Synthetic Speculation
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Exploring the evidence for Artificial Humans aka Androids, Robotoids, Clones, Organic Portals etc, Also MKULTRA Victims, 'Reptillians', Demonic Possession.
Download Telegram
Forwarded from The End Times
Media is too big
The Internet Is Disappearing

The internet is quietly disappearing, with many webpages from the past decade no longer accessible. Older content is especially at risk, vanishing at a much higher rate than newer pages. Broken links are widespread, affecting news sites and government pages, making it harder to find and trust information online. This issue of disappearing digital content underscores the fragility of online information and highlights the need for better digital preservation.

Social media and scholarly research are also suffering from digital decay. Many tweets vanish within months, and important legal and academic documents are often lost or not properly archived.

Google's removal of its "cached" links feature makes it even harder to access old content and track changes. As bot spam, ads, and AI-generated content flood the web, finding real, valuable information becomes increasingly difficult, creating a cluttered and less reliable digital landscape.

β€’The Dead Internet Theory - Complete Edition
Forwarded from Allo
Media is too big
Forwarded from James Patton
I have thought a lot about why so many people, especially in supposedly β€œfree” β€œdemocracies” like Australia, NZ, Britain and the US, played along with all the Convid-1984 tyranny, which was quite obviously just all lies, and the best explanation that makes sense to me is 2 Thessalonians chapter 2.

These people who wilfully allowed themselves to be deceived by such an obvious psy op as Convid-1984, who wore masks, got jabs and didn’t pushback against the yoke of despotic bondage that was imposed upon us all, were never really living in the truth but instead loved a lie, and they will receive their due wages.


2 Thessalonians 2:10-12
King James Version

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


23For the wages of sin is death, but the gracious gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Forwarded from SEPP Wieghets

This famous photo shows the end of matador Álvaro Munero's career. In the middle of the fight, he suddenly sat down on the edge of the fence, repenting. Later, in an interview, Álvaro said: β€˜Suddenly I did not see horns, but the eyes of a bull. He stood in front of me and looked at me. It just stared at me, without trying to attack. The innocence that all animals have in their eyes looked at me and cried out for help.

It was like a cry for justice, and somewhere inside me I realised that it was addressing me in the way we address God in prayer: β€˜I don't want to fight with you, please forgive me, for it was not I who harmed you. Kill me if you want, if it is your will, but I do not want to fight with you'. And I, reading this in his eyes, felt like the worst creature in the world and stopped fighting. Then I became a vegetarian and started to fight against bullfighting.
Forwarded from Dr John B.
New study:
Blood distribution of SARS-CoV-2 lipid nanoparticle mRNA vaccine in humans
- "Taken together, our results suggest vaccine mRNA
lipid nanoparticles recirculate for up to 1 month post-vaccination." (!)
- "... mRNA lipid nanoparticles remain intact and travel from injection sites or lymph nodes into blood stream within 4 hours post-vaccination."
- "The rapid dissemination of mRNA lipid nanoparticles in blood found in our study is consistent with the recent findings on the detection of mRNA in breast milk at 3–45 hours post-vaccination."
-"The proteins and lipids bind to mRNA lipid nanoparticles in either lymph or plasma, forming so called β€œbiomolecular corona", which could influence uptake and immunogenicity of the vaccines."
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AI Darwin with existencial bug 🀣
Forwarded from SicilianGorillian
In Rome, a man from Gambia used a kitchen knife to decapitate a dog, then attacked a policeman.

Meanwhile in Valencia, an Algerian is on the run after cutting off a man’s head.

This, after the child of Rwandan immigrants stabbed 3 children to death in England.

At this point, the onus is on our governments and the liberal β€œanti-racists” waving their β€œrefugees welcome” signs to prove that they don’t want all of us dead. (Spoiler: they do. Act accordingly.)

πŸ”— Pox Populi (@poxesfoxes)