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🚨 Meet the World’s Most Murderous Killing Machine: the United States of America

If the political culture in the U.S. changes, someone might open a museum dedicated to the victims of capitalism or the U.S. empire, whose death toll would be much greater than the 100 million blamed on Communism, writes CovertAction Magazine’s Jeremy Kuzmarov.

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#sc_infographic #WarCrimes #HumanRights #imperialism

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🤔 The CIA’s Associated Press network’s recent exclusive on very bad deeds being done to very good Ukrainian prisoners in “Putin’s Russian gulags” forms the spine of this article.

The article leads with a sketch of what we can only presume are Ukrainian prisoners aimlessly scratching at some barren patch of ground beneath a clump of trees with shovels and hoes, presumably to build trenches for Russian soldiers to lie down in. Further down, we see stock pictures of batons, electric prods, out houses and two spoons sitting atop three stacked plates.

Whatever points the article wishes to make are not helped by those childish drawings. And nor are they helped by the backstories of the three journalists and their various helpers, who knocked up this hit piece.

The authors are confusing Russian troops with Ukrainian Nazis, who have been repeatedly filmed dragging young Ukrainian men off the streets to dragoon them into MI6 agent Zelensky’s meat grinders.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#HumanRights #MassMedia #Propaganda #Ukraine

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⭕️Hypocrite” is a concept that is much overworked but lately it has gained a new freshness thanks to the serene indifference of the collective West to the trampling of its most cherished values whenever those it does not favour are affected. It happens, oddly enough, that in the Iranian political lexicon the word “hypocrite” is a favourite expression when referring to Western governments.

In Farsi, for all we know, that word may serve as some sort of derogatory epithet with many interesting, culturally conditioned layers. But whatever the subtleties in Farsi, in relation to much of the current public behaviour in the West the English-language equivalent fits the bill perfectly.

The word as it is used in English will do perfectly, because it hits the nail on the head and with devastating accuracy 💢

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#HumanRights #Religion #UkrainianOrthodoxChurch #Vatican

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🛑 No, thankfully the malady has not yet overtaken the entirety of the West, but it certainly has seized hold of the element within it that sets the tone and shapes minds. The precise matter that currently exercises the establishment is not motherhood so much literally as symbolically, insofar as the powers that be dismiss with undisguised contempt the inviolability of motherhood’s most precious issue, innocent children 🧸 That is close enough.

Child trafficking and exploitation, including blood sacrifice, reaches into the highest levels of authority, both secular and religious. They are the ultimate consumers of the horrors depicted in the “Sound of Freedom.” The expectation that those circles would do anything about it other than cover it up is therefore naïve and unrealistic.

The euphemistic white-washing in public discourse of this particularly heinous variety of perversion, by relabelling its criminal protagonists innocuous “minor attracted adults,” gives the game away.

There is an ongoing systematic effort to normalise the abhorrent and to promote it as a regular and accepted feature of everyday life. Without backing from within the apparatus of power, which in reality is the network of psychopaths who hold Western societies in their iron grip, aggressively reshaping it in their own corrupt likeness and image, this normalisation of evil could not take place.

💬 Stephen Karganovic writes

#HumanRights #society #transhumanism #West

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🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina is governed as a neo-colonial backwater, which is the status that Gabon, Niger, and Burkina Faso had until recently. The difference is that lately the Africans have been making concerted efforts to throw off their yoke. By contrast, in Bosnia many seem happy to be yoked, with the notable exception of the Republic of Srpska, which for quite some time has been the Niger of the Balkans.

And that is fundamentally the reason why, like Niger, it is now targeted 🎯

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#Balkans #Bosnia #colonialism #HumanRights #RepublikaSrpska

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🇮🇱🇺🇸 In a nationwide televised address, U.S. President Joe Biden did his best to sound righteous and angered by the eruption of violence in the Middle East.

“There are moments in this life − I mean this literally − when pure unadulterated evil is unleashed on this world,” Biden intoned with phony gravitas. “The people of Israel lived through one such moment this weekend.”

This American duplicity is nauseating. Slurring his words, Biden has no idea what he is talking about or how culpable he and his nation are in the violence.

Then we have White House spokesman John Kirby breaking down and crying on live TV, overcome with emotion about Israeli deaths. Meanwhile, this same person advocates pumping arms into Ukraine, killing hundreds of thousands of people, without a tear shed for those deaths.

This American disconnect is equally nauseating.

Biden promised the immediate supply of advanced weapons to Israel to defend itself against Hamas, the Palestinian militant group, even while hundreds of Palestinian civilians are being slaughtered in revenge by the Israeli military in Gaza.

A U.S. aircraft carrier, missile destroyers and squadrons of fighter jets are also being deployed to the region, in the words of Washington, “deter” any wider violence.

How sickening is this knee-jerk recourse to more militarism and inevitably more violence? 💢

America’s problem is rooted in its systematic criminal policy that sows and breeds violence across the world.

💬 Finian Cunningham writes

#Gaza #HumanRights #Israel #Biden #MiddleEast #Palestinе #WarCrimes

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🇮🇱🇵🇸 The world is witnessing yet another brutal phase of genocide against the Palestinian people, a genocide that has been going on relentlessly for 75 years since the dubious inception of the Israeli state in 1948.
Incredibly, the vast crime against Palestine got underway only three years after Nazi horrors were vanquished. The culpability of Western colonialism-imperialism (primarily that of the British and the Americans) for the ensuing genocide in Palestine remains significant to this day. 
In response to a large-scale violent assault by Hamas militants beginning on October 7, the Israeli state has unleashed an indiscriminate bloodbath on the Palestinian civilian population in Gaza.

What we are seeing in Gaza is comparable to the Warsaw uprisings in 1943. The Israeli state response of collective punishment and indiscriminate slaughter of “subhumans” is equivalent to the crimes of the Nazi regime 🛑

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Gaza #HumanRights #Israel #Nazism #Palestinе #WarCrimes #Zionism

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💢 Looking back at the horrors inflicted by Nazi Germany, a fascinating, disturbing question is: why and how could so many people at that time be indifferent to the crimes? After the defeat of the Nazi fascist regime, people adamantly lamented “never again” would such horror be permitted.

Part of the lament was due to a sense of collective guilt that more wasn’t done at the time to stop the systematic mass killings and brutality.

Well, up to a point, it is happening again in Gaza where 2.3 million have been subjected to three weeks of constant, indiscriminate bombardment amid a total blockade of water, food and other basic human necessities.

And, shamefully, incredibly, the world is letting it happen – again. This time, we don’t have the mitigatory excuse of ignorance and lack of information from antiquated communication systems. The mass murder in Gaza is on prime-time television 🛑

The hypocrisy of the Western media is reflective of the unscrupulous political agenda of their governments.

💬 Final Cunningham writes

#GazaStrip #genocide #HumanRights #Israel #Palestine #WarCrimes

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🛑 Máiría Cahill’s account of how, as a vulnerable teenager, she was repeatedly raped by the IRA’s top brass and how both the IRA and Sinn Féin, their political front, not only covered up their sex crimes but unmercifully tormented her in an effort to shut her up, fillets almost every last one of their top guns.

Child rapists have many collaborators not only in Irish high society but throughout the intelligence services of the Western world as well

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#HumanRights #IRA #Ireland #terrorism

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💢 Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, has refused to ask for a ceasefire in Gaza to save lives, after more than 12,000 civilians have died, and half are children. Thomas-Greenfield’s policy statements suggest Israelis are deserving of human rights, while Palestinians are not.

In 2015, Thomas-Greenfield received the Bishop John T. Walker Distinguished Humanitarian Service Award, and yet her current presence at the UN has not exhibited any humanitarian urgency for Gaza, which her own colleagues at the UN are calling a humanitarian disaster, and genocide.

She forgets that her own ancestry mirrors the Palestinians, not the Israelis. She is representing the interests of the masters, while denying the oppressed people’s rights

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#HumanRights #Israel #MiddleEast #Palestine #UN #UnitedStates

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