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⚖️The Euro-élites were in desperate need of a Values System to fill the gap. The solution, however, was at hand.

The advocates of American primacy within the United States always move with the times, relying on prevailing trends to reimagine justification for its’ ‘exceptionalism’ through novel imagery.

The rise of the liberal-woke activist-driven, social justice-oriented identity politics has provided its soldiers with their newest justification. It is not just a new ‘policy’, but is something different: It is an ideology brooking no ‘otherness’; no disputation, but requiring simply the signalling of loyalty and compliance for a ‘progressive’ code – showing you have heard the message and seen ‘the light’.

They seek, in short, through conversion of the leadership class, to subvert and overthrow the old deities.

💬 By Alastair Crooke

#Europe #EU #globalism

💸 It is the miscalculation of this era – one that may begin the collapse of dollar primacy, and therefore, global compliance with U.S. political demands, too. But its most grievous content is that it corners the U.S. into promoting dangerous Ukrainian escalation against Russia directly (i.e. Crimea).

Washington dares not – indeed cannot – yield on dollar primacy, the ultimate signifier for ‘American decline’.

And so the U.S. government is hostage to its financial hegemony in a way that is rarely fully understood 😬

The Biden Team cannot withdraw its fantastical narrative of Russia’s imminent humiliation; they have bet the House on it. Yet it has become an existential issue for the U.S. precisely because of this egregious initial miscalculation that has been subsequently levered-up into a preposterous narrative of a floundering, at any moment ‘collapsing’ Russia.

What then is this ‘Great Surprise’ – the almost completely unforeseen event of recent geo-politics that has so shaken U.S. expectations, and which takes the world to the precipice?

💬 By Alastair Crooke

#Ukraine #Dollar #hegemony #globalism

🇵🇸 If there is a bright side to Israel’s current campaign of ethnic cleansing in the West Bank’s cage city of Jenin, it is that we can no longer deny this ongoing Nakba Palestinians have been subjected to since NATO imposed the state of Israel on them.

Here is a little girl from Jenin, just fresh from having her house demolished around her ears. In being frightened to death for her pet rabbit, she is trying to square in the circle of her childish mind the violence entitled foreigners are subjecting her to for no other reason than she was born an internally displaced Palestinian who has to run Forrest run, as does this little Jenin boy and his cat, whenever the Israelis get trigger happy or feel their ghettoisation of the Palestinians into 15 minute shanty towns is not proceeding rapidly enough.

Their cats and rabbits are testament to their parents trying to give these little heroes granules of normality in the human cage that is Jenin.

Those excluded little Palestinians, like Zelensky’s hapless prisoners, are not stakeholders in their sick societies and nor are any champions they currently have 💢

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Jenin #Globalism #Israel #Palestinе #WestBank

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📍 El foro de Davos de este año, marcó el fin de la globalización y el surgimiento de los regionalismos. De hecho, se abrió paso hacia una nueva arquitectura en el gobierno global y una nueva reformulación del papel de las instituciones multilaterales. El orden mundial que se estructuró después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, de la disolución de la Unión Soviética y el fin de la Guerra Fría que originó el poder hegemónico unipolar de Estados Unidos (EU) llegó a su fin.

El fin de ese mundo unipolar dio paso a un nuevo orden mundial tripolar con tres potencias disputándose el control del mundo: EU, China y Rusia. India es una cuarta potencia que busca participar en aquel festín y que se mueve entre las tres con autonomía y agenda propia, pero aún no muestra sus cartas. También han surgido otras potencias regionales que se están abriendo paso en sus esferas de influencias, como Brasil, Turquía, Irán, Indonesia, Sudáfrica, Egipto y Nigeria, la cuales de la mano de los Brics van a tener un fuerte protagonismo global.

Por un lado, EU e Inglaterra, lideran las siete economías más desarrolladas de occidente. De allí la jugada de la anglósfera de provocar con la OTAN, la guerra de Ucrania contra Rusia para quebrar a Alemania, la principal económica europea y de paso al resto de Europa y convertir a los países europeos en vasallos para conservar su hegemonía global.

💬 Por José E. Mosquera

#SC_Spanish #BRICS #Davos #globalism

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🇵🇸 By now it’s fully established who is profiting from the ghastly Palestine tragedy.

As it stands we have 3 wins for the Hegemon and 1 win for its aircraft carrier nation in West Asia.

1️⃣ First winner is the War Party Inc., a massive bilateral scam. The White House’s $106 billion supplemental request to Congress for “assistance” especially to Ukraine and Israel is manna from Heaven to the weaponizing tentacles of the MICIMATT (military-industrial-congressional-intelligence-media-academia-think tank complex, in the legendary definition by Ray McGovern).
The laundromat will be on a roll, including $61.4 billion for Ukraine (more weapons and replenishing of U.S. stocks) and $14.3 for Israel (mostly air and missile defense “support”).

2️⃣ Second winner is The Democratic Party engineering the unavoidable change of narrative from the spectacularly failing Project Ukraine; yet that will only postpone the upcoming humiliation of NATO in 2024, which will reduce the Afghan humiliation to the status of sandbox child playing.

3️⃣ Third winner is setting West Asia on fire: the Straussian neocon psycho “strategy” conceived as a response to the upcoming BRICS 11, and everything in terms of Eurasia integration that was advanced at the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing last week (including nearly $100 billion in new infrastructure/development projects).

4️⃣ Then there’s the vertiginous acceleration of the project sponsored by genocidal Zionist maniacs: a Final Solution to the Palestinian question, mixing razing Gaza to the ground; forcing an exodus to Egypt; the West Bank turned into a cage; and, at the most extreme, a “Judaification of Al-Aqsa”, complete with an eschatological destruction of the third holiest place in Islam, to be replaced by rebuilding the Third Jewish Temple 🕎

💬 Read more by Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#China #DeepState #GazaStrip #globalism #Israel #NewWorldOrder #Palestinе

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🌀The Western “values” construct has perished, buried under the Gaza rubble 💔

Now to a ray of light: a case can be made – and we’ll be back to it – that orthodox Christianity, moderate Islam and several strands of Taoism/Confucianism may embrace the future as the three main civilizations of a cleansed Mankind.

💬 Pepe Escobar writes @rocknrollgeopolitics

#BRICS #China #globalism #NewWorldOrder

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😵‍💫 The New Normal of the Self-Styled International Community

Not one of the items that follow will strike a typical resident of the “collective West,” aka the 14 percent of the world that styles itself the “international community,” as inherently improbable or even odd in many instances. They have grown accustomed to it; it is part of their everyday landscape. Here, for illustrative purposes, is a select but representative sample of policies and prescribed behaviours that in that bizarre but thankfully shrinking part of the world have come to constitute the new normal. 

🔗 Read more: West’s Lunatic Woke Agenda Spills Over Into Bystander Serbia

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