Telegram Info English
21K subscribers
614 photos
78 videos
3 files
1.37K links
This is the English mirror of @tginfo.

Discussion chat: @tginfochaten
Beta channel: @betainfoen
TON: @infotonen
Other languages: @tginfoall
Feedback & Commecrial: @infowritebot
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Bot API has been updated to version 4.9

What's new:
β€” Added the new field via_bot to the Message object. You can now know which bot was used to send a message.
β€” Supported video thumbnails for inline GIF and MPEG4 animations.
β€” Supported the new basketball animation for the random dice. Choose between different animations (dice, darts, basketball) by specifying the emoji parameter in the method sendDice.

#update #BotAPI

Translated using Yandex.API
Run your own Bot API server

You can run Bot API locally and send the requests to your own server instead of If you switch to a local Bot API server, your bot will be able to:

- Download files without a size limit.
- Upload files up to 2000 MB.
- Upload files using their local path and the file URI scheme.
- Use an HTTP URL for the webhook.
- Use any local IP address for the webhook.
- Use any port for the webhook.
- Set max_webhook_connections up to 100000.
- Receive the absolute local path as a value of the file_path field without the need to download the file after a getFile request.

The source code of the Telegram Bot API server is licensed under the Boost Software License.

Transferring ownership of bots
Along with the update Bot API to version 5.0, it became possible to transfer ownership of a bot from one account to another.

For transmission:
- Two-factor authentication must be enabled at least 7 days prior to transfer. The password should not change during this time.
- The session from which the transfer takes place must exist for at least 24 hours.
- The user to whom the transfer is carried out must write to the bot and unblock it (if the bot was blacklisted by the user).

The transfer is carried out through the bot @botfather.

Bot API has been updated to version 5.1

What's new:
β€” Added updates about member status changes in chats: my_chat_member and chat_member.
β€” Support for improved invite links.
β€” Basic info about voice chats.
β€” And more, read the full changelog.

Warning: After one of the upcoming Bot API updates, user identifiers will become bigger than 2^31 - 1 and it will be no longer possible to store them in a signed 32-bit integer type. User identifiers will have up to 52 significant bits, so a 64-bit integer or double-precision float type would still be safe for storing them. Please make sure that your code can correctly handle such user identifiers.

#update #BotAPI
Bot API was updated to version 5.2

What's new:
- Payments 2.0 support
- Inline mode payments support
- Groups, supergroups, and channels payments support
- Optional tips support for sendInvoice method
- Now you can optionally allow paying for forwarded invoices
- Added chat_type field in inline mode, so a bot can identify from what kind of chat a request comes from
- Added scheduled Voice Chat message type
- Fixed mistakes in documentation

Important changes:
β€” In Bot API v5.3 a one-time change will happen which will update unique identifiers for photos
β€” Soon in large chats, join messages won't be displayed

Full changelog on the website.

#update #BotAPI
Bot API was updated to version 5.3

What's new?
Personalized Commands
β€” Bots can now show lists of commands tailored to specific situations - including localized commands for users with different languages, as well as different commands based on chat type or for specific chats, and special lists of commands for chat admins.
β€” Added the class BotCommandScope, describing the scope to which bot commands apply.
β€” Added the parameters scope and language_code to the method setMyCommands to allow bots specify different commands for different chats and users.
β€” Added the parameters scope and language_code to the method getMyCommands.
β€” Added the method deleteMyCommands to allow deletion of the bot's commands for the given scope and user language.
β€” Improved visibility of bot commands in Telegram apps with the new 'Menu' button in chats with bots, read more on the blog.

Custom Placeholders:
β€” Added the ability to specify a custom input field placeholder in the classes ReplyKeyboardMarkup and ForceReply.

And More:
β€” Improved documentation of the class ChatMember by splitting it into 6 subclasses.
β€” Renamed the method kickChatMember to banChatMember. The old method name can still be used.
β€” Renamed the method getChatMembersCount to getChatMemberCount. The old method name can still be used.
β€” Values of the field file_unique_id in objects of the type PhotoSize and of the fields small_file_unique_id and big_file_unique_id in objects of the type ChatPhoto were changed.

Full changelog on the website.

#update #BotAPI