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🏰 With rapidly rising costs of living and the prospect of a winter without heat, anger against national governments is rapidly reaching breaking point.

European unity was always a questionable concept between a collection of diverse countries who have historically distrusted and disliked each other.

The strength of that always questionable unity is now being tested as the EU is facing its greatest challenge 🤞

The initial enthusiasm among EU leaders for the conflict with Russia has waned considerably in recent months as the reality of its ludicrous and self-destructive war on Russia continues to backfire spectacularly on them.

💬 Eamon McKinney writes

#Energy #EU #Germany #Globalism

⛽️ These Countries Account for Half of Global Natural Gas Consumption

Seven countries account for more than fifty percent of global natural gas consumption.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #gas #energy #naturalgas

🛢 Oil: Top Producers vs. Consumers

This inforgraphic shows the world’s top oil producers and consumers.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #oil #energy

🌫 These Countries Consume the Most Natural Gas Per Capita

The world consumes 45.4 cubic feet of natural gas per capita on the average, but for some countries this figure is much, much higher.

🔗 Follow this link to find the full high-res infographic.

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#sc_infographic #gas #energy #naturalgas

🪧 The price cap is a stupid policy implemented by people with a clear animus against humanity itself that they would drive the world to the brink of nuclear war.

It’s nothing more than the same scorched earth policy that’s been on display for years now.

If we can’t rule the world, we will burn it down 💥

All it’s really doing is accelerating the split between East and West. Russia is done with Europe. They have turned East and will wait for Europeans to come to their senses and find common ground. Both they and the Chinese realize now there is no return to normalcy without the West collapsing in a fit of rage.

💬 Read more by Tom Luongo

#EU #energy #sanctions

🌏 NATO today has progressed to war with Russia in a battlespace, which in 2023, may or may not stay limited to Ukraine.

Simply put the point is that the shift to ‘War’ (whether incremental or not) marks a fundamental transition from which there is no going back to ab initio — ‘war economies’ in essence, are structurally different to the ‘normal’ from which the West began, and to which it has grown accustomed over recent decades.

A war society — even if only partly mobilised — thinks and acts structurally differently from peacetime society.

War is not about gentlemanly conduct… either. Empathy for others is its first casualty — the latter being a requirement for sustaining a fighting spirit.

Yet, the carefully curated fiction in Europe and the US continues that nothing really has, or will ‘change’: we are in a temporary ‘blip’. That’s all💥

The China-Russia axis are lighting the fires of a structural insurrection against the West across much of the Rest of World. Its fires are aimed at ‘boiling the frog slowly’ — not just that of the dollar hegemony, but also that of a now uncompetitive western economy.

💬 Alastair Crooke writes

#Europe #West #China #Russia #war #energy #crisis

🦅 What does Libya, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan all have in common?

These are all countries which either have vast energy reserves – or are believed to have them but are untapped – and whose regimes don’t fall in line with U.S. hegemony and its American leaders’ demands.

Or, in other words, they are countries which have been invaded and bombed, or at the very least in the case of Iran sanctioned (which is a form of warfare) due to their resistance to let Uncle Sam have cut price oil and gas, which in some cases in effect is intended to be free.

And all these countries are a stain on U.S. hegemony and its floundering model, as they have all been failed interventions which have cost America dearly.

The theme is always the same for U.S. intervention as energy keeps coming up time and time again as the basis of its policies. And pipelines This word is really the one keyword which we see emerge repeatedly in this dark area of America’s post-war history.

🗨️ Read more by Martin Jay

#UnitedStates #imperialism #oil #energy

🛑 Almost every Western political leader in office today is a con artist who betrays democratic principles.

The Kiev regime has shown its true dirty colors in manifold ways. The persecution of the Orthodox Church, the renaming of streets to honor Nazi collaborators, the shuttering of opposition media and political parties in Ukraine, the unabashed calls by senior representatives for the killing of Russian leaders and extermination of ordinary Russian citizens… the list of profanity goes on.

Millions of Ukrainians have fled their country and are being put up rent-free across Europe not because of alleged “Russian aggression” but rather to escape the corruption of the Kiev regime – a regime that the American and European media declare to be “democratic” and worthy of hundreds of billions of dollars and euros in subsidies to prop up.

The United States and its imperial “Ukrainian project” have done immense damage to Europe as well as putting world security at grave risk.

The oil and gas scam, like the whole war and weapons scam, and the charade of the West “defending Ukrainian democracy”, will be the undoing of the Kiev regime. It might even be the eventual undoing of the Western regimes that have imposed this Kiev crime syndicate on the whole world.

Aesop’s fable of the frog and scorpion seems an apt metaphor for the bloated West and its incorrigibly nasty Kiev grifter 🐸🦂

💬 Read more in this week’s Editorial

#war #West #oil #gas #energy

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🇩🇪 Exorbitant prices for energy supplies and economic crisis which fell upon the Western Europe as a response to the EU sanctions against Russia have made many analysts cast a nostalgic look at the times bygone with Russian gas galore which contributed to German rapid economic development for decades.

An ever-growing number of politicians in Germany and EU want to turn the clock back to the way things used to be ‘pre-conflict in Ukraine’ days 🤫

💬 Read more by Tatiana Obrenovic

#Germany #EU #oil #gas #energy

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