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🇮🇹 Certi buongiorno. Stretti come un abbraccio, caldi come il sole, intensi come il caffè.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Buongiorno anime belle 🌾
🇦🇺 Certain good mornings. As tight as a hug, as warm as the sun, as intense as coffee.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Good morning beautiful souls 🌾
🇧🇷 Certas manhãs boas. Tão apertadas quanto um abraço, tão quentes quanto o sol, tão intensas quanto o café.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Bom dia, belas almas 🌾
🇫🇷 Certains bons matins. Aussi serrés qu'une étreinte, aussi chauds que le soleil, aussi intenses que le café.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Bonjour belles âmes 🌾
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Buongiorno anime belle 🌾
🇦🇺 Certain good mornings. As tight as a hug, as warm as the sun, as intense as coffee.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Good morning beautiful souls 🌾
🇧🇷 Certas manhãs boas. Tão apertadas quanto um abraço, tão quentes quanto o sol, tão intensas quanto o café.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Bom dia, belas almas 🌾
🇫🇷 Certains bons matins. Aussi serrés qu'une étreinte, aussi chauds que le soleil, aussi intenses que le café.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Bonjour belles âmes 🌾
Forwarded from IO SONO ANIMA - sentiero di consapevolezza 🐬✨🕉 (Iara)
🇮🇹 Testa della Statua della Libertà in un parco di Parigi, 1883
Forse non tutti sanno ancora che la celebre Statua della Libertà è stata realizzata in Francia.
I cittadini francesi hanno fatto un regalo al popolo americano in occasione del centenario della Rivoluzione americana.
La statua fu progettata e l'intero processo di creazione fu supervisionato dallo scultore francese Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
L'altezza della statua dal suolo alla punta della torcia è di 93 metri. L'altezza della ragazza è di circa 34 metri.
La statua fu completata dai francesi nel luglio 1884 e trasportata nel porto di New York un anno dopo. Per il trasporto, la statua venne smontata in 350 pezzi.
🇦🇺 Head of the Statue of Liberty in a Paris park, 1883
Perhaps not everyone knows yet that the famous Statue of Liberty was made in France.
The citizens of France made a gift to the American people on the occasion of the centenary of the American Revolution.
The statue was designed and the entire creation process was overseen by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
The height of the statue from the ground to the tip of the torch is 93 metres. The height of the girl is about 34 metres.
The statue was completed by the French in July 1884 and transported to New York harbour a year later. For the transport, the statue was disassembled into 350 pieces.
🇧🇷 Cabeça da Estátua da Liberdade em um parque de Paris, 1883
Talvez nem todos saibam ainda que a famosa Estátua da Liberdade foi feita na França.
Os cidadãos da França deram um presente ao povo americano por ocasião do centenário da Revolução Americana.
A estátua foi projetada e todo o processo de criação foi supervisionado pelo escultor francês Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
A altura da estátua, do chão até a ponta da tocha, é de 93 metros. A altura da garota é de aproximadamente 34 metros.
A estátua foi concluída pelos franceses em julho de 1884 e transportada para o porto de Nova York um ano depois. Para o transporte, a estátua foi desmontada em 350 peças.
🇫🇷 Tête de la Statue de la Liberté dans un parc parisien, 1883
Tout le monde ne sait peut-être pas encore que la célèbre Statue de la Liberté a été fabriquée en France.
Les citoyens français ont fait un cadeau au peuple américain à l'occasion du centenaire de la révolution américaine.
La statue a été conçue et l'ensemble du processus de création a été supervisé par le sculpteur français Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.
La hauteur de la statue, du sol à la pointe de la torche, est de 93 mètres. La hauteur de la jeune fille est d'environ 34 mètres.
La statue a été achevée par les Français en juillet 1884 et transportée dans le port de New York un an plus tard. Pour le transport, la statue a été démontée en 350 pièces.
Forse non tutti sanno ancora che la celebre Statua della Libertà è stata realizzata in Francia.
I cittadini francesi hanno fatto un regalo al popolo americano in occasione del centenario della Rivoluzione americana.
La statua fu progettata e l'intero processo di creazione fu supervisionato dallo scultore francese Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
L'altezza della statua dal suolo alla punta della torcia è di 93 metri. L'altezza della ragazza è di circa 34 metri.
La statua fu completata dai francesi nel luglio 1884 e trasportata nel porto di New York un anno dopo. Per il trasporto, la statua venne smontata in 350 pezzi.
🇦🇺 Head of the Statue of Liberty in a Paris park, 1883
Perhaps not everyone knows yet that the famous Statue of Liberty was made in France.
The citizens of France made a gift to the American people on the occasion of the centenary of the American Revolution.
The statue was designed and the entire creation process was overseen by French sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
The height of the statue from the ground to the tip of the torch is 93 metres. The height of the girl is about 34 metres.
The statue was completed by the French in July 1884 and transported to New York harbour a year later. For the transport, the statue was disassembled into 350 pieces.
🇧🇷 Cabeça da Estátua da Liberdade em um parque de Paris, 1883
Talvez nem todos saibam ainda que a famosa Estátua da Liberdade foi feita na França.
Os cidadãos da França deram um presente ao povo americano por ocasião do centenário da Revolução Americana.
A estátua foi projetada e todo o processo de criação foi supervisionado pelo escultor francês Frederic Auguste Bartholdi.
A altura da estátua, do chão até a ponta da tocha, é de 93 metros. A altura da garota é de aproximadamente 34 metros.
A estátua foi concluída pelos franceses em julho de 1884 e transportada para o porto de Nova York um ano depois. Para o transporte, a estátua foi desmontada em 350 peças.
🇫🇷 Tête de la Statue de la Liberté dans un parc parisien, 1883
Tout le monde ne sait peut-être pas encore que la célèbre Statue de la Liberté a été fabriquée en France.
Les citoyens français ont fait un cadeau au peuple américain à l'occasion du centenaire de la révolution américaine.
La statue a été conçue et l'ensemble du processus de création a été supervisé par le sculpteur français Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi.
La hauteur de la statue, du sol à la pointe de la torche, est de 93 mètres. La hauteur de la jeune fille est d'environ 34 mètres.
La statue a été achevée par les Français en juillet 1884 et transportée dans le port de New York un an plus tard. Pour le transport, la statue a été démontée en 350 pièces.
Forwarded from IO SONO ANIMA - sentiero di consapevolezza 🐬✨🕉 (Iara)
🇮🇹 Nel 1959, il Maggiolino Volkswagen venne offerto con una macchina per il caffè opzionale.
Ecco come stanno le cose. Chissà se oggigiorno esistono auto come queste?
🇦🇺 In 1959, the Volkswagen Beetle was offered with an optional coffee machine.
That's how it is. Who knows if cars like these exist today?
🇧🇷 Em 1959, o Volkswagen Beetle foi oferecido com uma máquina de café opcional.
É assim que as coisas são. Quem sabe se carros como esses existem hoje?
🇫🇷 En 1959, la Volkswagen Coccinelle était proposée avec une machine à café en option.
C'est ainsi. Qui sait si de telles voitures existent encore aujourd'hui ?
Ecco come stanno le cose. Chissà se oggigiorno esistono auto come queste?
🇦🇺 In 1959, the Volkswagen Beetle was offered with an optional coffee machine.
That's how it is. Who knows if cars like these exist today?
🇧🇷 Em 1959, o Volkswagen Beetle foi oferecido com uma máquina de café opcional.
É assim que as coisas são. Quem sabe se carros como esses existem hoje?
🇫🇷 En 1959, la Volkswagen Coccinelle était proposée avec une machine à café en option.
C'est ainsi. Qui sait si de telles voitures existent encore aujourd'hui ?
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Forwarded from IO SONO ANIMA - sentiero di consapevolezza 🐬✨🕉 (Iara)
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🇮🇹 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Complesso di una cattedrale, moschea e ospedale, situato nella città di Divrigi in Turchia, XIII secolo.)
🇦🇺 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Complex of a cathedral, mosque and hospital, located in the town of Divrigi in Turkey, 13th century).
🇧🇷 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Complexo de uma catedral, mesquita e hospital, localizado na cidade de Divrigi, na Turquia, século XIII).
🇫🇷 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Ensemble composé d'une cathédrale, d'une mosquée et d'un hôpital, situé dans la ville de Divrigi en Turquie, XIIIe siècle).
(Complesso di una cattedrale, moschea e ospedale, situato nella città di Divrigi in Turchia, XIII secolo.)
🇦🇺 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Complex of a cathedral, mosque and hospital, located in the town of Divrigi in Turkey, 13th century).
🇧🇷 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Complexo de uma catedral, mesquita e hospital, localizado na cidade de Divrigi, na Turquia, século XIII).
🇫🇷 Ulu-jami (Divrigi).
(Ensemble composé d'une cathédrale, d'une mosquée et d'un hôpital, situé dans la ville de Divrigi en Turquie, XIIIe siècle).
🇬🇧 Does the Welsh Flag really depict a Dragon?
The name Griffin of Welsh origin, has deep roots set in Wales. It derives from the Welsh term Gryffydd and has been depicted in Wales throughout the ages.
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The name Griffin of Welsh origin, has deep roots set in Wales. It derives from the Welsh term Gryffydd and has been depicted in Wales throughout the ages.
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Insects contribute to atmospheric electricity
By measuring the electrical fields near swarming honeybees, researchers have discovered that insects can produce as much atmospheric electric charge as a thunderstorm cloud. This type of electricity helps ...
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"If we are able to generate a high level of coherence in the structure of water that is the source of life (it is the medium through which quantum fluctuations interact to produce complexity in amino acids and minerals and assemble them), then we have the technical opportunity to design health instruments with a significant positive impact on health in our society and on our longevity.
Our generation has the opportunity to make a profound difference."
Nassim Haramein
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Our generation has the opportunity to make a profound difference."
Nassim Haramein
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Forwarded from IO SONO ANIMA - sentiero di consapevolezza 🐬✨🕉 (Iara)
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🇮🇹 Poi arriva la sera a liberare le sfumature, a coprire le ferite del giorno. A creare l’illusione che si possa vedere il mondo con una seconda vista più leggera.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Buona serata anime belle ✨️
🇦🇺 Then evening arrives to release the nuances, to cover the wounds of the day. To create the illusion that one can see the world with a lighter second view.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Good evening beautiful souls ✨️
🇧🇷 Então, a noite chega para liberar as nuances, para cobrir as feridas do dia. Para criar a ilusão de que se pode ver o mundo com uma segunda visão mais clara.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Boa noite, belas almas ✨️
🇫🇷 Puis le soir arrive pour libérer les nuances, pour couvrir les blessures de la journée. Pour créer l'illusion que l'on peut voir le monde avec un second regard plus léger.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Bonsoir belles âmes ✨️
sentiero di consapevolezza
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Buona serata anime belle ✨️
🇦🇺 Then evening arrives to release the nuances, to cover the wounds of the day. To create the illusion that one can see the world with a lighter second view.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Good evening beautiful souls ✨️
🇧🇷 Então, a noite chega para liberar as nuances, para cobrir as feridas do dia. Para criar a ilusão de que se pode ver o mundo com uma segunda visão mais clara.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Boa noite, belas almas ✨️
🇫🇷 Puis le soir arrive pour libérer les nuances, pour couvrir les blessures de la journée. Pour créer l'illusion que l'on peut voir le monde avec un second regard plus léger.
(Fabrizio Caramagna)
Bonsoir belles âmes ✨️
sentiero di consapevolezza
🇬🇧 The Discovery of the Atlantic Metal Library
In 1965, explorer Janusz Juan Moritz made an astonishing discovery in a remote area across the ocean: a vast network of underground roads and tunnels. This system stretches for thousands of kilometers and runs beneath Argentina, Peru, and Ecuador.
The tunnel walls were remarkably smooth and polished, while the ceilings appeared flat and even, almost as if coated with a glaze. The network led to massive underground halls whose dimensions are almost unimaginable.
In one of these halls, Moritz came across books made of thin sheets of metal measuring 38x19 inches (96x48 cm) and weighing 20 kg each. Even more fascinating was that each page of these "books" was inscribed with secret, mysterious symbols—an indication that they were the remnants of a lost civilization whose knowledge was preserved in this "metal library."
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In 1965, explorer Janusz Juan Moritz made an astonishing discovery in a remote area across the ocean: a vast network of underground roads and tunnels. This system stretches for thousands of kilometers and runs beneath Argentina, Peru, and Ecuador.
The tunnel walls were remarkably smooth and polished, while the ceilings appeared flat and even, almost as if coated with a glaze. The network led to massive underground halls whose dimensions are almost unimaginable.
In one of these halls, Moritz came across books made of thin sheets of metal measuring 38x19 inches (96x48 cm) and weighing 20 kg each. Even more fascinating was that each page of these "books" was inscribed with secret, mysterious symbols—an indication that they were the remnants of a lost civilization whose knowledge was preserved in this "metal library."
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The Old World
It was not built with a hammer and chisel as the official narrative would have us believe but rather with very advanced technologies.
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It was not built with a hammer and chisel as the official narrative would have us believe but rather with very advanced technologies.
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