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I want you to truly understand, The Matrix is cracking in real time.
There’s never been a period of time where if you are FAST you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars from very little.
How many of you remember Oil futures being priced in the negatives due to COVID mania?

How many of you remember Wheat futures skyrocketing as soon as Russia invaded Ukraine?

How many of you remember THE LAST TIME GameStop was halted?
Every 3-6 years, some big event comes that is just simply FAST money.
Over ONE BILLION DOLLARS was lost in the past 6 hours.

Some hedge fund lost ONE BILLION.

Who got that money?


Normal FAST people like you COULD be.
The matrix is cracking and nothing brings me more joy.

People are seeing through the bullshit and finding ways to become rich enough to take care of their families as the world catches fire.


Join the resistance here: www.gameovermatrix.com
Your body cannot escape because your mind is trapped.

You have imprisoned yourself through thought alone.

The few people who tell the truth will continue to be threatened into silence or disappeared.

Your mind is trapped.

You believe there is a happy ever after if you continue to do nothing.

You are losing a war you do not even realize you are in.

You need to get rich NOW.

You need to get strong NOW.

You need funds and strength to resist

And you need to resist NOW

Or you will simply lose the game you never played.
Hate is in the air.

I see it everywhere,

Desperate men and women trying their very best to keep their heads above water.

Trying to squeeze their way into The Ark while it rains.


For an ounce of relevancy, a few Instagram likes.

Just ONE MORE GAMBLE, one more roll of the dice,

A SPRINKLE of cash.

The reality is that the world is broke and angry.




Fat, eating toxic food, injected with poison straight into their bloodstream.

They followed the devil into their own despair,

Chasing promises of joy and ease.

We are at Hard Times Make Strong Men.

You reading this are probably broke,

Your family is most likely being raped by inflation and taxes,

Your neighborhood becoming less safe by the day.

It is getting dark.

The secret during these times is to learn to smile in these trenches.

Be the speckle of love in a world full of hate.

Work hard, believe in God, show your family you love and care for them.

Try your best.

Do everything in your power to get richer and stronger.

Everything you can to keep everyone you care for safe, healthy and happy.

Play the best moves on the chessboard.

You may lose,

You may continue to get destroyed by your government.

But you’d have done what very few people have done.

You didn’t give up when the world was entering pure darkness.

Be the light God made you to be.

I am the type of man who DOES NOT LOSE.

If you buy a boat, I will buy ten mega yachts just to show you who the TOPG is. https://rumble.com/v4vrgmb-motorcycle-arms-race-tate-confidential-ep-231.html
Peasants aren't very effective because they have an easily exploitable weakness.

The peasants NEED money.

Not want, NEED.

They have bills they can barely pay and need money for groceries so they can eat.

Hedge funds will short GameStop stock and never close because they know the peasants will sell.

The majority of individual investors buying GameStop are doing it to make money.

They WILL sell.

Selling is certain.

They'll sell if the price stops going straight up.

They'll sell if the price stays stagnant or bleeds down for 2 years.

They will sell.

Bills are going to pop up and they'll look at their empty bank balance and then look at their "NEVER SELLING" bag and sell it.

They're for the cause for a few days, weeks or months MAX.

The rich mega-corps know this.

Time is on their side.

They can outlast the retards because the majority of the retards want to make money, they want to sell.

Money is the ultimate tool to keep the slave class down.

Hedge funds will NEVER buy until ABSOLUTELY FORCED TO.

The peasants WILL sell when it's convenient.

Both parties are motivated by money.

But only one party is immovable and iron-clad in their resolve.

If you don't harden your resolve, you are doomed to lose every game you ever play.


It was never part of the plan, this isn't about money.

Peasant tricks do not work on me, I cannot be bought.