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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
Soros and Anglo-American finance have long been lobbying for the EU's eastward expansion. As the war in Ukraine put a spanner in the works, their propagandists are getting desperate. @LauraRuHK
🛖No doubt one of the essential topics raised and to be discussed at least initially, at the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg that is to take place 27-28 July 2023 is the looming food crisis.

Is there a necessary connection between the SMO (special military operation) and food crisis in Africa? 🌍

💬 Richard Hubert Barton writes

#Africa #AfricanUnion #Diplomacy #RussiaAfrica

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🇮🇱🇵🇸 While the Israeli citizens are struggling to retain their freedom and democracy, the Palestinian resistance movement continues to fight for the end of occupation and their human rights.

With the U.S. continuing to support the occupation of the Palestinian territories, and refusing to pressure Israel to sit at the negotiation table, the status quo will be maintained.

America is complicit in the oppression and suffering of the Palestinian people 🛑

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#Israel #MiddleEast #Palestinе

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🇧🇦 The illegal and illegitimate imposition of Christian Schmidt as Bosnia’s viceroy with self-ascribed powers is in deliberate contravention of applicable principles of international law and makes a farce of the “rules-based order” 🫧

It remains to be seen how resistance to Schmidt’s unlawful operation in Bosnia will ultimately play out. But tensions there will not subside before Schmidt is driven out, not just from the office that he illegitimately occupies but from the entire country that has been given to him as a satrapy, to wantonly misrule.

💬 Read more by Stephen Karganovic

#Balkans #Bosnia #RepublikaSrpska

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🗺 The second Russia-Africa summit, this week in St. Petersburg, should be seen as a milestone in terms of Global South integration and the concerted drive by the Global Majority towards a more equal and fair multipolar order.

The summit welcomes no less than 49 African delegations. President Putin previously announced that a comprehensive declaration and a Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Action Plan all the way to 2026 will be adopted.

Madaraka Nyerere, the son of Tanzania’s legendary anti-colonial activist and first President, Julius Nyerere, set the context, telling RT that the only “realistic” way for Africa to develop is to unite and stop being an agent for foreign exploitative powers.

And the path towards cooperation goes through BRICS – starting with the crucial upcoming summit in South Africa, and the incorporation of more African nations into BRICS+.

Moscow now seems to enjoy all it takes to build a fruitful, Global Majority-centered strategic partnership 🌞

💬 Pepe Escobar writes @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Africa #BRICS #NewWorldOrder #RussiaAfricaSummit

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🗺 The second Russia-Africa summit, this week in St. Petersburg, should be seen as a milestone in terms of Global South integration and the concerted drive by the Global Majority towards a more equal and fair multipolar order. The summit welcomes no less than…»
🦅 Las hostiles declaraciones de la OTAN hacia Rusia esta semana, demuestran más allá de toda duda, que la mentalidad de Guerra Fría entre los líderes occidentales está ahora más atrincherada que nunca.

Existe un extraño sentido de retroceso en el tiempo, hacia un mundo donde los norteamericanos son catalogados como los buenos con un sombrero blanco, cuyos nobles propósitos es salvar a todos de los tipos malos que usan un sombrero negro. Todo es muy trillado y lleno de lugares comunes. Sin embargo el mundo está siendo deslumbrado para que lo crea y vea como le pasan una vieja película: La Guerra Fría II.

La Guerra Fría continuará tanto como continúe el sistema belicista Occidental ⚔️

#SC_Spanish #LaGuerraFríaII #OTAN

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In this week’s episode of The Multipolar Reality on Rogue News, Matt Breaks down the opposing paradigms clashing over the strategic battleground of Africa with a look towards the breakdown of the Black Sea Grain Deal, the Russia-Africa Summit in St Petersburg, and build-up to the BRICS+ Conference in South Africa.

We discuss the overwhelming systemic self-contradictions underlying the rules based international order and ultra liberal woke agenda that is cannibalizing the west’s own basis of survival. An exposition of true vs illusory wealth is also taken up in order to better comprehend the difference between feudal vs authentic capitalism.
🇺🇦 The Ukrainians, like the Third Reich’s Germans before them, have been led up the garden path and have died in droves for Bandera’s big fat nothing 💢

Because there is nothing funny or poetic about Ukraine’s current carnage, those most implicated in it should ponder on how these rivers of blood can be stemmed both now and in the future. One such tourniquet involves abandoning our tin gods and their feet of clay.

Because getting our heads around Stepan Bandera, the man, the myth and the political force is no easy task, we will begin our journey at Upper Silesia’s Bismarck Tower, make a detour through the dreary steeples of Fermanagh and South Tyrone and then work our way back to the blasphemy that is MI6 agent Zelensky’s rump Ukrainian Reich.

💬 Declan Hayes writes

#Bandera #Ukraine #history

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🇸🇦🇦🇪 Saudi Crown Prince, Mohammed bin Salman, gathered Saudi journalists in Riyadh in December to say that the United Arab Emirates had been an ally for decades, but had stabbed Saudi Arabia in the back, and threatened a response.

According to Gulf experts, the disagreement between MBS and Mohammed bin Zayed is because of the competition between the two over geopolitical and economical leadership in the region. The rivalry stems from the question as to who will be in control of the global oil market ⛽️

The Saudi-UAE alliance, once hailed as an unbreakable pillar in the region, is experiencing significant strain due to Yemen’s complexities, economic rivalry, energy diplomacy, the Qatar crisis, and power struggles in the region.

💬 Read more by Steven Sahiounie

#SaudiArabia #UAE #GulfCountries #MiddleEast

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💰🪖 Top Military Spenders

This infographic shows the countries with more than $10 billion in military expenditure. Out of the 23 top spenders, ten are NATO members and eight are close allies of the United States. All data is for December 2022.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full infographic.

✌️©You are free to repost, reproduce and print this infographic.

#sc_infographic #military #weapons #NATO

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🌍 The Russia-Africa summit this week could not have been held at a more timely juncture in international relations. The event symbolizes seminal global change, which ultimately heralds a better future for humanity, despite the dangerous and terrible wrench associated with that change in the present.

Amid the dreadful NATO-fueled proxy war in Ukraine with Russia, leaders of nearly 50 African nations attended the two-day forum in St Petersburg, hosted by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The conflict in Ukraine has been raging for more than 500 days and is in danger of spiralling out of control into an all-out world war between the United States-led Western states and Russia.

Washington and its NATO allies have spurned any attempt to end the bloody war through diplomatic means. African voices imploring a peaceful settlement have been dismissed with typical Western arrogance.

African nations as well as many others in the Global South understand what the Ukraine conflict is really all about. It is about the United States and a clique of Western powers trying to prop up their declining hegemony. That is reflected in African states adopting an ambivalent position at the United Nations regarding the conflict.

The continent as with other regions of the Global South has rejected Western efforts to dragoon them into falling behind a Cold War-style isolation of Russia.

Africa’s huge potential as a global power has yet to be realized largely because of ongoing colonialist legacies 🐘

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Russia #Africa #RussiaAfricaSummit

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🌍 The Russia-Africa summit this week could not have been held at a more timely juncture in international relations. The event symbolizes seminal global change, which ultimately heralds a better future for humanity, despite the dangerous and terrible wrench…»
🗺 The Global Majority is free to choose two different paths to counteract the rabid, cognitive dissonant Straussian neocon psychos in charge of imperial foreign policy; to relentlessly ridicule them, or to work hard on the long and winding road leading to a new multipolar reality.

Reality struck deep at the Russia-Africa summit in St. Petersburg, with its astonishing breadth and scope, reflected in the official declaration and key facts such as Russia writing off no less than $23 billion in African debt, and President Putin calling for Africa to enter the G20 and the UNSC (“It’s time to correct this historical injustice.”)

Three interventions in St. Petersburg summarize the pan-African drive to finally get rid of exploitative neocolonialism 🌐👇

💬 By Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#Africa #geopolitics #NewWorldOrder #GlobalMajority

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Strategic Culture Foundation pinned «🗺 The Global Majority is free to choose two different paths to counteract the rabid, cognitive dissonant Straussian neocon psychos in charge of imperial foreign policy; to relentlessly ridicule them, or to work hard on the long and winding road leading to…»
💢 Now you see the plan: The new government in Niger has with immediate effect, banned the export of uranium to France. Over 50 per cent of the uranium ore extracted from Niger is used for fueling French nuclear power plants. 24% of EU uranium imports come from Niger.

In France, 1 in every 3 lightbulbs is powered by Uranium from Niger. Meanwhile in Niger, 80% of people do not have access to any electricity.

Now France will further feel the consequences of sanctions against Russia and energy prices.

It all comes together.

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Forwarded from Intel Republic
⚡️🇧🇫🇲🇱🇳🇪 Military intervention in Niger would be considered as declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali (see map) - joint statement.

Countries warn "military intervention against Niger would be tantamount to declaration of war against Burkina Faso and Mali" and that they "express their fraternal solidarity to the people of Niger."

While France has denied claims it wants to intervene militarily, group of Western African states have given Niger 1 week before they take action.

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Forwarded from Laura Ru (Laura Ru)
POLITICO's headline. As we know, the US always projects its intentions on others. If history is any indication, Zelensky should be wary of his alleged friends and partners - to quote Henry Kissinger, "it may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.”
▪️Russia doesn't need to assassinate Kiev's most famous coke addict, as he would be replaced by another Western puppet. The SMO's objectives will be reached, regardless of Zelensky or his successor. @LauraRuHK