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🇷🇸 The political naiveté of the Serbian people and the manipulative professionalism of its adversaries are on full display in the weekly mass protests “against violence” in Belgrade.

The protests are now entering a phase of heightened tension and increasing demands served upon the fully dismayed authorities. That means that the warm-up phase is nearly over and that gradual transition is being made to the decisive stage of the operation. At that stage, the point will come when a crisis situation will be provoked. Depending on how the crisis will come to be resolved, a new personnel configuration of Serbia’s next colonial regime will emerge. It is superfluous to point out two things:

(1) there will be no substantive change in the direction of the policies which the soon-to-be-installed regime will pursue

(2) no improvements of any sort in the condition of the politically inert Serbian people are envisioned.

If after several weeks’ observation there is still any dilemma whether these protests are spontaneous or controlled, the following three examples should suffice to show their contrived and controlled nature.

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#Serbia #ColorRevolutions #society

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🇷🇺 The chorus of Ya Russkiy, I am Russian, sung here by these beautiful young Russians has, to date, racked up in excess of 8 million views for a number of important reasons that form the core of this article.

Though there is much to unpack in this short video clip, let’s begin with Shaman, aka Yaroslav Dronov, the Russian singer-songwriter and music producer, whose good looks and great talent have helped to propel Ya Russkiy into currently being Russia’s most popular song, with this version having 37 million youtube hits so far, not that far behind his earlier “Rise Up” (Russian: Встанем; romanized: Vstanem) hit, which was dedicated to the war heroes of Russia’s Great Patriotic War.

Though Rise Up and Ya Russkiy have broadly similar themes, the latter song is the more pertinent not only to this article but to the young women confidently and majestically singing along to it. Ya Russkiy states, in its catchy little way, that “I am Russian”, happy and proud in my own skin with it and the world can like it or lump it.

The greater relevance of those lines is that, instead of giving these young women vacuous teenage love crushes as most Western rock singers do, Shaman is instilling true pride and confidence in and of themselves 🤍💙 ❤️

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#CultureWar #Music #Russia #Shaman #Society

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💼 These Are Countries Where Less Than Half of Population Is Employed

This infographic shows the top 20 countries of the world by unemployment rate.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

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#sc_infographic #unemployment #society

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🛑 No, thankfully the malady has not yet overtaken the entirety of the West, but it certainly has seized hold of the element within it that sets the tone and shapes minds. The precise matter that currently exercises the establishment is not motherhood so much literally as symbolically, insofar as the powers that be dismiss with undisguised contempt the inviolability of motherhood’s most precious issue, innocent children 🧸 That is close enough.

Child trafficking and exploitation, including blood sacrifice, reaches into the highest levels of authority, both secular and religious. They are the ultimate consumers of the horrors depicted in the “Sound of Freedom.” The expectation that those circles would do anything about it other than cover it up is therefore naïve and unrealistic.

The euphemistic white-washing in public discourse of this particularly heinous variety of perversion, by relabelling its criminal protagonists innocuous “minor attracted adults,” gives the game away.

There is an ongoing systematic effort to normalise the abhorrent and to promote it as a regular and accepted feature of everyday life. Without backing from within the apparatus of power, which in reality is the network of psychopaths who hold Western societies in their iron grip, aggressively reshaping it in their own corrupt likeness and image, this normalisation of evil could not take place.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#HumanRights #society #transhumanism #West

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🔫 Many people have probably heard about the viral epidemic that is sweeping America, bringing mask-wearing back into fashion once again. No, it’s not Covid-19, at least not yet, but rather organized retail theft that is wreaking havoc on the nation’s heartland.

Back in the Soviet days, before mega malls and hyper-stores became prominent features across Russia’s 11 time zones, communist shoppers were forced to choose merchandise that was locked away behind display cases. A clerk would write down the price of each desired item and the shopper would take the piece of paper to the cashier, pay for the merchandise and then return to the salesperson with proof of purchase. Only then would the beetroot, bread and vodka be handed over. Times they are a changin’. Incredibly, and not a little ironically, the United States seems to be heading for such a grim, dystopian shopping experience 😱

The Wall Street Journal confirmed shoppers’ worst fears when they reported in a recent article, “stores have fewer workers than they used to, and are resorting to keeping more of their products locked up.” In modern America, the need to lock up merchandise is due to flash mob heists that are costing retailers millions of dollars each year, while threatening the very existence of the big-box and small-box merchandisers. The National Retail Federation (NRF) estimates that these incidents cost companies about $700,000 for every $1 billion in sales.

The future of shopping will no longer occur inside of shopping malls, boutiques, and business districts.

💬 Robert Bridge writes @russiawaytogo

#criminal #crisis #economy #society #UnitedStates

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🍿 To say that The Big Lebowski – written, produced, and directed by Joel and Ethan Coen – has captured the heart of Hollywood would be a serious understatement. The 1998 crime comedy, aside from becoming a cult favorite for millions of film aficionados, was selected for preservation in the U.S. National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for its “cultural, historical, and aesthetical significance.” And according to at least one poll, the film is considered the best of all time, surpassing even Citizen Kane and Star Wars. But is this iconic production, chock full of quotable gems (“Obviously, you’re not a golfer”), dream sequences and idiosyncratic dialogue, significant for other less conspicuous reasons as well?

The primary thesis of this essay is to determine, in pure ‘conspiracy theorist’ fashion, whether the The Big Lebowski was created as a vehicle for predictive programming and subliminal messaging for the epic historic event of our times, now known concisely as ‘9/11,’ or for pure and innocent adult entertainment.

In the movie, we have a dual reference to the ‘New World Order’ and the terrorist attacks of 9/11, two critical events separated by 11 years 😱

💬 Mark Jacobson writes

#CultureWar #Hollywood #society #terrorism #United States

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🤯 In the blistering summer of 2020, as Black Lives Matter marauders were cutting a billion-dollar swath of destruction across urban America, editorial departments of the major news publications decided this was the perfect time to update their style guides by capitalizing ‘Black’ while retaining the lowercase for ‘whites.’

Whites are a race being wrongly chastised for a hideous offense in the name of politics as usual.

💬 Robert Bridge writes

#racism #BLM #society #UnitedStates

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🔫 From teenagers engaged in violence without punishment, to university students receiving undeserved marks, Americans are being conditioned to accept substandard and even criminal behavior as the new norm.

This week, discount carrier Southwest Airlines was heralded by “customers of size” (i.e. obese passengers) after it was reported they could receive additional seats to accommodate their extra-wide bodies.

Americans are being conditioned to accept substandard and even criminal behavior as the new norm 🌀

💬 Robert Bridge writes @russiawaytogo

#criminal #UnitedStates #crisis #racism #society

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🇪🇺 Vacation inequality in the EU

This infographic shows the percentage of population aged 16 or over were unable to afford a one-week annual holiday away from home in 2023.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

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See also: Across Europe, Governments Are Increasingly Unstable

#sc_infographic #EU #Europe #society

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