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How can blockchain bring value to governments?

In the face of unprecedented disruption, 74%   of leaders like you agree that traditional ways of doing business are not sustainable. Technology is the root cause of much of this disruption, but in the case of blockchain, it can also be the solution.
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OpenAi & NVDA is the best-performing AI stock over the past year. While earnings growth over the last five years has been anemic atleast at 5%, analysts expect much bigger yearly earnings growth over the next five years. #AIStocks #TechnologyBlog #MakeAnAppLike #WriteForUs
The most potent and fascinating kind of artificial intelligence is computer vision, which is essentially a branch of study devoted to finding a solution to the computer vision problem.A branch of artificial intelligence called computer vision uses deep learning models to teach computers how to perceive and comprehend the visual world so they can recognize objects with ease and respond
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According to the #MakeAnAppLike Research, Microsoft, Google & Apple is the top IT company in the world due to its wide range of products, services, and customer base. #TechnologyBlog #ITCompanies #WriteForUs
In a world where the future of work is always fast-changing, one thing remains constant; the presence of AI in all our workflows. The trend is set in stone, and the influence of AI will only keep increasing. From health to tech, to social media to law, all fields and aspects of our daily must brace themselves for the inevitable disruption that comes with Artificial intelligence.
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