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When I wrote my recent article on Barbara Marx Hubbard, I didn't realize that Martin Marietta Defense Systems, where Hubbard's Birth 2012 ally Gregg Braden worked, merged with the Lockheed corporation in 1995 to form Lockheed Martin.


The following 2 posts are my responses:
Not sure what to make of it. But I found that Social Sentinel, which is the AI program that was scanning Uvalde students' social media posts for "possible security concerns," integrates with Google Suite for Education:

I decided to do some more research pertaining to my newest article on Barbara Marx Hubbard and her endorsement of the HeartMath Institute's Global Coherence Initiative (GCI).

I found a GCI “Special Care Focus” meditation titled “Patience and Creating Your New Normal,” which prompted GCI practitioners to hook up their wearable Global Coherence Apps on June 2nd, 2021, while collectively meditating on the need to interdependently practice more patience with COVID restrictions: “[s]pring energies and re-opening our economies are providing hope that we will emerge from COVID restrictions and create a new normal. However, this is a time for patience as COVID cases are going down in many areas yet surging in others. It’s still requiring us to be responsible for caring for ourselves and each other.” Step 4 of this Care Focus meditation prompted participants to “make a commitment to practice patience throughout the day. As soon as you sense impatience, irritation, or anxiety, reset your system by breathing in feelings of patience and inner ease. Once you regain emotional poise, do this a while longer to help anchor these feelings in your system.” Step 5 ends the meditation by “making a commitment to practice compassionate latitude for each other through the pressures of these transitional times. Recognize the importance of adding love and kindness to the new normal we are co-creating together.”

To tie this GCI New Normal Care Focus meditation back to my analysis of Hubbard’s call for a transhumanist New Normal, as I documented with quotes in her own words, she was in fact a transhumanist; she did in fact call for a New Normal; she did in fact promote HeartMath in accordance with her vision of a transhumanist New Normal; and the GCI’s New Normal Care Focus meditation demonstrates that HeartMath did in fact prompt global populations to use their Global Coherence wearables to regulate their biorhythms in order to more patiently comply with New Normal COVID restrictions.
Forwarded from Jesse Zurawell
You will be transhuman and serve the 4IR, and you'll be happy || John Klyczek on Perspective



In this video, I interview Rahul Goswami, who is a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) expert on intangible cultural heritage in Asia; a former adviser to the Centre on Environment Education under the Indian government's Ministry of Environment; and a former adviser to the Ministry of Agriculture Programme on traditional methods of cultivation. He has studied and researched traditional knowledge for about 30 years.

During this first half of this interview, Goswami explains how the Cultural sector of UNESCO defines "intangible cultural heritage," or "traditional knowledge." He also breaks down how UNESCO sets up and manages programs with national governments, often with the help of public-private partnerships with corporate foundations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In addition, he details the ways in which UNESCO projects dovetail with programs from other UN branches, including the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (UNFAO), along with other global governance institutions, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Economic Forum (WEF). Furthermore, he historicizes how the the UN's Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) evolved into the UN's current Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which provide common policy objectives that centralize the global partnerships between these multilateral institutions.

In Goswami's analysis, this battery of multilateral organizations constitutes a system of neo-colonial globalization that facilitates the corporatization, and commodification of traditional knowledge from indigenous cultures. He expands on how this multilateral system results in the technocratic industrialization of traditional agricultural, medical, and educational practices, which are thereby restructured to facilitate mass-production and consumerism for global markets.

We also discuss how the UNESCO Global Education Coalition is corporatizing national education system across the world through public-private partnerships with Big Tech companies, such as IBM, Microsoft, and Google.


In this video, I interview Rahul Goswami, who is a United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) expert on intangible cultural heritage in Asia; a former adviser to the Centre on Environment Education under the Indian government's Ministry of Environment; and a former adviser to the Ministry of Agriculture Programme on traditional methods of cultivation. He has studied and researched traditional knowledge for about 30 years.

During this second half of this interview, Goswami historicizes how the United Nations enterprise is an extension of the colonial model of globalization. Expounding on the educational programs of UNESCO, Goswami details how national education systems and the traditional knowledge communities of indigenous cultures are being technocratically colonized by multinational corporations in partnership with the multilateral wings of the United Nations and other global governance organizations. He also explains how UNESCO co-opts the intelligentsia of the Global South and other post-colonial nations in order to recruit spokespeople who will champion technocratic UN directives that supplant the traditional knowledge and cultural heritages of indigenous communities. We also explore how this systematic process of indigenous "brain drain" has its roots in Cecil Rhodes' colonialist model of international education through his Anglophile Rhodes Scholarships.

Moreover, we trace the historical origins of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) back to Malthusian population control and resource-rationing policies that were espoused by the first Director-General of UNESCO, Julian Huxley. We also examine some of the socioeconomic impacts of UN sustainability development projects. Additionally, we discuss how the worldwide roll out of the "precision medicine" industry threatens to supplant indigenous medicine practices, such as the Indian tradition of ayurvedic medicine. Finally, we explore strategies for resisting and circumventing the neo-colonial corporatization schemes of the multilateral world order being advanced by the UN and other global governance institutions.
Check out my first interview with William Ramsey. During this episode of William Ramsey Investigates, we discuss my book, School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education:

Check out my second interview with William Ramsey. During this episode of William Ramsey Investigates, we take a deep dive into Aldous Huxley's Brave New World:
