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Dear entrepreneur, do not allow the ideas you have today, and the ones you will find tomorrow, to sit idle inside you. Become a stronger entrepreneur, develop empowering perspectives and give your ideas a life.

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Preparing for the Shift

There’s a reason some entrepreneurs carry more influence, secure more sales and grow their business more quickly than others. And it’s not because they work harder.

Starting a business can be very exciting. But it’s important to do your homework, and take measured, meticulous steps. Start small and take incremental steps one day at a time.

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#1 Money is important but not enough

A lot of entrepreneurs manage to raise capital early in the game, but money is just not enough. A sound business model that generates consistent cash flows is important. Besides, you need people to implement your systems.

#2 Focus on people and their needs

Business is all about people. You can’t do it all by yourself. Focus on people, understand their needs, compensate them adequately, and invest in their training. They may or may not stay with you, but it’s important to continually train them.

#3 The owner is separate from his business

It’s important to separate yourself from your business, and look at yourself as an employee and shareholder in your business. I’ve seen that many people struggle to differentiate their personal finances from that of their business.

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Who is an Entrepreneur?
Identity and Characteristics.

Entrepreneurship is often defined as the process of creating, launching and running a new business. There are several business writeup on entrepreneurship that list the greatest entrepreneurs and discuss the typical qualities of successful entrepreneurs without going into any real detail into the real life or world definition of an entrereneur. In this class we will explain who an entrepreneur is and provide you with an excellent real world definition of an entrepreneur.

What Does An Entrepreneur Do?

Entrepreneurs play a very important role in our society. They solve problems, create jobs and contribute to the economy.

Being an entrepreneur can be a deeply challenging yet rewarding experience. We revel in the triumph, big or small, that comes after hours of practice, years of struggle and devotion to a craft.

Just like trying to sell quality weave online and only few or no buying customer despite your ads, time and money. You spend countless resources on Brand Awareness but sales isn't encouraging. But with consistency, you got a buyer hair lover, plus referrals.

The golfer who goes to the driving range, hits thousands of balls and then bribes the owner to let him keep hitting balls until 2 a.m. He plays round after round and struggles with his game. Then comes the shot. The clean drive. Or the wedge to within ten feet.

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

The definition of an entrepreneur depends on who you talk to. Even though there are many different types of entrepreneurs, most have the same things in common.

Entrepreneurs build something from nothing.

They are obsessed with turning their ideas into reality.

Most have a unique perspective and specific skills and know how to apply them effectively in the midst of struggle.

They are risk-takers.

They have high levels of self-confidence.

Successful entrepreneurs have passion and grit but it is not just about that, as an entrepreneur, your ability to develop specific skills and apply them effectively in your business is the difference between thriving in the struggle—and barely surviving it.

This is why we have created The Creative Master Class – the one stop Academy for the Intelligence you need, where you will be armed with knowledge, skills & a community to drive results as you live the 4Ps – passion, pressure, pleasure & pain.

Do you know that your action cures your fear.


Be the Visionary

We discuss who an enterprenuer is in our previous post, I would remind you again. Your job as an entrepreneur (mind you, it’s likely a much more exciting one), your job is to be a visionary. To come up with ideas and turn them into reality requires vision and clarity.

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Build the picture of where you want to go, be and why. Close your eyes and imagine what kind of impact you want to create for your buisness and others. Your vision, that picture that you desire that prompt your action is what will keep you going when you feel like giving up. It’s your life duty as an entrepreneur, and the more clear and prominent it is—the faster you’ll rise toward achieve your dreams. You are closer than you think.

My vision was always to help inspire and empower as many enterprenuer as I could to build successful businesses. It’s simple. You don’t have to know with total certainty exactly how you’re going to bring your vision to life, but you do need to know why you want to.

Are you starting to see why it's called "building" a business? All the fancy don’t enter into the picture until you’ve built a very strong foundation. The who and the how play a vast part in determining the long-term success of any venture.

Be the visioner.

2. The Who and the How

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Now is the perfect time to advance your career. Gain access to free, interactive business lessons you can complete fully online—on your own time—while engaging with a community of learners from around the world.

3. Take Massive Action & Keep the Faith

Once the business foundation is built, (creating the idea)the walls are up. (start up resources), and the roof is securely in place (mechanism for Sustainability) then it’s time to decorate. It’s time to take massive action in order to create momentum.

I double dare you to get brutally honest with yourself right now and make a list of all the reasons WHY you’re afraid to take action.


Okay, good job. Now if you’re anything like me or the thousands of entrepreneurs I’ve worked with, that list probably looks a little something like this:

I’m afraid of…

- What other people will think
- Failure
- Not sounding funny, or cool, or original enough
- Coming off as inauthentic
- I don't know how to get clients
- covid-19 pandemic
- Do people have money to pay for product now
- The world activity has been put to hold

I’ve got good news and bad news.

The bad news: those fears are never going to completely go away. The are natural fears an enterprenuer would have but only the Real Die Hard enterprenuer get over them.

Remember it's never seem possible until it's done!!!.

The good news: every time you take action regardless your fear, it becomes a little bit smaller. Your fears are like a projector, making the actual “problem” a thousands times bigger than it really is. Take back your film reel and dare to do what scares you. FACE YOUR FEAR AND FURY.

Keep the faith. Let the picture of your dream keep you going.
Don't forget if you say you CAN'T yes you CAN'T. If you say you CAN yes you CAN.

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How to Start an Online Business When You’re Not Ready to Start an Online Business

Dear Enterprenuer,

Starting an online business can be difficult. Let’s not kid ourselves. Despite of how easy it’s sometimes portrayed, building an online business takes a lot of time, energy, effort, and sometimes money.

Whether you’ve never started a business before in your life, or you’re a seasoned veteran with multiple online businesses under your belt, getting started is always the hardest part. Those initial roadblocks and hurdles for a new project always seem to stall ideas and kill dreams.

So what do you do when you know you want to start something, but you’re just not quite ready to build a business yet?

Believe it or not, there are some steps you can take towards building your online business even if you’re not ready to start selling products yet. These steps are not only easy to get started with but they can also go a long way in helping make your future business much more successful.
In this class, you’ll learn exactly what you can do right now to start building your business, without building a business at all. At the same time, you’ll learn more about your potential future customers, so when you are ready to sell products, you’ll have a much higher chance of success.
Let’s get started.
Understanding Product/Market Fit

In its simplest understanding, a business does nothing other than connect a group of people that share a common interest or need with a product or service that will benefit them in some way. The better the match between the group of people and the product, the more successful a business tends to be. This is called product/market fit and finding it is one of the most important things to work towards when you launch any new business.
As we make progress, as well as others, I will teach you about finding products to sell online (How to Find Trending Products to Sell Online, Trending Products to Sell Online, A Treasure Chest of Product Ideas to Sell Online), then selling those products to the right audience. However, we can flip the equation by finding an audience first then learning what products that group needs and then selling products to that group. By starting with an audience and learning more about them (their needs, their wants, and their pain points) we stand a better chance at understanding what products this group requires, and of course, what they will spend money on.
Additionally, by starting with an audience you inherently will have a group of people that are likely to purchase your product when you launch.
Start Building an Audience

So let’s assume you’re not ready to start an online business—maybe you have no time, no money, or no ideas for products to sell right now. Your goal at this point should be to start building an audience in a particular niche. This will be a group of people—and potentially, future customers—that you will be cultivating as well as learning from.
If you know what type of product you want to sell (but just don’t have the means to sell yet) then you will likely want to build an audience around that niche and product so that you can attract the appropriate audience for the future. If you’re still unsure what you’ll sell, we would suggest building a community and audience around something you’re fundamentally interested in.
As you begin to grow an audience and communicate with them, you will learn more and more about them, about their likes, interests, desires, and pain points. This all turns into valuable information for products you can sell to this audience at a later point in time, when you’re ready.