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💢 Looking back at the horrors inflicted by Nazi Germany, a fascinating, disturbing question is: why and how could so many people at that time be indifferent to the crimes? After the defeat of the Nazi fascist regime, people adamantly lamented “never again” would such horror be permitted.

Part of the lament was due to a sense of collective guilt that more wasn’t done at the time to stop the systematic mass killings and brutality.

Well, up to a point, it is happening again in Gaza where 2.3 million have been subjected to three weeks of constant, indiscriminate bombardment amid a total blockade of water, food and other basic human necessities.

And, shamefully, incredibly, the world is letting it happen – again. This time, we don’t have the mitigatory excuse of ignorance and lack of information from antiquated communication systems. The mass murder in Gaza is on prime-time television 🛑

The hypocrisy of the Western media is reflective of the unscrupulous political agenda of their governments.

💬 Final Cunningham writes

#GazaStrip #genocide #HumanRights #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes

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🇵🇸🦅 In blatant defiance of world opinion and international law, the Israeli state continues its daily massacre of civilians in Gaza. After nearly four weeks of non-stop aerial bombardment, the death toll has exceeded 9,000, with thousands more missing under rubble.

The actual death toll as of this writing could be near 15,000.

The United Nations organization UNICEF this week described Gaza as a “graveyard for children”. An estimated 400 children are killed or wounded every day. The wounded have no way of being treated as hospitals shut down from lack of fuel and supplies.

In heartrending scenes, families are desperately trying to dig up children buried under concrete debris. All too often, their cries fade with agonising death.

The world is witnessing an age of cruel depravity that is on par with the barbarity of Nazi Germany. Sickeningly, the Israeli regime carrying out these war crimes has the temerity to invoke the memory of the Nazi Holocaust as an excuse for its actions. Decent Jews and Holocaust survivors around the world are indignant and ashamed of the repugnant posturing of Israeli envoys wearing yellow stars on their suits at the UN.

The diabolical double-think is made possible by the political and diplomatic indulgence afforded by Western states.

There is no other way to view the mass killings as anything other than genocide.

Can Western leaders show a modicum of moral fibre? 💢

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#GazaStrip #genocide #Israel #Palestine #propaganda #WarCrimes

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🦃 As Americans ready themselves to gorge on another 50 million turkeys this Thanksgiving Day, time for us to turn our attention to those not only locked out from their annual feeding frenzies but who have been subjected to American led turkey shoots down the years. First and most apposite cab off the rank are, of course, the native American Indians who were first massacred on, of all days, Thanksgiving Day, when they helped the settlers survive their first winter in Yankee land.

Think of that for a moment. The Indians helped the usual suspects survive and, for that, they have suffered every indignity imaginable from that day to this. As regards stuffing their faces with turkey drums, forget about it. As Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee recounts of them, the Gazans of their day, they were told “If they are hungry let them eat grass or their own dung.”

No turkey for them. Just starvation, disease, scrub-lands, inedible grass, dung and one broken treaty after another. And just as it was and is with the Indians, so is it with every other group these genocidally minded freaks have targeted right down to our own time in Gaza, the West Bank, Iraq, Libya and Syria.

O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed; happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us 💥

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#genocide #Indians #Thanksgiving #UnitedStates

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🦅 In the Western media, we are told the Israeli regime is giving short shrift to calls from the Biden administration for “humanitarian pauses” in its “war on Hamas” – which in reality is not a war but a mass slaughter of Palestinians 🛑

The U.S. and Western media report that American President Joe Biden is “concerned” about the mounting civilian death toll after more than four weeks of Israel’s siege and non-stop aerial bombardment of the Gaza Strip, a coastal enclave equivalent to the area of Detroit.

The Biden administration’s purported concern to stop a regional war is another cynical ruse.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#genocide #Israel #Biden #MassMedia #NuclearWeapons

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🛑 The only mistake Israeli minister Amichai Eliyahu made was to voice out loud the genocidal policy of his government.

Following his comments that the Israeli military should drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza, the politician was publicly reprimanded by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other members of the cabinet for making statements “not based on reality”.

“Israel and the [Israel Defense Forces] are operating in accordance with the highest standards of international law to avoid harming innocents. We will continue to do so until our victory,” Netanyahu said.

The suggestion of using nuclear weapons was also seemingly rebuked by Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who previously referred to Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip as “human animals”.

The apparent attempt to make a distinction within Israel’s fanatical regime is absurd. Netanyahu’s “war cabinet” is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians. The intensity of the killing is accelerating.

The clumsy call for using nuclear weapons on Gaza by a fanatical Israeli politician was only problematic because it articulated what the U.S.-Israeli state policy is. Genocide

💬 Read more by Finian Cunningham

#GazaStrip #genocide #Israel #NuclearWeapons #Palestine #WarCrimes

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🦅 Well, what a descent into the gutter. Only a few months ago, U.S. President Joe Biden was given a rapturous welcome when he visited the Irish town of Ballina. It is from here that his ancestors emigrated to the United States in the mid-19th century.

At the weekend, the town held a protest to condemn the genocide in Gaza and denounced the American president for his administration’s disgraceful support to Israel. Biden was roundly vilified as Genocide Joe ☠️

It was a relatively small gathering in Ballina of a couple of hundred people. But there have been several protests all over Ireland in recent weeks as well as in the major cities of Belfast and Dublin. The Irish demonstrations are part of a worldwide tide of protests against the Israeli genocide in Gaza and the Western governments’ support that enables it.

Biden has been labelled “Genocide Joe” by protesters in the United States and around the world who are incensed by Washington’s complicity in Israel’s mass killing of Palestinians over the past five weeks.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#GazaStrip #genocide #Ireland #Israel #Biden #Palestine

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