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🐻🦅 "Under an ubiquitous, toxic atmosphere of cognitive dissonance drenched in Russophobia, it’s absolutely impossible to have a meaningful discussion on finer points of Russian history and culture across the NATO space – a phenomenon I’m experiencing back in Paris right now, fresh from a long stint in Istanbul.

At best, in a semblance of civilized dialogue, Russia is pigeonholed in the reductionist view of a threatening, irrational, ever-expanding empire – a way more wicked version of Ancient Rome, Achaemenid Persia, Ottoman Turkey or Mughal India.

The fall of the USSR a little over three decades ago did hurl Russia back three centuries – to its borders in the 17th century. Russia, historically, had been interpreted as a secular empire – immense, multiple and multinational. This is all informed by history, very much alive even today in the Russian collective unconscious."

💬 Pepe Escobar writes:

#Russophobia #Ukraine #West

Physical aggression against Russian diplomats is now deemed “understandable” in the West, Robert Bridge writes.

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#Poland #Russophobia #Ukraine

🪆🌾 Can Russia be possibly portrayed as any more evil and monstrous than that, as per Western propaganda narratives of Russophobia?

In an incredible feat of hypocrisy, the United States and European Union are accusing Russia of using food exports and global hunger as a weapon.

Just when you think you’ve heard the most absurd smear, the Western powers outdo their own perverse ranting and Russophobia.

Previously, Russia has been accused of weaponizing energy trade and mass refugee flows in waging a dastardly “hybrid war” to “undermine Western democracies”.

😱 Oh, those evil, evil Russians! Cue the James Bond villain caricatures, please.

#Russophobia #Sanctions #Propaganda

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🚩 Winning their current Great Patriotic War is as crucial to today’s Russians as was winning those thrust on their forefathers in 1812 and 1941.

Because Ukraine is but one of several NATO fronts, victory in Ukraine does not ensure anything unless victory is also won in Russia’s economic and cultural wars as well. All these different fronts are, at day’s end, as one.

Think otherwise?

Just look at the most recent targets of the EU’s punitive sanctions 👀👇

💬 Read more by Declan Hayes

#Russophobia #Sanctions #CultureWar

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🇪🇺🇺🇦 The Western financial vultures are already deciding who gets what from what remains of the Ukrainian carcass, an exercise they are well practiced in.

It is now some five months since Russia embarked on its offensive to liberate the people of the Eastern Ukraine. At the outset, the outpouring of love and compassion for the Ukraine from the collective West was heartwarming. The mainstream media, fresh off their genocidal Covid complicity moved into high gear.

Russophobia on steroids was the “new thing” 🟤

All things Russian had to banned and of course, Putin was the new Hitler. The blogosphere was alight with a new topic with which the great and good could virtue signal their way into heaven. Ukrainian flags were seemingly everywhere and blue and yellow became the fashion item de jour. Western leaders were barging each other out of the way to decry Russia and proclaim their undying love and support for the Ukrainian people.

Of course, not all the Ukrainians, not the Russian speakers in the East who had been bombed and murdered relentlessly for the previous eight years, just the recently inconvenienced citizens who didn’t speak Russian. This selective compassion was on full display as all the Western puppet politicians went into full tough guy mode to try and look strong for an electorate that post Covid already widely despised them.

This Western love affair was alas all too brief for the Globalists, they had spent eight years trying to provoke Russia into an offensive, writes Eamon McKinney.

#EU #Ukraine #West #Russophobia

🌟 The SCO in Samarkand and the UN General Assembly have demonstrated how virtually the whole Global South outside of NATOstan does not demonize Russia.

Geopolitical tectonic plates are reelin’ and rockin’, and the sound is heard all around the world, as the twin baby bears DPR and LPR plus Kherson and Zaporozhye vote on their referendums. Irretrievable fact: by the end of next week Russia most certainly will be on the way to add over 100,000 km2 and over 5 million people to the Federation.

Denis Pushilin, head of the DPR, summed it all up: “We’re going home”.

The baby bears are coming to Mama 🐻

💬 By Pepe Escobar @rocknrollgeopolitics

#China #CSTO #Russophobia #SCO #UN

💢 European politicians are once again fueling war with their calumnies against Russia and their deliberate stoking of Nazi embers.

One would think, perhaps, that with a perilous war raging on the European continent, the European Union’s parliament might want to show some leadership in promoting diplomatic solutions to end that conflict.

No, not a bit of it 🌀

The European Parliament has shown itself again this week to be nothing more than a giant reactionary talking shop whose proclaimed democratic values have an inverse relationship to its copious chamber of 705 parliamentarians.

Only three years ago, the same parliament voted on a resolution that shamefully distorted the origins of the Second World War by trying to equate the Soviet Union with Nazi Germany.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#Russophobia #EU #NATO

🪆 Russia’s problem is not that the West does not understand Russia. The drama of Russia is that Russia does not understand the West 🤔

Thus, there emerges that continual consternation by Russian politicians at the (political) moves of the West at the global scene.

Russia is one great European nation whose elite fails to understand its position on the global scene and define itself in it in a rational and unique way. The inferiority complex, immaturity, naivety, conformism and even egoism are the permanent features of a substantial part of the Russian elite.

It is to do with that part of it, which seems to be refusing to grow up and cannot grasp the roots and depths of Russophobia in the West.

💬 By Tatiana Obrenovic

#Russia #West #geopolitics #Russophobia

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💢 It would be easy to dismiss American Senator Lindsey Graham for the buffoon that he undoubtedly is. His whining high-pitched voice is compensated by his affected macho talk and habitual hawkish support for U.S. militarism. There’s never been a war that the South Carolina Republican doesn’t enthusiastically support, like a giddy schoolgirl in a cheerleader go-go troupe. He’s a puffball figure with sociopathic tendencies.

On a visit to Kiev last Friday, Graham appeared to say in a video that military support for Ukraine and “dying Russians” was the best money the United States has ever spent.

There is an absolutely nefarious and cynical use of words by the Americans, British and other NATO powers. The Kiev regime is a vile reincarnation of Nazi ideology that has shown willingness and desire to deploy terrorism without bounds. Its Western sponsors are formulating deceptive rationales that are in effect an authorization to escalate a war of aggression on Russia. The conflict in Ukraine has ineluctably become an undeclared NATO war on Russia.

Lindsey Graham is of course a shame on the United States 🦅

The fact that Graham’s pernicious and disgraceful remarks barely caused any criticism from Western governments or media illustrates just how endemic and “normalized” is their Russophobia.

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#LindseyGraham #Russophobia

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