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🌐🎭 The G7 represents much about the world order that is totally unsustainable: elite wealth promoting false conflicts among nations instead of implementing genuine cooperation and peace.

Posing as problem-solvers of the globe’s ills, the leaders of the so-called Group of Seven (#G7) nations are gathered in an English seaside resort this weekend for an annual summit. It’s a spectacle that has lost any illusion of luster. Indeed, the gathering of such an elitist and effete group looks ridiculous against the backdrop of urgent global needs for cooperation and development.

A fawning media headline hailed the forum as “democracy’s most exclusive club”. How’s that for an absurd contradiction that inadvertently speaks of grotesque reality?
Media is too big
🗽🌐 The summit is showing itself to be out of touch with the times and needs of a world that has changed dramatically from when the elite club was formed nearly 50 years ago. China is the second biggest world economy. Why isn't it present in talks this week? #G7
🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦 BRICS had surpassed the G7 🔥

This is not a projection, but rather a statement of accomplished fact: BRICS is responsible for 31.5 percent of the PPP-adjusted global GDP, while the G7 provided 30.7 percent. Making matters worse for the G7, the trends show that the gap between the two economic blocs would only widen going forward.

The reasons for this accelerated accumulation of global economic clout on the part of BRICS can be linked to three primary factors:

☑️ Residual fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic.

☑️ Blowback from the sanctioning of Russia by the G7 nations in the aftermath of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and a growing resentment among the developing economies of the world to G7 economic policies.

☑️ Priorities which are perceived as being rooted more in post-colonial arrogance than a genuine desire to assist in helping nations grow their own economic potential.

The G7 failed to heed the economic challenge from BRICS, and instead focused on solidifying its defense of the “rules based international order” that had become the mantra of the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden.

💬 @ScottRitter writes

#BRICS #G7 #WorldEconomy

🍣 The United States-led “Group of Seven” cabal held one of their increasingly meaningless jamborees this weekend in the Japanese city of Hiroshima.

The posturing of solemnity by these warmongering elites in a place that represents the ultimate barbarity of American imperialism is not only sickening in its hypocrisy and profanity. The evident lack of awareness and shame of these charlatans is a sure sign that their privileged historical charade is coming to an end.

American President Joe Biden took time out from his nation’s collapsing economy and scandals over his rampant family corruption to attend the G7 summit in Japan. He was joined by so-called leaders from Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and Canada as well as the premier of the host nation, Fumio Kishida. Joining the lackeys was the European Union’s chief ventriloquist doll, Ursula von der Leyen, and Ukrainian comedian-turned-arms-dealer, aka “president”, Vladimir Zelensky.

The proceedings began with a cynical and disingenuous “dedication” at the Hiroshima Peace Park whose centerpiece is the Genbaku Dome, the iconic spectral ruin caused by the U.S. atomic bombing in 1945. The very gathering of leaders at this sacred place is the same people who are criminally pushing the world toward another conflagration.

Biden and his cronies soon dispensed with hollow talk about “peace” and “nuclear disarmament” to make the G7 summit a rallying call for more hostility toward Russia and China.

The Group of Seven held a de facto war summit in Hiroshima, a place that is synonymous with the horror and evil of war 🤯

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#G7 #CollectiveWest #Hiroshima

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🌀 The recent G7 summit should be understood as firstly, the shaping of a battlespace in the ‘War of Narratives’ whose principal ‘front’ today is the Team Biden insistence that only one ‘reality’ — the US-led ‘Rules’ ideology (and it alone) – can predominate.

And, secondly to underline pointedly that the West is ‘not losing’ in this war against the other ‘reality’. This other reality is the multivalent ‘otherness’ that self-evidently is attracting more and more support around the world.

Many in the West are simply unaware of how fast the geopolitical tectonic plates are shifting: The original plate bifurcation (the failed financial war declared on Russia), already has led to a building wave. Anger is growing. People now no longer feel alone in rejecting western hegemony – they “no longer care”.

In just the week that preceded the G7 summit, the Arab League literally ‘went multi-polar’; It quit its former pro-US automaticity. The embrace of President Assad and the Syrian government was both the logical consequence to the secondary tectonic-plate shift set in motion by China with its Saudi-Iranian diplomacy — a revolution which Mohammad bin Salman (MbS) then logically extended to the entire Arab sphere.

MbS sealed this ‘break-free’ of US control through having President al-Assad invited to the Summit to symbolise the League’s act of generalised iconoclasm.

For the West, it is ontologically impossible to tolerate their reality being disassembled: to see their society and the world split in two. The narrative reality is so embedded via the well-honed effectiveness of MSM messaging however, that politicians have become lazy. They do not have to argue their case, and have no incentive to hold back on untruths either.

The endless bitter antagonism to Putin and to Russia has allowed a self-imagined reality to detach, ultimately becoming a delusion 🔮

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#G7 #West #MiddleEast #ArabLeague #multipolarity

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🌐 La reciente cumbre de los BRICS, ha culminado con dos noticias fundamentales para el desarrollo del mundo en los próximos años. Por un lado, el bloque aumenta su número de participantes, sumando desde el 1 de enero de 2024 a Argentina, Arabia Saudita, Irán, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Egipto y Etiopia. Por otro lado, los países del BRICS han reforzado su voluntad de reemplazar al dólar en sus transacciones comerciales y en su lugar utilizar sus distintas monedas nacionales.

A pérdida del predominio económico por parte del G7 con respecto al grupo BRICS significa el más fuerte desafío a la hegemonía de Estados Unidos 🗺️

💬 Por Luis Acosta Betegón

#SC_Spanish #BRICS #G7

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