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🗽🦘🏰 While AUKUS formally exists to counter China, it does so on the basis of shared history and spheres of influence. That means that the logic of containing China within such a framework also contains AUKUS, Joaquin Flores @NewResistance writes.

The surprise announcement of the new AUKUS alliance has predictably provoked an outcry from the European side of NATO, in particular France whose $90B plans with Australia were nixed without forewarning or mutual agreement. The entire fiasco only pushed the realization of a European continental army further along its path, a path that is all but inevitable and can only be either slowed or hurried by world events and political pressures.

As we wrote towards the end of August in ‘NATO’s Obsolescence’, the NATO alliance is coming undone and what we are seeing internationally is the rise of multipolarity. Distinct from the yearnings of idealists, multipolarity does not necessitate, (nor does it exclude), that the rising global blocs operate in some symphonic harmony towards global peace. But there is a kernel of truth: because it implies a change away from often violent attempts to build a one-world system based on the wildest fantasies of the Western banking establishment (popularly referred to as the ‘New World Order’), it creates an opportunity for harmony, as multipolarity rests upon spheres of influence and mutual recognition of sovereign hegemony.

AUKUS represents the failure of the Trans-Atlantic order rising after WWII (and emboldened by the collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact) to transform into this ‘New World Order’ in the sense of a unipolar American century. But the solidifying of the U.S., UK, and Australia into something like AUKUS is also an entirely coherent development of the Five Eyes (UKUSA/FVEY) into something more.

#AUKUS #Australia #UK #UnitedStates #Europe

🇦🇺🇳🇿 The tragic state of affairs, justified by a disease with a better than 99 percent survival rate, cannot continue indefinitely.

Even as scientific studies show that vaccines alone cannot extricate humanity from the Covid-19 crisis, governments are rushing headlong towards the creation of a ‘vaccinated economy’ without any consideration for the consequences. It’s time for an injection of sanity and informed democratic debate.

An astonishing thing happened this week that should have – were it not for a media industrial complex that coddles and cossets the powers that be – incited journalists to scream bloody murder around our increasingly imprisoned planet. What the world got instead was the deafening cacophony of crickets. Read more by Robert Bridge @robertbridge ⬇️

#Australia #NewZeland #pandemic

🇦🇺🇨🇱 Almost 50 years have passed since Pinochet took power, so what exactly is Australia afraid of?

The U.S. has declassified thousands of documents relating to its involvement in the ousting of Chile’s socialist President Salvador Allende and the installing of dictator Augusto Pinochet. Australia, on the other hand, continues to guard its classified documents on the pretext of security, drawing a discrepancy between its purported democratic principles and obstructing the public’s right to knowledge. As a country which welcomed Chileans fleeing the horrors of Pinochet’s brutal dictatorship, as well as harbouring Chilean agents – the most notable case being that of Adriana Rivas – Australia’s political and moral obligation should not be played down. Read more by Ramona Wadi ⬇️

#Australia #Chile #WarCrimes #HumanRights

🇺🇸🇦🇺🇮🇳🇯🇵 QUAD provides an umbrella to huddle together behind closed doors and give vent to their grouse against China in hushed tone — a safety valve for pent-up frustrations.

The scheduling of the QUAD ministerial meeting in Canberra on February 9 right in the middle of the Ukraine crisis and cascading U.S.-Russia tensions served to highlight that China remains Washington’s top foreign policy priority.

Possibly, Washington also gave a nuanced message that it has the capability to simultaneously tackle China and Russia. Washington probably hoped that such messaging would resonate in the Asia-Pacific region, which largely refuses to take sides between the U.S. and China.

Read more by Melkulangara Bhadrakumar:

#Quad #Australia #India #Japan #UnitedStates #China

🇨🇳🇸🇧🇦🇺 China has referred to Australia’s bid to block bilateral deal as a legacy of ‘disrespectful colonialism’ in the Pacific.

💬 By Patricia A OBRIEN:

#Australia #Colonialism #IndoPacific #SolomonIslands

🐲🦘🦅 U.S. Is Fine With Encircling China, but “Won’t Tolerate” Chinese Bases on Its Ally’s Doorstep

Signing a security agreement between China and the Pacific nation of Solomon Islands prompted speculation that Beijing plans to establish a military base there. According to China Foreign Ministry spokesman, “the so-called Chinese military base in Solomon Islands is completely fabricated with disinformation by a few people with ulterior motives”, however this is a hot topic in the Australian media.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#Australia #China #Colonialism #IndoPacific #SolomonIslands

🇦🇺🇺🇸 Helen Caldicott warns that the sharpening military confrontation between the United States and Russia puts global security, peace and ultimately our very existence in more danger than ever before.

👤 Helen Caldicott, a world-renowned author and film-maker, warns that the sharpening military confrontation between the United States and Russia puts global security, peace and ultimately our very existence in more danger than ever before. The U.S. has gutted arms-control treaties one after another, and its NATO allies have long-pushed Russia into an existential predicament.

Based now in her native Australia, she also deplores how successive governments in Canberra have pandered to the relentless U.S. agenda of antagonism towards China and Russia. She says this subordination and lack of independent foreign policy is undermining Australia’s national economy and eroding peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

Dr Helen Caldicott was born in Melbourne in 1938. She is an M.D. and author of several books including Sleepwalking to Armageddon. A recipient of multiple international awards, she also has been the subject of several films, including Eight Minutes to Midnight, nominated for an Academy Award in 1981 for best documentary feature.

💬 Read her interview for SCF

#ArmsRace #Australia #IndoPacific #NuclearWeapons

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🧳 Countries That Rely on Tourism the Most: Asia, Australia and Oceania

This infographic shows the countries where international tourism revenue constitutes more than 3% of the GDP. All data is for 2019, the last pre-pandemic year.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

🛄 Countries That Rely on Tourism the Most: Europe, Middle East, and Northern Africa

#sc_infographic #tourism #Asia #Australia #Oceania

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🇦🇺🇮🇱 Australia’s Defence Department has refused a Freedom of Information request about the details of an arms deal with Israel on the grounds that such information “could harm Australia’s international standing and reputation,” which suggests the details must be pretty damning.

💬 By Caitlin Johnstone

#Australia #Israel

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