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We are relaunching the Карта/Map project with a new name, Атлас/Atlas. Our goal is to map complex systems of power, translocal entanglements, and tacit networks of solidarity.

We are shifting our focus to not only examine what is happening inside, but also to question what is happening in between. We will explore how borders are drawn, who they divide, and which dynamics are contained within imperialist and nationalist tendencies. We aspire to look at how communities define themselves and are identified by others, and learn more about alternative ways to coexist.

We welcome authors from all backgrounds and locations, working with different media and types of research and formats, including interviews, podcasts, video essays, and guides, to join us. They can publish materials in English and their native language.

Learn more about the project's changes, our principles, and our future aspirations.
#sygma_en #atlas is an open platform where everybody can publish. Support us via Patreon.
🗺The Atlas project has published a new text by Maxim Sher, an artist who shifts the direction of the photographic gaze from outward to inward—from exploration to reflection. This excerpt is part of an ongoing photographic research of internal colonization within European territories, with a particular emphasis on Germany's colonial history.

What expectations did German colonizers have of the 'Wild East' and Africa? How did the term and the practice of 'internal colonization' emerge? How did the German imperial imagination permanently reshape a part of the Polish territories? What strategies did Polish peasants devise to resist discriminatory laws? And how is Germany's colonial relationship with Africa reflected in contemporary Germany? And how is Germany's colonial attitude towards Africa reflected in contemporary Germany?
#sygma_en #atlas #art #politics

🗺В проекте Atlas вышел новый текст Максима Шера — художника, который обращает фотографический взгляд внутрь и использует фотографию как инструмент рефлексии. В этом фрагменте исследования внутренней колонизации на европейской территории художник обращается к колониальной истории Германии.

Что немецкие колонизаторы ждали от покорения «Дикого Востока» и как возникло само понятие «внутренней колонизации»? Как немецкое имперское воображение навсегда изменило внешний вид некоторых польских деревень и городов? Какие инструменты сопротивления дискриминационным законам изобретали польские крестьяне? И как колониальное отношения Германии к странам Африки обнаруживает себя в современном немецком контексте?
#sygma_ru #atlas #art #politics