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Today we received a lot of complaints of very frequent lock MTProxy

If the earlier IP addresses have MTProxy worked for several hours without blocks, now many of them are banned every 10 minutes. It is possible that the system was launched, which was reported yesterday.

Tell us about your observations in our chat: @tginfochat


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The Telegram lock in Russia almost polator year

In addition to blokirovki IP addresses of the messenger and proxy servers blocked links like Many do not consider and lose traffic advertising their projects on other platforms.

To 100% of the audience came to your channel you need to use redirect services because they provide the opportunity to move to Telegram channels without a VPN.

Here are some of these services:

And if you need statistics of clicks on your link, use a redirect


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Roskomnadzor does not cease to believe in the victory over Telegram

While Telegram is working on his bacchanal, and all the rest have forgotten that the messenger in Russia is blocked, Zharov hopes for retribution.

"[The system] based on the technology of DPI. I think that within a year we a certain result will reach", — he said.

However further words business has not gone.


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The Director of the FSB, at whose request Telegram is blocked in Russia, called the conflict with the only serious Telegram to the office

In the main, by the FSB noted that "...Telegram works on the territory of other countries with representatives including intelligence enables them to use their resources".

However, no examples and evidence of cooperation of the messenger with the intelligence agencies of other countries Bortnikov failed.

"Can there be freedom without security?" — said Bortnikov.

It should be noted that in the Telegram there is freedom and security.


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The Telegram lock in Russia more than six years

Over time many forgot about the ILV and attempts to block the messenger. Increasingly frequently in the press flashed the news of the TON. Telegram continues to develop ways of bypassing the censorship.

Six months ago we held a poll, which asked about the availability of Telegram. Then more than half of the respondents reported that the messenger works for them without proxy and VPN. View what has changed during this time.


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Deputy Ministry of communications Alexei Volin said that the law on sustainable Runet will not affect the operation of the Telegram

"[Would be] the same as now. And that someone has some sort of problem?", — he said, answering the question of what changes may occur.

Wolin already mentioned that the messenger in his work continue to use a government, otherwise they will lose contact with a large part of the audience. According to him, users Telegram is not threatened.


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Links at @discussbot work again

The official bot for reviews @discussbot has changed. Replaced blocked came a new domain.

At the moment avatars are not displayed, but the hyperlink and the transition to the profiles work fine.

Along with this, the messenger is preparing the new mirror for publishing articles.


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2 year lock Telegram in Russia

Exactly two years ago, Tagansky court of Moscow ruled about blocking Telegram in Russia. Thus began a long history of confrontation between RKN and Telegram.

Go poll to find out how varied the availability of the Telegram in Russia this year.


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