places. beta

- Added assertion (useful crash) for lost promise issue. beta

- Big emoji when there are only few of them in a message and they are the only content (+ an option to disable that behavior)
- Changed medium font used while "Use system fonts" enabled
- Fixed: Can't send one-character messages if preceded by the space
- Fixed: In-app text file viewer has broken
- Fixed: Improperly positioned bullets/numbers in IV lists
- Better paddings for options menu hint
- Improved internal error reporting for TDLib issues

Also fixed these two emoji for blob emoji set: 👀👐. To get a fix, switch to default emoji set, then back to blob. beta

- Much faster text & emoji processing while typing a message
- "Copy" for messages preserves all markdown as well now
- Slightly increased Big Emoji size when using text size smaller than default


- Message text size might not update after editing text with big emoji
- Blank emoji when entering them from third-party IMEs for the first time
- "Edit"/"Copy" for albums with caption may edit/copy wrong media beta

- Markdown copy works through header action now as well
- Fixed crash in the new emoji lookup algorithm
- Fixed crash when sharing videos from other apps & file no longer accessible
- Updated TDLib: bugfixes

- Fixed incorrect emoji set download state after clearing all emoji sets
This media is not supported in your browser
Just in case you think my RTL bugs are the worst

(this one is tricky, though) RC

- Clickable links in the in-app text viewer
- Fixed incorrect "downloaded" status of emoji set after clearing all sets through Storage Usage

+ All changes above.

If everything will look good, this one will go to stable.
Telegram X was updated to version

- Choose between different emoji sets
- Big Emoji with an option to disable
- Improved look of messages while using big text sizes
- Copy button now copies message markdown too
- Improved emoji processing and rendering speed
- Better fonts used when "Use System Fonts" enabled
- Bugfixes
- Other improvements mentioned in beta change logs above. beta

- Updated libtgvoip back to 2.5 (2.4.4 on stable track) RC

Telegram X is now available in Hungarian.

- Supported channel messages in groups (messages, chats list, notifications)
- t.me/s/tgx_android links open in browser
- Improved welcome screen after signing up & importing contacts
- Downgraded libtgvoip to 2.4.4 in beta track (same as in stable)
- Fixed crash after finishing call

Updated TDLib

- Channel messages in groups
- Fixed crashes

If you have recently started experiencing crashes on stable version (caused by Telegram server changes), join beta to get this version faster. RC

- In-app browser is used for t.me/s/tgx_android links as well, when enabled
- Updated TDLib: fixed crashed

- Changes above
- Fixed two internal crashes RC

Updated TDLib

- Potentially fixed messages syncing issue
- Fixed "Requested data is inaccessible" in stickers archive, when all of sticker sets are banned
- Fixed couple other bugs RC

Updated TDLib

- Temporary workaround for message syncing issue. Should work properly as before now.
You or your friends protesting in Hong Kong? Give Telegram X a try: when bubbles are off, it uses special internal text layout computation magic for comfortable JCK messages reading.

Proxy can be set through the shield icon in the top-right corner while entering phone number, or by following a special t.me link from a friend, if they will give one.
Telegram X
You or your friends protesting in Hong Kong? Give Telegram X a try: when bubbles are off, it uses special internal text layout computation magic for comfortable JCK messages reading. Proxy can be set through the shield icon in the top-right corner while entering…
While Telegram X lacks many translations, here are some language packs made by the community:


You can just tap any of these links to apply language without leaving the app.

Aside from magic in the text messages, last year I spent many weeks just making sure fonts look nice while using any JCK-character based language. While nice fonts unlikely will help protesters much, I hope you will like it. If you find any issues with it, please ping in the testing group. If you find some issues with the translation itself, feel free to contribute on the translation platform.
Just updated JoyPixels (EmojiOne) emoji set.

If you are using it and wish to update, simply switch to any other emoji set, then back to JoyPixels in Settings – Themes and Chats – Emoji Set. No app update needed.

Comparison with the previous version:
For those who wait for new change logs here: stay tuned.
Москвичи, выходите сегодня к 14:00 на проспект Сахарова за право голоса: dopusk.ai.

Придёте — обещаю, что в обновлении вишенка будет дергать задницей плавнее, чем в любом другом клиенте, который придётся снести из-за этого очевидного преимущества.

Участвуйте в Умном Голосовании, если хотите, чтобы таким как я не нужно было прятаться и притворяться англичанином в канале, где большая часть аудитории из России: https://vote2019.appspot.com/