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💯 Henry Kissinger was, beyond any doubt, a brilliant man of exceptional intelligence who, if he had been interested, could have easily penetrated into the all undoubted advantages of the Soviet way of life, and then he would really have been able to say something similar to what the satirical article attributed to him.

Unfortunately, the man who in the White House was called simply “the K” but with awe and in whispers, a Teflon man for all seasons, even at the end of his long life full of intrigues, secrets, action, and excitement, remained consistent and one of the greatest enemies of modern Russia, as he was also the fierce foe of the Soviet Union, and as he only could, taking into account his German-Jewish roots, would most certainly be a determined adversary of the Russian Empire.

Kissinger has simply always been a natural opponent of everything that is Russian of all times and spaces. Russia will undoubtedly remember him long after his death as one of the most intelligent, cunning, and therefore most dangerous opponents it has ever had, but of course, this will not prevent the witty Russians from continuing to make jokes about all that in the future.

Kissinger’s idea of bringing peace by having Ukraine join NATO is as crazy as the thought of putting out a fire with kerosene 🚒

💬 Read more by Davor Slobodanovich Vuyachich

#HenryKissinger #Kissinger #Ukraine #NATO

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🌘 Way back in the 1970s, the far-seeing genius Henry Kissinger identified food (in addition to energy) as a major mechanism that could be used to subdue recalcitrant mankind:

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world” 🌒

Control of money seems to be slipping out of the hands of Dr. Henry’s cabal, and their dominion over the global energy supply seems to be evaporating as well, but they are not giving up on their trump card. That is the capacity to control and, most importantly, to catastrophically diminish the world’s food resources.

True to his word, at the 1974 World Food Conference in Rome Henry unveiled the plan how to use food to cull the world’s population and blackmail governments into doing his masters’ will. It was all circumspectly phrased, of course, and couched in the Aesopian language fully intelligible, besides the cognoscenti, only to a lesser number of alert observers, but remaining largely opaque to the serfs whose mass extermination is being contemplated.

Since then, with their characteristic persistence Henry’s friends and mentors have been hard at work to make it happen. An engineered global food crisis is in the works. Hundreds of millions, and preferably billions, of clueless earthlings will be made to depart from this world in order meet the agendas (“Green”, in this particular case) of the wicked psychopaths who run much of it. And that is not happening owing to the operation of nature’s inexorable forces (as asserted by phony environmental narratives) but by human design.

💬 Read more by Stephan Karganovic


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♟️ In 1997, Zbig Brzezinski, the original ‘driver’ behind the making of Afghanistan as a quagmire of ‘mud’ into which Russia was to be dragged, wrote his celebrated book, The Grand Chessboard. It was a work that ‘forever’ embedded the Mackinder doctrine of ‘he who controls the Asian heartland controls the world’ into the U.S. zeitgeist.

Tellingly, its subtitle was American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. Brzezinski had already written in his book that absent Ukraine, Russia would never become the heartland power; but with Ukraine, Russia can and would. Thus, Mackinder’s doctrine, ‘He who controls the heartland’ dictum, was codified into U.S. ‘cannon law’ – never to permit a united heartland. And Ukraine became seen as the hinge around which heartland power revolved 🌀

Brzezinski further ordained that this ‘Grand Game of Chess’ was to be one of pure U.S. primacy: “No, no one else plays”, he insisted; it is a game purely for one. Once a chess piece is moved; ‘we’ (the U.S.) simply turn the board the other way around – and move the other side’s chess pieces (for ‘them’). There is ‘no other’ in this game”, Brzezinski warned.

This is today’s dilemma – It is so long since Brzezinski originally formulated the Mackinder notion, that classical diplomacy has become etiolated.

💬 Read more by Alastair Crooke

#Brzezinski #China #Kissinger #Mackinder #NewWorldOrder #UnitedStates

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🌏🦅 Em 1997, Zbigniew Brzezinski, o “condutor” original por trás da transformação do Afeganistão num atoleiro de “lama” para o qual a Rússia seria arrastada, escreveu o seu célebre livro The Grand Chessboard (O Grande Tabuleiro de Xadrez – NT). Foi um trabalho que incorporou “para sempre” a doutrina Mackinder onde “aquele que controla o coração da Ásia controla o mundo” no zeitgeist dos EUA.

Notavelmente, seu subtítulo era American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives (A Primazia Americana e seus Imperativos Geoestratégicos– NT). Brzezinski já tinha escrito no seu livro que, sem a Ucrânia, a Rússia nunca se tornaria a potência central; mas com a Ucrânia, a Rússia pode e faria. Assim, a doutrina de Mackinder, a máxima “Aquele que controla o coração”, foi codificada na “lei dos canhões” dos EUA – para nunca permitir um coração unido. E a Ucrânia passou a ser vista como a articulação em torno da qual girava o poder central.

Já faz tanto tempo que Brzezinski formulou originalmente a concepção de Mackinder que a diplomacia clássica murchou ☠️

💬 Por Alastair Crooke

#SC_Portuguese #Brzezinski #China #Kissinger #Mackinder #NewWorldOrder #UnitedStates

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