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The Strategic Culture Foundation provides a platform for exclusive analysis, research and policy comment on Eurasian and global affairs.

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🌳 Where one system increases deserts by spreading solar panels across the face of the earth, the other actually greens deserts by careful reclamation, desalination and water diversion programs, Matt Ehret writes.

🎙Tim @timkirbyhardcore and Joaquin @NewResistance discuss his article.

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#StrategicPodcast #climate #climatechange #ecology

🤑♻️ For the time being, the world’s developing sector is generally not going to accept being sacrificed on the altar of a new Gaia cult managed by a priesthood of Davos billionaires.

A miracle appears to be happening, as the multibillionaires of the World Economic Forum (WEF) appear to have grown consciences.

As if by magic, it appears that these gold collar elites no longer yearn for profit and power as they once had. As COP26 closes up its 12 day annual ceremonies, leading WEF-connected figures like Prince Charles, Jeff Bezos, Mario Draghi, Mark Carney and Klaus Schwab have announced a new system of economics that is based on virtue over profit!

#ClimateChange #Davos #Ecology #Globalism #KlausSchwab

🇪🇺🏭 EU’s Most and Least Polluted Cities

This infographic shows ten most and least polluted cities of the European Union with a population above 500,000 people. The domination of Polish cities in “the most polluted” list is due to the nation’s heavy reliance on coal for heat and electricity.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#EU #pollution #Europe #ecology #ClimateChange

🐲🌎 Sometimes the truth is a bitter medicine. But a bitter medicine that saves the patient is always better than a sugar-coated poison.

On January 17, President Xi Jinping delivered remarks to the annual Davos Summit where a coterie of billionaires with larger than life aspirations for reshaping the world into a new techno-feudal dystopia conglomerated for several days of self-congratulatory speeches and networking.

As could be expected, Xi’s speech garnered a fair bit of hysteria from many nationalists across the Trans Atlantic who are obviously not reacting well to the ugly fact that their governments have been hijacked and their lives threatened by a very sociopathic supranational entity that wants to reset the clock on human civilization.

Read more by Matthew Ehret:

#China #Globalism #ClimateChange #Davos #Economy

🔥 Wildfires broke out on July 25 in Latakia province in northwest Syria and are still burning amid new fires being started. The fires spread quickly by a sudden unusual wind which whipped up.

The whole country, and the adjacent Mediterranean region, is in a heat-wave which sets the stage for such a devastating fire burning crops, forests and homes. However, this was not a chance wildfire, but an act of terrorism 🧨

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#ClimateChange #ecology #MiddleEast #Syria #terrorism

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