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🇨🇦 This war will not be over when the mandates end, it is no longer just about that. Humanity is entering uncharted waters and what comes next is far from certain.

#Canada #Pandemic #Crisis

🇨🇦🇺🇦 Those managerial technocrats processed through World Economic Forum training camps are generally entirely incapable of self-criticism or recognizing their own hypocrisy.

“Oh the gift that God could give us, to see ourselves as others see us.”
-Robert Burns

This famous quote by the great Scottish poet Robert Burns stands as one of the clearest reminders of a precondition for any matured identity.

Burns understood that without having learned to use our God-given ability to place ourselves in the shoes of another, then those powers needed to self-examine our false prejudices, exercise humility (upon which creative insight is premised) and correct our false motives, actions and beliefs would be completely lost.

It is thus disappointing, albeit no small surprise that those basic tools of self-criticism are entirely non-existent when one listens to the gossipy make-believe speeches of so many helmsmen manning today’s ship of fools, sometimes known as the Trans Atlantic “rules-based international order”.

Read more by Matthew Ehret:

#Canada #Trudeau #Terrorism #Ukraine

🇺🇦🇨🇦 Is there a civil war that has been going on in Ukraine not just these past weeks, but these past eight years?

In the history of civilization, Politics has more often than not, been a matter reduceable to the question of “whose side are you on?

Granted it is not an easy affair to discern what most-nearly approaches truth in the fog of “the present.” Hindsight is 20/20 they say, although that is also not entirely true, for the interpretation of history is just another battlefield, albeit in much slower motion.

In a world of increased division, where we are told there is only black or white, the best we mere “civilians” can hope for is to not get hit by the crossfire. However, that is becoming increasingly harder to do.

It is not a matter of holding “opinion” any longer, it is about upholding a “conviction,” not earned with your own personal scrutiny and research, but by your “faith” in such a conviction and the authorities who shape it.

Increasingly, it does not truly matter what the “facts” are, but the question of “whose side are you on?

If that is what “reality” has been reduced to by those forces controlling the state, then any enemy to those forces controlling that state will be a villain, regardless of their actions, regardless of their ideology; and any ally to those forces controlling that state will be a hero, regardless of their actions, regardless of their ideology.

And thus, in our shaped reality of today, what makes a “Hero” or a “Villain” will be determined by the simple question “whose side are you on?

Let us dare to discern the “facts” for ourselves. Only then, will we cease being mere cheerleaders for a team; only then, can we qualify ourselves to ask in all honest sincerity, “whose side are we truly on?”

✍️ By Cynthia Chung:

#Canada #ChrystiaFreeland #Maidan #Nationalism #Ukraine

🇨🇦🇸🇾 The Canadian government had understood from U.S. intelligence that the Obama plan to destroy Syria was based on using the Muslim Brotherhood, and the political ideology known as Radical Islam, as the foot soldiers inside Syria.

The Canadian government understood that the Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated Canadian society and was involved with the Canadian government at the highest levels. The threat to Canada was known, but the decision was made to blindly follow Washington’s dirty war in Syria.

U.S. President Obama is the main villain in this story, but Canada was capable of standing firm against plans to use Radical Islamic terrorists to change governments abroad.

The Canadian government is capable of determining whether the U.S. foreign policy and never-ending wars abroad are in the best interest of Canada 🍁

This is part two of a two-part study on the Canadian role in the U.S.-NATO attack on Syria for regime change. You can read part one here.

💬 By Steven Sahiounie

#Canada #Syria

🇨🇦🇺🇦 While Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has enjoyed great success in cajoling Western countries to contribute a vast amount of military hardware to support Kiev’s fight against Russia, there is one precious commodity he must provide for himself: manpower.

The NATO-bloc countries can send Ukraine all of the military equipment at its disposal, but if there are no qualified personnel to operate the sophisticated machinery the massive contributions will be of no avail. And make no mistake: Ukraine is bleeding troops faster than they can replace them.

Any full-blown war between NATO and Russia would end in a nuclear wasteland, and distant America would not be spared as it was in the last world war.

💬 Read more by Robert Bridge @russiawaytogo

#NATO #Ukraine #Canada

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🟤 We all remember the standing ovation in the Canadian parliament for Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian-Canadian World War II veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. In Ukraine, which the Germans invaded during Operation Barbarossa, they found many Ukrainians sympathetic to the German Empire and/or Nazi ideology.

They were hostile to Soviet communism and wanted an independent Ukraine. So many Ukrainians decided to join what later became known as the most brutal killing squad in World War II.

After the Second World War, many of these SS battalion members were interned in what was then called Camp Rimini in Italy by the British. In 1948, the British allowed approximately 8,500 internees to emigrate to the UK, after which many of them emigrated further to Canada.

While the Western media focused on the Nazi problem in Canada, the United Kingdom remained out of the picture. But this is precisely the place where these SS Galicia members first emigrated to in 1948 🇬🇧

💬 Sonja van den Ende writes @devendonline

#Canada #ideology #Nazism #propaganda #Ukraine #UK #WarCrimes

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😵‍💫 The New Normal of the Self-Styled International Community

Not one of the items that follow will strike a typical resident of the “collective West,” aka the 14 percent of the world that styles itself the “international community,” as inherently improbable or even odd in many instances. They have grown accustomed to it; it is part of their everyday landscape. Here, for illustrative purposes, is a select but representative sample of policies and prescribed behaviours that in that bizarre but thankfully shrinking part of the world have come to constitute the new normal. 

🔗 Read more: West’s Lunatic Woke Agenda Spills Over Into Bystander Serbia

🔗 Follow this link to find the high-infographic

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#sc_infographic #Canada #CultureWar #gender #globalism

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🇨🇦🇷🇺 Un ciudadano canadiense viene a Rusia para abrir una granja

Arend Feenstra, ciudadano canadiense de 39 años, su esposa y sus nueve hijos, vinieron a la región de Nizhny Novgorod para abrir una granja aquí.

En su Canadá natal, Arend criaba ganado y poseía una lechería de cabra. Pero el canadiense decidió dejar su país y vivir en Rusia:

Su región es un gran lugar para criar niños en la cultura tradicional. En la región de Nizhny Novgorod, nos sentimos seguros. También hay suficiente tierra para la agricultura, dice Arend.

#Canada #Rusia #emigración

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🤨 Deputy Prime Minister of Canada Chrystia Freeland, the granddaughter of the Nazi collaborator Mykhailo Khomyak, who escaped to Canada in 1945, demonstrates strange behavior at the press conference.

